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  5. We need to know how to have sex in space, scientists say. Here’s why it will be so hard, but so important.

We need to know how to have sex in space, scientists say. Here’s why it will be so hard, but so important.

Kate Hull   

We need to know how to have sex in space, scientists say. Here’s why it will be so hard, but so important.
  • No one has ever had sex in space, but that may soon change.
  • "Space sexology" or "astrosexology" is a growing field that studies sex in space.

As far as we know, no one has had sex in space. But with the advent of space tourism, that could soon change.

Now some researchers are arguing that we need to make the study of extraterrestrial intimacy and sexuality, also known as "space sexology" or "astrosexology," a priority.

In a new study published on July 14 in the journal Current Sexual Health Reports, authors Simon Dubé, a researcher at the Kinsey Institute, and Maria Santaguida, a PhD candidate at Concordia University, examined all the research on sexuality in space in the last five years, and concluded that space sexuality urgently needs more attention and research.

"There is a harmful misconception that research in space sexology is not urgent or important," Dubé told Insider. "At the moment, space organizations are seemingly waiting for problems to arise, rather than proactively ensuring we have the necessary knowledge to allow the safe, full expression of human eroticism in space. This must change now."

Space sex will be crucial if we want to become a multiplanetary species

Although no one has had sex in space yet, this basic human function must be taken into consideration if humans are to become a "a multiplanetary species fully independent from earth," said Santaguida.

Aspects of space, like radiation and changes in gravity, could make sex — and reproduction — very challenging for people, the researchers said. Plus, there's "the stress of living in an isolated, confined, and extreme environment with a limited number of people for an extended period of time," Dubé said. All these issues, he argues, need to be addressed in order for us to live among the stars.

Ultimately, sex is just plain critical to human health. "Beyond its health and relational benefits, sexual activities could help people live happily in space and normalize spacelife," Dubé and Santaguida note in the paper.

Space sex will come with some logistical challenges

The mechanics of getting hot and heavy in space could be prove difficult when you're weightless, and will require experimentation. Vanna Bonta's 2suit is one example of an innovation the authors point to — a nifty contraption that allows users to Velcro and zip themselves up next to their partner for sex. But preventing your partner from floating away mid-coitus isn't the only problem.

A lack of gravity could also affect the physiology of sex. There is evidence that people with penises are still able to get erections in space, but the changes in environment could create additional challenges with arousal, lubrication and blood flow.

Even sex toys need to be suited for space. In the paper, authors advise that "such products should be light, discrete, easily cleaned and produce little to no waste."

Sex in space hasn't happened yet, but that could soon change

Santaguida said that it's "hard to say," whether people will have sex in space anytime soon, "but with the rapid advent of space tourism – such as commercial spaceflights, orbital stations, and space hotels – the clock is ticking."

Given that, Dubé notes that "the current lack of research on humans was unexpected and extremely concerning."

Lack of research into sex could be for many reasons, he says, including "conservative sexual norms, not wanting to spend taxpayers' or investors' money on sex-related topics, or simply that this issue was not considered a priority in the past."

Insider also noted that NASA seemed "a little prudish" about the subject in 2016.

But NASA may be changing its attitude. In a 2022, NASA told that "should a future need for more in-depth study on reproductive health in space be identified, NASA would take the appropriate steps."

Santaguida and Dubé argue that, without a doubt, studying space sex and reproduction is critical. According to Santaguida, "the future of our spacefaring civilization depends on space sexology."

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