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  5. My multiple sclerosis diagnosis came after my 5th child's birth. I mistook the early signs for postpartum symptoms.

My multiple sclerosis diagnosis came after my 5th child's birth. I mistook the early signs for postpartum symptoms.

Emily Holi   

My multiple sclerosis diagnosis came after my 5th child's birth. I mistook the early signs for postpartum symptoms.
  • When I experienced dizziness after my fifth pregnancy, I assumed it was just a postpartum symptom.
  • My symptoms got worse, but my doctor's only recommendation was to drink more water and exercise.

The night before my fifth scheduled C-section, I was miserable with typical third-trimester symptoms, feeling achy, hungry, and sore. Earlier in my pregnancy, I'd also been dizzy — really dizzy — and felt an odd numbness in my legs. But when those symptoms disappeared toward the beginning of my second trimester, I chalked them up to pregnancy changes and forgot about them.

Aside from my symptoms, I was also feeling nervous. I wasn't necessarily worried about the C-section, though that was no picnic, but I knew what to expect afterward. I absolutely love babies — my five kids are living proof of that. But what I don't love is the black hole that consumes those first 12 weeks of postpartum life, and I was barreling right toward it.

I assumed my symptoms were just part of postpartum recovery

My C-section was straightforward and my son was born at 6:10 p.m., rounding out our family of four girls with a baby boy. We were thrilled and exhausted. I spent two sleepless nights in the hospital before we were discharged. I was still nervous, but, as my husband and I made the short drive home, I reminded myself that I was a pro. Surely this time, my postpartum journey would be a blip on the radar as we cruised toward our "new normal."

When my dizziness returned, I chalked it up to painkillers and lack of sleep on top of recovering from giving birth. I tried to relax by taking long, hot showers. I also lay on the couch and read books outside.

Although nothing helped, I knew from experience that postpartum recovery was tough. So I hung in there, kept pushing forward, and stayed hopeful.

The symptoms I tried desperately to ignore got worse

My son was an easy baby. I was still getting up twice to breastfeed in the middle of the night, but I could handle that. But the dizziness persisted. After many conversations with my mom and friends about how I was feeling, we all agreed that things would likely settle eventually. I wanted to believe I was simply dizzy from mental and physical exhaustion. I worked hard to convince myself that this was true.

But things didn't return to normal. My son was smiling, giggling, and sleeping more by the day, but I was growing increasingly more miserable. One night while lying in bed, I lost all feeling in my right leg. When I woke up the next morning, my face was also numb. The dizziness got worse, too, sending me into throes of nausea that were hard to recover from. With five kids to take care of, I didn't have time for any of this. My husband's paternity leave was already over. Desperate for help, I scrambled to find a sitter and made an appointment with my primary-care doctor.

"Drink more water," my doctor said to me. I drank more water. "Exercise," he said. I exercised. Nothing helped and I was still getting worse. I knew something was wrong.

I cobbled together more childcare and made an appointment with my obstetrician, who told me to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor to rule out positional vertigo. That didn't yield any results, so the ENT doctor referred me to cardiology, which resulted in another normal exam. I started to panic and wondered if I was going crazy. Finally, after seeing the cardiologist, I was referred to neurology. I was fully prepared to discover nothing.

The right specialist was able to finally give me a diagnosis

The neurologist suggested an MRI to rule out anything brain-related. The results came back normal. The doctor also ordered a spinal tap, which was miserably painful. The results of the spinal tap were also normal.

I was losing my mind and feeling sicker than ever.

Then, a chance encounter with my mom's best friend at the farmers market changed everything. She'd been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in her early 30s and had her first exacerbation postpartum. I didn't want to believe it, but I booked the appointment anyway.

It took about 30 seconds for the MS specialist to examine my MRI films and identify over 15 lesions on my brain. I was stunned — I wondered how something so obvious to one person had been missed by so many others.

I'm finally on the path to recovery

My specialist immediately started me on a five-day round of IV steroids followed by regular IV transfusions.

Almost two years later, I still have bouts of dizziness and weakness, but my disease is now stable. Taking care of five young kids and living with a chronic illness can be challenging — but we make an effort as a family to focus on the positive. We're thankful we caught the disease before it progressed even further.

When all is said and done, I feel incredibly lucky.
