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The 11 best ways to eat healthy this Thanksgiving, according to a dietitian

Before you arrive: Don't starve yourself.

The 11 best ways to eat healthy this Thanksgiving, according to a dietitian

To start: Keep your appetizers light.

To start: Keep your appetizers light.

To counter getting stuffed on heavy appetizers, go for the lighter fare, such as fresh veggies, salads, chips and fresh salsa, or a vegetable-based soup like butternut squash soup.

Make sure your plate is colorful and full of veggies.

Make sure your plate is colorful and full of veggies.

A good rule for filling up your plate at a buffet, says Sasson, is to keep it heavy on the vegetables. If you can, try to choose from an array of fresh, grilled, or roasted vegetables like beets, carrots, brussels sprouts, or cauliflower. Turkey is can also be a healthy part of the Thanksgiving meal, but opt for meat with no skin.

Keep starchy veggies to the size of an ice cream scoop

Keep starchy veggies to the size of an ice cream scoop

And although it might be tempting to load up your plate with starchy mashed or sweet potatoes potatoes, try to keep the starch-heavy vegetables to the size of an ice cream scoop, leaving room for other nutrient-dense produce.

Avoid heavy traditional recipes when you can.

Avoid heavy traditional recipes when you can.

Many classic Thanksgiving recipes feature hefty amounts of added sugar and cream, so either avoid them if you can, or if you're cooking yourself, try a lighter option. For example, add more vegetables to stuffing, use milk instead of heavy cream, or maybe plop fewer marshmallows on top of your sweet potatoes.

If you're not hosting, offer to bring some healthy dishes that you enjoy.

If you

If you're not cooking, Sasson says, "bring what you want to eat." Consider showing up with a plate of roasted vegetables or a winter fruit salad.

Try not to drink your calories.

Try not to drink your calories.

It might be tempting to sip on cider throughout the meal, but if you're looking to trim excess calories, limit the amount of sugary or alcoholic beverages you consume at Thanksgiving. Try having one glass of cider, for example, and sipping on water or seltzer during the rest of the meal, Sasson said.

At dessert, go for the healthier options, which (surprisingly) include pumpkin pie!

At dessert, go for the healthier options, which (surprisingly) include pumpkin pie!

It's Thanksgiving, so there will most likely be pumpkin pie at your meal. Sasson's tip for making (or eating) a bit healthier at dessert? If you're baking, try cutting out the pie crust so that it's all about the filling (for example, make an apple cobbler with a crumble on top, so you still get all the apple goodness). If you're just eating, leave the crust behind.

After the meal: Move around.

After the meal: Move around.

After the meal, don't forget to move. Take a refreshing stroll outside; play a game of football in the yard, or walk, cycle, or take public transport home if it's safe to do so.

Whatever happens, enjoy the holiday.

Whatever happens, enjoy the holiday.

The important thing with Thanksgiving is to have a good time with family and friends. As far as eating goes, it's important to enjoy the holiday and remember that it's just one day out of the year, Sasson said. It just might mean being more mindful about what you eat on Friday or over the weekend.

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