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We're struggling to fill our child's Ritalin prescription. The Adderall shortage has caused a domino effect.

Rachel Garlinghouse   

We're struggling to fill our child's Ritalin prescription. The Adderall shortage has caused a domino effect.
  • My child takes Ritalin for ADHD, and we hadn't had issues finding meds until last week.
  • The Adderall shortage is making doctors prescribe other medications, causing a domino effect.

My heart sank when I learned in October about the nationwide Adderall shortage, one of the many stimulants a person with ADHD can be prescribed. But I was also relieved that my own kids — including one who needs stimulants to function at school, at home, and during extracurricular activities — weren't taking Adderall.

Relieved until last week, that is, when we called our children's pediatrician to ask for a med refill, as we must do every month. They promptly sent the prescription for Ritalin to our pharmacy. Then we were notified by the pharmacy that it didn't have enough pills for our child's 30-day supply. The wild-goose chase began.

We started searching pharmacies near us

The closest pharmacy that did have the medication was 45 minutes from our home. Each pharmacy has its own hours — some of which don't align with our availability to get the medication. We then began searching for the medication at pharmacies in our neighboring state, where my husband works. After five phone calls, he was able to find a pharmacy close to his job that could fill the full prescription that day.

Insurance companies and the law don't allow us to fill the prescription more than a few days in advance. Stimulants are on the list of controlled substances because of their potential for abuse or addiction. This sounds frightening to some, but for those who are neurodivergent and require stimulants to function day-to-day, going even a single day without their medication can have dire consequences.

I know we aren't alone. The CDC found that approximately 9.8% of children aged 3 to 17 have an ADHD diagnosis. On average, about 59% of children take medication for their ADHD. The Mayo Clinic says that "stimulant drugs are the most commonly prescribed medications for ADHD," and work to "boost and balance levels of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters." The result is improvement in symptoms "of inattention and hyperactivity."

My kid needs their meds to function

Some people have asked us why we don't just treat our child's ADHD naturally, eliminating the need to hunt down stimulants every month.

The reality is that a child cannot be disciplined or motivated out of ADHD. Though we adhere to an artificial-dye-free diet, prioritize exercise, limit screen time, and ensure we're getting a good night's sleep, ADHD remains. There is currently no cure for ADHD — just management, commonly through therapy, school educational plans, and stimulants.

Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a neuropsychologist at Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services in New York City, said that due to the shortage of Adderall, "a lot of patients are being prescribed other stimulants." This certainly explains why we struggled to find the stimulant our child takes.

Hafeez noted that patients with ADHD who take stimulants shouldn't skip "cognitive remediation and behavioral therapy," which can help improve symptoms as well.

When our child doesn't have their medication, we see dramatic changes, including mood dysregulation, sleep disturbance, an inability to learn, extreme hyperfocus, and an overall inability to perform basic functions.

All parents want their children to be healthy and happy. For many kids with ADHD, stimulants provide the necessary boost. But each month, we're left scrambling, wondering if meds will be available or if we'll be forced to change a prescription or go without.

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