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Lead a happy healthy life in 2016 in just 30 simple steps!


This will make you realise all the things you want to do before 70 and will unleash the child hidden within you. You will never lose focus or get bored with life.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you all the essential nutrients to live another day on this earth. Skipping breakfast will make your body a home for liver, kidney, blood and digestion problems in your old age.

Once in a while feel good about yourself. This never goes old when it comes to mental peace.

You are responsible for what you SAY and not what others THINK you are saying!

This hinders your regular sleep pattern and bowel movement. You will wake up with severe headache the next morning.

This is the true meaning of living a healthy life.

You cannot hurt someone more with anything else than harsh words. Words are the expression of your feelings and once it is out, you cannot retract. So, learn to forgive before you retort back.

Sit down, take a while, chew your food well and relish your delicious food. It helps in better digestion and bowel movement.

They are jealous as they cannot compete with you. All they can do is burn in envy as they cannot accept the fact that they can never beat you.

There's a reason why we use the adjective bright with sunny weather. Sunshine means everything happy and warm. If philosophy doesn't attract you, here goes the scientific reason. You need Vitamin D and your skin has it but it cannot be disintegrated without UV rays. So go out in the sun and stay healthy.

There cannot be a more precious gift than the gift of happiness. Spread happiness as much as you can. It won't cost you anything.

I know onion is not a favourite vegetable for most of us. But apart from its many health benefits, eating raw onion at dinner also helps you in having a good night's sleep.

Start you day with a full stomach. A hungry stomach only makes you cranky and slows you down through the day.

Stop caring about what other people would say about you and what they would think of you. If you want to shout out loud and say "I am an idiot", do so freely if that is what it takes to vent out your frustrations.

Water is the best ingredient of a healthy life. If you eat, you also need to flush out the toxins from your body. Drinking enough water also makes you glow.

Don't be greedy. Greed only makes you want more and more and never ever you are satisfied. Try giving that last buck to someone who needs it more and walk back home instead of taking a ride.

Immediately after a workout, your blood circulation is the maximum. Eating then would only make your digestion weak and the hours of workout will go down the waste.

Smile an everlasting smile. Laugh like this is your last laugh. You cannot be happier.

You only get to see the results, not the journey of the other person. So never compare your 'difficult' journey with the 'easy' journey of others.

Do not forget the bad hangover that makes you dizzy the next morning. Dehydration comes with it too.

Disagreeing helps you to see other perspectives and angles to the story.

Negative thoughts only makes you focus on what cannot happen. How can you go ahead in life if you do not realise what can happen!

True to every letter. They do not have the courage to tell you upfront your faults as they know they are false claims. Criticisms are said upfront, not behind backs.

It is extremely important to shut down the world for 7 to 9 hours every night and give yourself some sound sleep.

Healthy food is the secret to healthy life. Well cooked food is the secret of healthy food.

Gossiping only fills you with negative energy. Like they say- Mediocre discuss other people, good discuss achievements and great people discuss ideas.

Your biggest competitor should be 'you a minute ago'. This brings out your greatest potential.

Enough can never be said about the role of fibre in leading a healthy life. Fibre is like its golden rule. Apart from digestion, healthy skin and healthy fat, fibre is the force by which you can survive a stressful day. Start you day with a fibre rich breakfast.

Sit in silence every day, at least for 10 minutes. This helps in focusing at your work and stay in the track of your goals.
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