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The muscles that running works — and how to protect them from injury

Molly Glick   

The muscles that running works — and how to protect them from injury
  • Running mostly works muscles in the lower body like the glutes, hamstrings, and quads.
  • Running also works core muscles like the obliques and rectus abdominis.
  • To prevent muscle injury, it's important to strengthen and stretch them.
  • This article was medically reviewed by Audrey Springer, RRCA certified running coach, BS in Exercise Science, and fitness instructor at Relentless Runners in Knoxville, TN.

While running is primarily thought of as a cardiovascular workout, it also works muscles throughout the body. From our shoulders to big toes, running is a full-body workout.

Here are the primary muscle groups that work together to propel you on a run — and exercises to help protect them from injury.


The quads are composed of four muscles at the front of the thigh: the vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris. Three of them work together so you can extend your knee during each stride.

Of the four muscles, the rectus femoris is often what contributes to running injury. This muscle crosses the hip joint, meaning it's also a key muscle for bending the hip.

So when the rectus femoris gets tight, it restricts hip motion. To compensate, people may swing the leg far in front of them and use the hip flexors to advance forward. This can cause overuse and pain in the front of the hip.

"Basically, it's gonna slow you down and make you feel like your legs are quite heavy when you're too quad-dominant," says Robyn Pester, MS, ATC, CSCS, an Oregon physical therapist and the founder of Runner's Rehab Fix.

Proper running technique requires that the foot is directly aligned with the pelvis when it strikes the ground to run most efficiently.

How to prevent injury

When stretching, it's crucial to consider the quads along with the entire front of the hip so you can ensure you're stretching the rectus femoris. To begin, try laying on your side and pulling one foot to your glutes.

You can also begin at a half-kneel, tucking the pelvis underneath you, and pulling the foot to your glutes. For a more advanced version, try the same at a standing position and remember to tuck the pelvis.

Pester also recommends regularly foam-rolling the quads, while adding movements like flexing, extending, and rotating the leg — these small additions will help build overall stability during runs.

Hip flexors

The hip flexors help drive us forward, so sprinters need especially powerful ones to accelerate down the track. There are five hip flexor muscles, four of which are located at the pelvis.

The iliopsoas is the most notorious, Pester says, because it is commonly weak and associated with hip pain. This specific hip flexor runs from the lower back to the hip and is critical in stabilizing the back whenever you're sitting or standing upright.

You need to maintain a balance of strength between the hip flexors, glutes, and hamstrings, otherwise you can overuse the former and end up with strain in the front of the hip, most likely the iliopsoas. In that case, it doesn't help to stretch an already overworked muscle, Pester says. Instead, look for positions that work the glutes and hamstrings, as well.

How to prevent injury

A helpful stretch for tight hip flexors:

  1. Get into a half-kneeling position
  2. Tuck your pelvis underneath you
  3. Lean forward from your hip
  4. Bring the arm from that side overhead and breath deeply

Hold for 30 seconds and repeat two to three times.


These muscles attach to the pelvis and run down to the back of the knee. The hamstrings primarily help with bending the knee while running, Pester says, but they also assist with hip extension.

When a runner lacks proper hip extension, they can overuse the hamstrings and develop a condition called tendinopathy, where the tendons in the muscle begin to break down. Tendinopathy in the lower body is highly common in regular runners, Pester says. Symptoms include swelling and pain around the affected muscles and bones.

If you think you have tendinopathy, it's best not stretch the already worn-out muscle. Instead, you should consider consulting a physical therapist to determine the root of the cause. They may have you try the pelvic tilt exercise to assess whether you feel pain from the front, back, or either side of your body. In that case, it could mean your form is off and you're leaning your pelvis in a certain direction. Pester says that strengthening your core should help.


The calves are composed of two primary muscles: the larger gastrocnemius and the soleus beneath it. These help you push your feet off the ground during each stride.

When hip flexors are tight or the glutes are weak, the calves will kick in to help push you off the ground. This can cause overuse and injury.

Mishandling the calves can affect surrounding tissues and reduce ankle mobility, provoking injuries like:

How to prevent injury

You can increase calf flexibility using a slant board. Try to maintain your running posture and stretch for three minutes on this device, Pester says. If you feel pinching in the front of the joint, you may have a related joint dysfunction at the hip or ankle and the stretch is therefore ineffective. In that case, you may need to see a sports therapist.

If you don't have a slant board, you can still stretch the calves:

  1. Place your hands against a wall.
  2. Push off with the back leg while driving your big toe into the ground.
  3. To intensify this move, stick a door wedge under the big toe.

