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The best astronomy photos of the year have set a 'jaw-dropping standard'

Late last year, Comet Siding Spring flew closer to the red planet Mars than any other comet in recorded history. And German photographer Sebastian Voltmer caught it on camera: Mars is extremely bright in this photo because of Voltmer's exposure settings and you can just make out the white tail of Comet Siding Spring located left of Mars.

The best astronomy photos of the year have set a 'jaw-dropping standard'

Italy-based photographer Paolo Porcellana caught this solar prominence leaping across the face of our sun. Porcellana is also founder of the YouTube channel Backyard Astronomy, which features astronomy videos from amateurs and professionals.

Italy-based photographer Paolo Porcellana caught this solar prominence leaping across the face of our sun. Porcellana is also founder of the YouTube channel Backyard Astronomy, which features astronomy videos from amateurs and professionals.

Check out Paolo Porcellana's Backyard Astronomy YouTube channel.

Earlier this year, comet C/2014 Q2, also called Comet Lovejoy, passed close to Earth, making it one of the brightest comets in the night sky at that time. This photo was taken by 15-year-old George Martin, earning him first place in the contest's "Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year" category.

Earlier this year, comet C/2014 Q2, also called Comet Lovejoy, passed close to Earth, making it one of the brightest comets in the night sky at that time. This photo was taken by 15-year-old George Martin, earning him first place in the contest

This photo, by Australia-based photographer Jamen Percy, is a breathtaking spectacle of the Northern lights against a snow-covered hill. Percy is an Aurora Borealis expert and leads tours dedicated to "giving you the best possible chances of seeing the Northern lights." Learn more on his website, provided beneath this photo.

This photo, by Australia-based photographer Jamen Percy, is a breathtaking spectacle of the Northern lights against a snow-covered hill. Percy is an Aurora Borealis expert and leads tours dedicated to "giving you the best possible chances of seeing the Northern lights." Learn more on his website, provided beneath this photo.

Learn more about Jamen Percy and his tours at

This rural setting in Sunset Peak on Lantau Island, Hong Kong is a stark contrast to hustle and bustle we usually attribute to one of the most densely-populated metropolises. Here, Hong Kong-based photographer Chap Him Wong has exposed his camera long enough to catch the motion of stars as they move across the sky.

This rural setting in Sunset Peak on Lantau Island, Hong Kong is a stark contrast to hustle and bustle we usually attribute to one of the most densely-populated metropolises. Here, Hong Kong-based photographer Chap Him Wong has exposed his camera long enough to catch the motion of stars as they move across the sky.

Check out some of Chap Him Wong's other photos on National Geographic.

Michael van Doorn is a photographer based in the Netherlands who snapped this amazing shot of the Pinwheel Galaxy (or M33), which floats in space 3 million light years from Earth. That means the light that Doorn has immortalized in this award-winning photo is over 3 million years old. One of the contest judges said "This is one of the best images — amateur or professional — of Messier 33 that I've ever seen."

Michael van Doorn is a photographer based in the Netherlands who snapped this amazing shot of the Pinwheel Galaxy (or M33), which floats in space 3 million light years from Earth. That means the light that Doorn has immortalized in this award-winning photo is over 3 million years old. One of the contest judges said "This is one of the best images — amateur or professional — of Messier 33 that I

See more of Michael van Doorn work on his website

Omega Centauri is a tightly-knit collection of stars, called a globular cluster. This particular cluster — shown in photo taken by Argentina-based astrophotographer Ignacio Diaz Bobillo below — is the largest of its kind in the Milky Way Galaxy and measures about 150 light-years across.

Omega Centauri is a tightly-knit collection of stars, called a globular cluster. This particular cluster — shown in photo taken by Argentina-based astrophotographer Ignacio Diaz Bobillo below — is the largest of its kind in the Milky Way Galaxy and measures about 150 light-years across.

See more of Ignacio Diaz Bobillo's beautiful work on his website

Photographer Lefteris Velissaratos, who is based in Greece, calls this photo "The Arrow Missed the Heart." In the foreground you see what appears to be Comet Lovejoy streaking across a part of the sky where the more-distant "Heart Nebula," which lies 7,500 light-years from Earth.

Photographer Lefteris Velissaratos, who is based in Greece, calls this photo "The Arrow Missed the Heart." In the foreground you see what appears to be Comet Lovejoy streaking across a part of the sky where the more-distant "Heart Nebula," which lies 7,500 light-years from Earth.

Check out more of Lefteris Velissaratos's star-studded, celestial photos on his Flickr page.

UK-based photographer David Tolliday offers a glorious glimpse at both the Orion nebula at the center of the photo and what is often referred to as the "Running man" nebula toward the top. Tolliday is primarily a wildlife photographer but he clearly has an eye for astrophotography, too.

UK-based photographer David Tolliday offers a glorious glimpse at both the Orion nebula at the center of the photo and what is often referred to as the "Running man" nebula toward the top. Tolliday is primarily a wildlife photographer but he clearly has an eye for astrophotography, too.

See more of David Tolliday's work on his website

Hungary-based photographer András Papp took this award-winning shot of our moon. One of the judges described this photo as: "The perfect symmetry of this half-moon shot gives it a very striking appearance and the combination of crisp detail on the sunlit side and the faint glow of reflected Earth-light on the dark side is very impressive."

Hungary-based photographer András Papp took this award-winning shot of our moon. One of the judges described this photo as: "The perfect symmetry of this half-moon shot gives it a very striking appearance and the combination of crisp detail on the sunlit side and the faint glow of reflected Earth-light on the dark side is very impressive."

Read more about this photo by András Papp on the Royal Museums Greenwich website.

Only a few places in the world had the chance to see the total solar eclipse that took place on March 20, 2015. French photographer Luc Jamet won the contest's overall grand prize of £2,500 ($3,800) for this shot of the eclipse, which he took in Norway seconds after totality had begun. One of the judges said "It is one of those heart-stoppingly beautiful shots for which you feel grateful to the photographer for sharing such an exceptional moment."

Only a few places in the world had the chance to see the total solar eclipse that took place on March 20, 2015. French photographer Luc Jamet won the contest

Learn more about this top prize photo on the Royal Museums Greenwich website.

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