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Humans created a new top predator that's taking over the Northeast - but that's just one example of the evolution we're driving

Bedbugs are becoming a new species of nightmare insects.

Humans created a new top predator that's taking over the Northeast - but that's just one example of the evolution we're driving

Two distinct species of mice are mating and their hybrid mice pups are immune to pesticides.

Two distinct species of mice are mating and their hybrid mice pups are immune to pesticides.

Sometime in the past 50 years, wandering Europeans brought together the Algerian mouse (Mus spretus) and the common house mouse (Mus musculus), and miraculously, their mice pups were fertile.

The hybrid mice can’t be killed by pesticides — they inherited a chunk of genes from their Algerian parents that makes them immune to the poison warfarin.

Clepto sea slugs steal genes from their food and incorporate them into their own DNA.

Clepto sea slugs steal genes from their food and incorporate them into their own DNA.

When food in the chilly coastal waters where they live runs scarce, the bright green sea slug snatches chunks of DNA from the algae they eat. That DNA, coupled with tiny energy-producing powerhouses called chloroplasts, let the slugs to survive on nothing but sunshine for days.

And the algae genes have been getting passed onto the next slug generation via a process known as horizontal gene transfer. So far, these sea slugs are one of the only known examples of this process occurring between multicellular organisms.

Humans created a new top predator that is taking over the Northeast.

Humans created a new top predator that is taking over the Northeast.

A new hybrid of the coyote and the wolf, or coywolf, that first emerged in the last few decades is taking over the Northeastern US. Experts say they're here because human farming and hunting practices drove wolves north and coyotes east.

Roughly two-thirds of the coywolves’ DNA is from wolves, while another quarter is from coyotes. The remainder is from domesticated dogs.

But nothing about these animals is domestic: They’re bigger than either their wolf or coyote ancestors, and they're social, like wolves, meaning they hunt in packs. According to a new article from The Economist, their population likely just topped a million.

Bacteria have evolved to outsmart our antibiotics — and we’re on the cusp of an “apocalyptic scenario."

Bacteria have evolved to outsmart our antibiotics — and we’re on the cusp of an “apocalyptic scenario."

Some of our deadliest infections are resistant to our strongest drugs: The bacteria have, genetically speaking, outsmarted us.

Those with traits that allow them to survive in antibiotic-rich environments pass them onto future generations, making each successive strain more resistant to our drugs. It's a growing problem: A recent report estimates that antibiotic-resistant bacteria could kill up to 10 million people worldwide each year by 2050.

Humans have used artificial selection to create crazy specific dog breeds.

Humans have used artificial selection to create crazy specific dog breeds.

There’s nothing “natural” about the silky-smooth fur, distinctive coloring, or even the friendly personality we’ve come to associate with man’s best friend.

Over the past 150 years, humans have been artificially selecting ("breeding") dogs that look a certain way to create the animals we now keep as pets. And our actions can be seen in the doggie genome, where at least 155 different regions show evidence of strong recent selection for things like skin wrinkling to size and coat type.

Stray dogs that have left human care are evolving more wolf-life traits.

Stray dogs that have left human care are evolving more wolf-life traits.

Although dogs separated from their wolf ancestor around 18,000 years ago, several new groups of pups that are more genetically similar to wolves have begun to show up around the world sometime within the past 150 years.

It's a good example of what happens when a strong evolutionary pressure, like humans' intensive practice of breeding dogs for favorable traits, is suddenly removed. Stray dogs in Moscow, for example, who've been living largely separate from humans for the past several hundred years, have evolved to be expert beggars.

Moths living around dirty humans evolved darker wings to blend into their sooty surroundings.

Moths living around dirty humans evolved darker wings to blend into their sooty surroundings.

When humans started pumping their air full of pollutants during the Industrial Revolution, that dark soot fell on trees, darkening their bark and endangering the pale peppered moth, who’d easily be picked out by predators on a shadowy tree. Over several generations, as the lightest moths were eaten and the darker moths tended to survive, the majority of moths in the region became dark.

Hello, natural selection.

Today, most moths have returned to their original off-white color: Pollution control laws of the 1970s made dark moths more prone to getting eaten again.

A special fish managed to beat the toxic pollution of New York City’s dirtiest river.

A special fish managed to beat the toxic pollution of New York City’s dirtiest river.

When New Yorkers started dumping PCBs (a type of industrial toxin) in the Hudson River in 1929, they wiped out a large majority of its wildlife.

But at least one species survived — and thrived. Over the span of a few decades (PCBs were banned in 1979) a fish called the tomcod evolved to resist the poison via natural selection.

Fish with a special set of genes that make a key poison-shielding protein were the only critters to survive the toxic onslaught. They, in turn, passed their protective genes onto their offspring. Happy fishing!

An evil-looking amphibian took over Australia's east coast, harming other plants and wildlife.

An evil-looking amphibian took over Australia

About 75 years ago, the Australian sugar bureau decided to lug a handful of South American cane toads from Hawaii to Australia with the idea that they'd rid the country of the sugar-cane-devouring cane beetle.

On their new continent, where they lacked their natural predators, the toad population immediately exploded. Experts think it was because they passed favorable traits like longer legs and a better ability to hop quickly to their progeny.

A pest that thrives on one of our favorite foods is developing immunity to the toxins we use to keep it at bay.

A pest that thrives on one of our favorite foods is developing immunity to the toxins we use to keep it at bay.

We grow corn in massive quantities, making powerful pesticides necessary to kill of pests that feed on the increasingly vulnerable plant.

This practice has spurned genetically stronger pests.

When the western corn rootworm, for example, developed a resistance to the chief pesticide in Monsanto's GMO corn (a gene designed to produce a special protein to destroy the worm's digestive tract), the company responded by switching up the pesticide in its corn to another type of protein. The worms evolved to resist it that as well.

Plants developed perfect bird perches to lure their potential pollinators.

Plants developed perfect bird perches to lure their potential pollinators.

The birds that typically polinate this South African flower, called the Babiana, are relatively scarce in the western portion of the country, and they avoid the ground, where they make easy prey for predators.

Natural selection favored the versions of this low-lying plant that featured stems shooting upwards from the ground — skittish, gupsiround-shy birds would perch on those plants to feed, and the pollinated upside-down plants outlived the non-pollinated stemless plants.

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