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'The Hare Psychopathy Checklist': The test that will tell you if someone is a sociopath

1. Do you have "excess glibness" or superficial charm?

'The Hare Psychopathy Checklist': The test that will tell you if someone is a sociopath

2. Do you have a grandiose sense of self-worth?

2. Do you have a grandiose sense of self-worth?

(Psychopaths do.)

3. Do you have an excess need for stimulation or proneness to boredom?

3. Do you have an excess need for stimulation or proneness to boredom?

(Psychopaths can't endure periods of the doldrums.)

4. Are you a pathological liar?

4. Are you a pathological liar?

(Psychopaths don't care about the truth.)

5. Are you conning or manipulative?

5. Are you conning or manipulative?

(Psychopaths often believe they can pull the strings of the dupes around them.)

6. Do you display a lack of remorse or guilt?

6. Do you display a lack of remorse or guilt?

(Psychopaths don't feel bad when they do bad things.)

7. Do you have "shallow affect"?

7. Do you have "shallow affect"?

(Psychopaths show a lack of emotions when an emotional reaction is appropriate.)

8. Are you callous, or do you lack empathy?

8. Are you callous, or do you lack empathy?

(Psychopaths just don't care when bad things happen to other people.)

9. Do you have a "parasitic lifestyle"?

9. Do you have a "parasitic lifestyle"?

(Psychopaths prefer not to work for a living. They feel it is easier to take stuff from other people.)

10. Do you have poor behavioural controls?

10. Do you have poor behavioural controls?

(Psychopaths find it difficult to keep themselves in check.)

11. Do you have a history of promiscuous sexual behaviour?

11. Do you have a history of promiscuous sexual behaviour?

(Psychopaths like one-night stands.)

12. Do you have a history of early behavioural problems?

12. Do you have a history of early behavioural problems?

(As children, psychopaths often have a history of cruelty to others.)

13. Do you lack realistic long-term goals?

13. Do you lack realistic long-term goals?

(Psychopaths prefer crazy schemes over life or career goals.)

14. Are you overly impulsive?

14. Are you overly impulsive?

(Psychopaths are very, very impulsive.)

15. Do you have a high level of irresponsibility?

15. Do you have a high level of irresponsibility?

(Psychopaths aren't big on doing the right thing.)

16. Do you fail to accept responsibility for your own actions?

16. Do you fail to accept responsibility for your own actions?

(When you're a psycho, it's always someone else's fault.)

17. Have you had many short-term "marital" relationships?

17. Have you had many short-term "marital" relationships?

(Psychopaths have an inability to commit to, or repeatedly betray, long-term relationships.)

18. Do you have a history of juvenile delinquency?

18. Do you have a history of juvenile delinquency?

(Psychopaths start young.)

19. Have you ever experienced a "revocation of conditional release"?

19. Have you ever experienced a  "revocation of conditional release"?

(Even when psychopaths catch a break — like being let out of prison on probation — they tend to screw up.)

20. Do you display "criminal versatility"?

20. Do you display "criminal versatility"?

(Psychopaths differ from normal criminals because they don't really care which type of laws they break — they'll break any of them, under the right circumstances.)

How did you do?

If you scored more than 30 (i.e. you answered "somewhat" or "definitely" to most of these questions) then you might be a psychopath.

If you scored lower than that — breathe easy. You're normal.

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