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The 6 best exercises and fitness tips that helped the Insider health team gain muscle, boost endurance, and feel great in 2022

The 6 best exercises and fitness tips that helped the Insider health team gain muscle, boost endurance, and feel great in 2022
My typical workouts involve Olympic weightlifting movements like this clean and jerk, but I'm constantly trying out new exercises and techniques.Gabby Landsverk
  • The Insider Health team adds a lot of expert advice into our own workouts each year.
  • In 2022, some of our favorite exercises were CrossFit, pull-ups, and weighted carries.

As a fitness reporter, one of the best parts of my job is getting to talk to and learn from some of the best trainers, coaches, athletes, and exercise scientists in the industry, and apply their advice to my own workouts.

As a result, I'm often trying new exercises and tweaking my routine, and I love brainstorming with my colleagues to hear what they're excited about, too.

Despite a lot of the trendy TikTok workouts and other fitness fads in 2022, some of the best additions to our gym sessions have been classic exercises, most of which don't require fancy equipment and can be beginner-friendly.

Here's the best exercises and advice we picked up this year to bring into 2023.

The assisted pull-up machine can help you get major upper-body gains.

The assisted pull-up machine can help you get major upper-body gains.
Pull-ups are a great way to build upper body and core strength, and the assisted pull-up machine can make it a more accessible exercise.      zoranm/Getty Images

Health Correspondent Hilary Brueck said that she doesn't normally use gym machines, but started incorporating more machine pull-ups into workouts.

"I love how much stronger it's making my shoulders and arms," she said.

Pull-ups are a notoriously challenging full-body exercise, and they're great for building strength and muscle in your core, shoulders, and back. A machine can help you get more reps with good form, even as a beginner, by offering a counterweight, so there's less resistance than hauling your whole body weight.

If you want to reap the benefits of pull-ups, but don't have reliable access to a machine, you can scale the exercise at home to make it easier, personal trainers previously told Insider.

You can do "negative" or eccentric reps by jumping or stepping up to the top of a pull-up and slowly lowering yourself down, to help build the target muscles, according to Ben Foster, head coach and founder of the People's Athletic Club.

Total beginners can also start with a dead hang, grabbing on to a sturdy bar and engaging the shoulders and core to help build the strength needed to more advanced exercises.

Hip thrusts are a challenging move for a stronger butt.

Hip thrusts are a challenging move for a stronger butt.
Hip thrusts are a great exercise to focus on the glutes.      Getty

Health Fellow Jake Johnson said he's been incorporating barbell hip thrusts into workouts for an extra challenge.

"I've never felt more destroyed by an exercise, but it's been really great for targeting my glutes," he said.

Hip thrusts are a classic exercise for building a stronger lower body, including the glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

Since the glutes and hamstrings are large muscle groups, you might be impress yourself by how heavy you can lift, too.

A stronger butt can also translate to better athletic performance and more power in other activities, including squats.

You'll also need to properly brace your core for the exercise, too, so hip thrusts (with the correct weight and form) can help you build stability to protect your back and joints and avoid injury over time.

A short workout is better than no workout.

A short workout is better than no workout.
Taking just a few minutes to work out, even at home, can be a great way to stay consistent with an exercise habit.      DRAKULA IMAGES/Getty Images

UK Health Editor Kashmira Gander took a less-is-more approach with working out this year, opting for shorter workouts, but making them easier to consistently do over time.

There's good evidence to support this strategy. Research consistently shows that even small amounts of exercise can have big benefits: just 30 minutes of weight workouts per week has been linked to a longer, healthier life, according to one 2022 study.

If your goal is to build strength and muscle, conditioning coaches said that about 10 sets a week per muscle group is enough, which you can split up into two or more days of working out.

As little as 9 minutes a day of exercise could be enough to see benefits, according to one elite military trainer.

Personal trainers repeatedly say that the best workout is one you can stick to, so whether you're hitting the gym for an hour or doing 5 minutes of bodyweight workouts between work tasks, every little bit of movement counts.

Walking is a fun, low-stakes way to get more exercise.

Walking is a fun, low-stakes way to get more exercise.
Walking has tons of health benefits, you can do it just about anywhere, and it's even more fun with friends or a good podcast.      Erik Isakson/Getty Images

Senior Health Reporter Allana Akhtar said her fitness revelation this year has been walking more, such as taking an hour-long stroll home from the office after work.

"It's a more fun way for me to move when I want a rest day from the gym, and it's easy to listen to podcasts or audiobooks and explore the city this way," she said.

Walking is one of the most underrated exercises, rarely celebrated but linked to major benefits like a healthier heart, better mood, more energy, and lower risk of disease.

There's even some evidence that walking on rest days from the gym can be a form of active recovery to help reduce muscle soreness and boost gains.

You don't need to walk long distances to reap the benefits, either — research suggests each additional 2,000 steps per day can help.

CrossFit can help you balance strength and endurance.

CrossFit can help you balance strength and endurance.
Rachel Hosie made a habit of incorporating CrossFit training after interviewing (and working out with!) star athletes like Sara Sigmundsdottir.      Kate Burton

UK-based Senior Health Reporter Rachel Hosie has interviewed (and even worked out with) top CrossFit athletes on the job, but started incorporating more of the sport into her gym time this year.

Rachel is no stranger to lifting weights, but previously did mostly strength exercises, and said CrossFit added an element of endurance without killing any gains.

"I was happy to see that I improved my cardiovascular fitness and didn't lose strength or visible muscle," she said.

CrossFit workouts combine different elements of fitness such as gymnastics, weightlifting, and functional movements like running, jumping, and climbing to create a uniquely challenging sport.

Rachel said part of her training has involved a lot more rowing, which uniquely combines resistance with cardio exertion, making it a great way to get your heart rate up if you're trying to build muscle.

The farmer carry is a next-level core move with full body benefits.

The farmer carry is a next-level core move with full body benefits.
Picking up heavy things and carrying them is a simple, no-frills way to get a full body workout.      MoMo Productions/Getty Images

A favorite exercise of mine this year has been one of the simplest — the farmer's carry. All you need to do is pick up a weight in each hand, hoist it off the ground, and get moving.

It isn't flashy, but it taps into muscles throughout your whole body in one movement, and can quickly be exhausting with the right weight.

One of the biggest benefits for me has been building core strength, since holding the weight without tilting to either side requires you to really fire up your abs, hips, and back.

I particularly like the single arm farmer's carry because it's more challenging to stay upright, and requires focused, deliberate movement to do well.

The extra stability and balance has translated well to my Olympic weightlifting and roller derby workouts, but would also be great for any kind of resistance training, from deadlifts to pull-ups, since it also improves grip strength.

Try it as a burnout at the end of a workout for a set time or distance and see how long you can hang on with good form!

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