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These are the winners of the Nobel Prize's goofy parody awards

The medicine prize was awarded to two groups who studied the science of smooching.

These are the winners of the Nobel Prize's goofy parody awards

The biology prize winner used chickens to figure out how dinosaurs walked.

The biology prize winner used chickens to figure out how dinosaurs walked.

Chickens are a close relative to the T. Rex, which researchers thought made them a good option for studying how dinosaurs may have roamed the Earth millions of years ago. So, scientists in Chile attached a wooden stick to the tails of chickens to see how the added weight might change how the animals walked. The birds with their centers of gravity shifted toward their rears walked in a similar way to how the researchers think two-legged dinosaurs like T. Rex may have walked.

The physiology and entomology prize went to studies of how badly insect stings hurt in different body parts.

The physiology and entomology prize went to studies of how badly insect stings hurt in different body parts.

Two brave souls allowed themselves to be stung by insects, for science. Researcher Justin Schmidt developed a pain index for how badly different insect stings hurt ranging from 0 (no pain) to 4 (excruciating pain). And scientist Michael Smith allowed bees to sting him on 25 different parts of his body to find the most painful (nostril, upper lip, and penis shaft) — yikes!

The physics award winners studied how long it takes animals to pee.

The physics award winners studied how long it takes animals to pee.

As it turns out, the length of time it takes a mammal to pee doesn't differ much between a puppy or an elephant. The amount of time it takes for the bladder to go from full to empty is about 21 seconds (give or take 13 seconds). To figure this out, researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology went to the Atlanta Zoo and captured an array of mammals heavier than 6.5 pounds peeing on video.

The chemistry prize went to scientists who found a way to "unboil" an egg.

The chemistry prize went to scientists who found a way to "unboil" an egg.

Scientists have done the seemingly impossible: take a cooked egg (white), and return it to its uncooked form. The key to their genius trick was pulling apart the tangled proteins in the egg white and getting them to lapse back into their original shape using a vortex device. And the findings even have practical value for drug development and food production.

Diagnostic medicine prize winners determining that acute appendicitis can be diagnosed based on how much pain a person feels while driving over speed bumps.

Diagnostic medicine prize winners determining that acute appendicitis can be diagnosed based on how much pain a person feels while driving over speed bumps.

If you have a sharp pain in your side, and you think it might be your appendix bursting, just drive over some speed bumps, say researchers in England who tested the diagnostic method out. The more pain you feel while driving over speed bumps, the more likely you are to have acute appendicitis — but be sure you're driving over speed bumps that are on the way to the hospital, just in case.

The economics prize went to a police force that bribed their own officers.

The economics prize went to a police force that bribed their own officers.

Bribery is a big problem among Thailand's police force, but the Bangkok Metropolitan Police found a creative solution: They offered to pay policemen extra money if they refused to accept bribes. It's just one of the goverment's efforts to restore order after the army took power in May 2014.

The mathematics award winners answered the question, "Could Sultan Moulay Ismaïl actually father 888 babies?"

The mathematics award winners answered the question, "Could Sultan Moulay Ismaïl actually father 888 babies?"

The winners of the mathematics prize took the time to figure out if Sultan Moulay Ismail, who ruled over Morocco from 1672 to 1727, was actually capable of being the father of 888 children, as legend has it. Using a mathematical algorithm, anthropologists Elisabeth Oberzaucher and Karl Grammer were able to figure out that Ismail would have been able to sire only 600 over a timespan of 32 reproductive years, which is still pretty impressive if you ask us!

The literature prize went to a researcher who figured out that “huh” exists in every language.

The literature prize went to a researcher who figured out that “huh” exists in every language.

Apparently there's a universal way to express that you haven't heard something: the word "huh." A team of Dutch researchers found that this word exists in at least 10 different languages around the world. The researchers don't think we're born saying "huh," but rather learn it from our fellow humans.

The management prize went to research on risk-taking CEOs.

The management prize went to research on risk-taking CEOs.

A study of CEOs who experienced disasters during their childhood found that the outcomes of these events affected their business strategies. CEOs who had no negative consequences from the disaster were more likely have an aggressive corporate strategy, whereas those who did experience consequences were more likely to behave conservatively when it came to doing business, giving new meaning to the phrase "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

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