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What The Human Face Might Look Like 100,000 Years From Now

TODAY: Here is a photo of a normal-looking man and woman today.

What The Human Face Might Look Like 100,000 Years From Now

20,000 YEARS FROM NOW: Humans will have a larger head to accommodate a bigger brain. The human face will not have changed much from today, except that the forehead will be noticeably too large. A yellow ring around the subjects' eyes represents a lens from the Google Glass of the future.

20,000 YEARS FROM NOW: Humans will have a larger head to accommodate a bigger brain. The human face will not have changed much from today, except that the forehead will be noticeably too large. A yellow ring around the subjects

60,000 YEARS FROM NOW: The human head will be even larger. The eyes will also be bigger, which may be preferable for exploring the dimmer environments of space. Humans will elect to have darker skin and thicker eyelids to protect them from more harmful UV radiation outside of Earth's ozone layer.

60,000 YEARS FROM NOW: The human head will be even larger. The eyes will also be bigger, which may be preferable for exploring the dimmer environments of space. Humans will elect to have darker skin and thicker eyelids to protect them from more harmful UV radiation outside of Earth

100,000 YEARS FROM NOW: The face will be proportioned so that it adheres to the "golden ratio" and maintains perfect symmetry. Humans will have giant eyes and wider nostrils.

100,000 YEARS FROM NOW: The face will be proportioned so that it adheres to the "golden ratio" and maintains perfect symmetry. Humans will have giant eyes and wider nostrils.

America will also look very different in the future.

America will also look very different in the future.

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