Hold for 30 seconds and repeat two to three times on each leg.


The glutes are composed of three main muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. They work in tandem with smaller muscles like the lateral rotators, which are finger-sized and originate at the hip. All these muscles work together to distribute the force of impact evenly across the hips, says Pester.

When running, the gluteus maximus extends the hip when pushing off the ground, while the medius and minimus push our weight to the opposite side. On the way back down, the medius and minimus control the motion of the pelvis and prevent it from dropping.

Glute injuries frequently result from weak glutes, Pester says. If underutilized glutes can't transition us from one leg to the other while jogging, the hamstrings, hip flexors, or deep lateral rotators may step in. When other muscles compensate for glute imbalances, you may end up with hamstring injuries or piriformis syndrome, which occurs when the largest lateral rotator squeezes the nerve that runs from the lower back into the legs.

How to prevent injury

To address weak glutes and avoid damaging surrounding muscles, Pester says, you need to determine your lower body's current range of motion. Before you even try glute-specific exercises, it's important to work on hip extension — do this by stretching and foam rolling the hip flexors on the side of the hips and the upper leg. Then, move on to hip extension exercises that engage the gluteus maximus.

For example, try the modified bird-dog:

  1. Start on all fours with a neutral pelvis.
  2. Breathe in and out and tighten your abdominals.
  3. Straighten the right leg out at about 30 degrees, while keeping the left leg bent on the ground.
  4. Make sure that the low back and pelvis stay engaged and slightly turn in the toe and heel.
  5. Lower and repeat ten times.

Complete two to three sets on each leg.

Hip abduction exercises help engage the gluteus medius and minimus. An example would be:

  1. Laying on your right side with the right knee bent in front of you and the left leg straight in the air at a 45-degree angle.
  2. Inhale, then on the exhale lift your left leg toward the ceiling. You should feel this on the top of your glute. Try not to use your back or the front of your hip while moving your leg.
  3. Slowly lower the leg to the start position, inhale.

Repeat ten times on each leg for two to three sets.


With runners, Pester focuses on what is called the intrinsic core. It includes:

  • The diaphragm, which is the muscle that helps you inflate and deflate your lungs
  • The pelvic floor muscles
  • The transversus abdominis which is a muscular sheet on the abdominal wall.

There are also larger muscles like the rectus abdominis and the obliques.

The core, particularly the intrinsic region, helps runners keep their balance as they jog. It's important to strengthen the intrinsic core to ensure that the entire group is balanced and isn't overpowered by exterior muscles like the obliques, Pester says.

How to prevent injury

To work the delicate muscles of the deep core, Pester recommends incorporating dynamic balancing exercises with resistance bands or tubing attached to the wall. For example:

  1. Get into a half-kneeling position with a tall posture.
  2. Keep most of your weight on your back knee.
  3. Inhale through your nose and press out on the band while keeping the core stable.
  4. Take another complete breath, return to the start position, and repeat.

Repeat this exercise for 10 reps on each side for two to three sets.


Runners may neglect their feet, which contain four layers of muscle. Some of these begin in the leg and attach to the foot, while ten other muscles originate in the foot itself.

"The foot is the first platform that needs to be stable," Pester says, because it contacts the ground first and helps us launch off efficiently. To perfect your running form, strong feet should ideally be complemented by a mobile ankle, a sturdy knee, and mobile hips.

Because people often wear cushioned athletic shoes, our feet are unable to use their full potential in steadying the body. But, that's not the main culprit behind foot injuries. Instead, overly rigid ankles are more likely to blame, Pester says.

That's because a stiff ankle forces the foot to take over their mobility role, causing runners to give up stability in their arches. You can then develop painful conditions like:

How to prevent injury

Foot stabilization exercises can help develop stronger and more efficient feet, with a particular focus on the big toe, which works with the glutes to "trigger" push off movements during runs.

Pester recommends beginning with subtle moves:

  • Try raising your big toe while keeping the rest on the ground and vice versa.
  • Attempt to "play the piano" with your toes.
  • Lift up your arch while pressing the toes into the ground.

Find more foot and ankle exercises here.

The bottom line

Running is often thought of as solely a cardiovascular exercise, but it works other muscles too like our glutes and hamstrings. However, running places a heavy burden on these muscles and, without proper precautions, it's common to develop injuries. In fact, between 40% and 50% of runners are injured annually. The majority of this group can quickly become reinjured, says Pester. That's why it's important to build balance, stability, and flexibility in the muscles we work while running.


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