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20,000-year-old footprints show humans have been in the Americas longer than previously thought, scientists say

Jenny McGrath   

20,000-year-old footprints show humans have been in the Americas longer than previously thought, scientists say
  • In 2021, researchers dated ancient human footprints in New Mexico to at least 20,000 years ago.
  • Some scientists took issue with the researchers' methods.

In White Sands National Park, New Mexico, mingled among tracks of mammoths, ground sloths, and other ancient animals, researchers found human footprints.

They dated the prints in 2021 to between 20,000 and 23,000 years ago.

For decades, experts thought humans first arrived in the Americas around 14,000 years ago. The footprints — and other recent evidence — push back the date of human arrival by thousands of years.

"It was kind of a big deal and earth-shattering and rocked the world of the archaeologists," Kathleen Springer, a scientist with the US Geological Survey, told The Washington Post.

Some scientists, however, were skeptical, both about the age of the prints and the method used to date them. Now some of the original researchers say they've done more tests to verify the age.

The controversy of the White Sands footprints

In the 2021 paper, scientists from the National Parks Service, US Geological Survey, and other institutions dated seeds from an aquatic ditchgrass, found between sediment layers containing the footprints.

They used a classic technique called radiocarbon dating which involves measuring the amount of carbon remaining after a dead organism based on the rate at which carbon isotopes decay.

Some scientists who were skeptical of the footprints' age pointed out that the seeds may contain more ancient carbon sources than the contemporary atmosphere.

Aquatic plants may absorb carbon from groundwater that didn't come in contact with the atmosphere for long periods of time, and thus radiocarbon dating makes them appear older than they really were.

Or, the seeds may have made their way into the footprints from another site where they were preserved thousands of years earlier.

More evidence for the footprints' age

For the most recent paper, published this month in the journal Science, Springer, Jeff Pigati, and other co-authors set out to settle the debate. They radiocarbon dated pollen grains from conifer plants in the area.

In addition, they used another technique, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), to date the sediment.

With OSL, the researchers looked at grains, such as quartz, to see when they were last exposed to light. Both the recent radiocarbon dating and the OSL were consistent with the footprints being between 21,000 and 23,000 years old.

Taken together, the data from the latest study "strongly indicate human presence in the Americas" around 20,000 years ago, archaeologist Bente Philippsen who wasn't involved with the latest study, wrote in an article in Science accompanying the paper.

But Loren Davis, a professor of anthropology at Oregon State University, would like to see more evidence before accepting the footprints' age.

"I unfortunately don't share their conclusions that they have resolved the issue of timing of when people were making these footprints," he told NPR.

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