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Kids have too many days off from school. It's affecting their learning and your career.

Kelly Burch   

Kids have too many days off from school. It's affecting their learning and your career.
  • Most American schools operate for 180 days a year.
  • That leaves kids out of school for more than half the year.
"Why do we have to go to school every day?" my fourth grader whined as she climbed into bed.

I chuckled at how differently we were viewing things. My kids were about a month into the school year but had just completed their first full five-day week thanks to scheduled days off in our district and national holidays.

"You're definitely not there every day," I said. "You have more days with no school than days with school."

I paused to consider whether what I was saying was the truth, but simple math confirmed it was. Our district requires 180 days of school; that leaves 185 when schools are closed. As I tucked my daughter in, I felt validated — it's no wonder it's challenging to keep up with work when my kids are home more days than they're in class.

While going to school most days between September and May can feel like a lot for kids, 180 days can feel woefully inadequate for parents who struggle to find and pay for childcare when schools are closed. Having no school for more than half the year can lead to learning loss — also known as the "summer slide" — and missed social opportunities for kids, some experts say.

"While some time off is essential for mental and physical rejuvenation, an excessive amount can disrupt the rhythm of learning and potentially lead to academic setbacks," said Alex Anderson-Kahl, a school psychologist in Missouri.

Too many days off can limit parents' career opportunities

American kids go to school more than in the past. One hundred years ago, kids were in school for about 120 days, but by the turn of the 21st century, most schools were in session for about 180 days. Kansas has the longest required school year, at 186 days, while Colorado has the shortest required year, at 160 days.

No matter their schedules, many working parents feel overwhelmed by their kids' schedules. Briana Meade, a North Carolina mother of two, said she's passed up more challenging career opportunities because she knows she needs to care for her kids during their frequent days off.

She acknowledged that she's lucky to work from home but said that caring for her kids, who are 10 and 12, during their time off keeps her from achieving more professionally.

"It's super challenging to meet project deadlines when I am constantly being interrupted every 20 minutes by a kid who needs their rollerblades put on," she said. "There are very few dedicated time blocks for uninterrupted work. For someone who does deep-dive work that requires 'flow,' this means I rarely get much accomplished beyond admin, emails, and meetings."

Parents who can't work from home are often left paying for expensive childcare, leaving kids unattended, or taking free babysitting from sometimes questionable friends and family.

Children "may be left on that day with someone who will ultimately have a negative impact on their lives," said clinical psychologistAura De Los Santos.

American kids have less school and more breaks than students in other countries

Compared to other developed nations, the US has a shorter school year and longer summer break. In Germany, Canada, and Australia, for example, pupils are in school for 190 to 200 days each year. South Korea has one of the longest school years, at 220 days.

"It's a long break, isn't it?" my Australian in-laws remarked time and time again when they visited last summer. In Australia, summer break typically lasts about six weeks, roughly half the length of summer vacation in the US.

Having a more consistent school schedule throughout the year — with fewer consecutive weeks off — can be important for children, who thrive on routine, saidAvigail Lev, a clinical psychologist.

"To have a daily routine where you wake up at the same time, and you have the same classes, and there's a schedule is very good for kids," she said.

While kids must have time off school, shorter breaks are better for everyone, Lev said. A shorter summer vacation could also help address learning loss — currently, students lose up to 34% of their academic progress from the previous year during summer break.

"Ideally, a week off of school or two weeks at the most would be good," Lev said. "More than two weeks is too much for the kids and too much for the parents."

Kids need time to relax, but working parents need support

There are benefits to days off from school, experts say. Kids can relax, focus on extracurriculars, and, ideally, spend quality time with their families. However, too many days off school is difficult for parents and children.

"In theory, I like it because kids should have breaks from school," said Erin Heger, a Kansas mom of three. "But in a society with no support for parents, it's really disruptive and nearly impossible to give the kids what they need and also get work done and make an income."

The time out of the classroom can be especially difficult for students who need school as a reprieve, said Anderson-Kahl.

"Not every child's home life is amazing," he said. "For some students, school is the safest place they will be during the day. It can provide food, structure, and support for kids who may otherwise not receive it outside. Creating long breaks can impact these students in a more profound way."


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