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My husband was in his late 40s when we had kids. His life experience makes him a great dad.

Jessica Manack   

My husband was in his late 40s when we had kids. His life experience makes him a great dad.
  • My kids are 5 and 8, and my husband is 53.
  • My husband's parents also had him late in life, sothey're no longer alive.

Having my first child at 35 and my second three years later, I was referred to as a "mother of advanced maternal age" or, even worse, a "geriatric" pregnant woman, which felt like a stretch. I'm not even the older parent — my husband was 45 and 48 during my pregnancies.

And because my husband has much older siblings, my kids' first cousins are in their 50s.

My husband was also a late-in-life baby

We'd both gotten to explore our interests — I traveled the world; he was in several bands — and felt sure of who we were as individuals, and as a couple, before we decided to have kids. Children born to older parents may have different family structures than their peers — and that's true for us. My husband was also a late-in-life baby, born to parents who were 44 and 49 who'd had three children two decades earlier. My oldest sister-in-law is several years older than my parents — more like a mother-in-law. Had I known them, my mother- and father-in-law would have been older than all my grandparents.

My husband's parents — who would be 104 and 99 today — passed away in 1971 and 1990, as have two of his siblings. It's unfortunate that our children will never know their paternal grandparents or their aunt and uncle.

When it comes to extended family, our kids are outliers in other ways. I'm younger than several of my husband's nieces and nephews, and conversely, my kindergartener has first cousins sending children off to college. In these cases, my kids are close with the kids of their first cousins, regardless of the precise relationship. Cousins are cousins. What they know is that a large number of people love them.

We document everything so our kids can know where they came from

One of my takeaways from this is the importance of documentation. Photos are prominent in our home, and we often talk about those who aren't here. Our departed family members are vivid enough in the kids' minds that my son made a card for his late grandmother this Mother's Day.

We're also being proactive about capturing our own memories — I got my husband a Storyworth subscription last Father's Day, and he's writing his life story so we'll always have it. We're realistic about what the future might hold and have wills in place and our final resting places paid for. Our kids have a nuanced understanding of death because we've talked about how my husband has dealt with loss.

There are benefits to having kids when you're older

My husband says he's happy to be able to spend quality time with our kids without wondering what he's missing out on. From a practical standpoint, being the last in a family or friend group to have kids means that many folks have baby gear to pass on. We had to buy very little. Our children have a killer collection of classic vintage toys and records — family legends at this point — that my sister-in-law had saved. And the practical knowledge we could tap into was invaluable. One of my husband's first cousins is a retired elementary-school teacher who loves to share knowledge with small kids when we visit.

Because we'd worked for years before parenthood, we were in a secure place financially when our children came along, with student debt paid and retirement savings underway. My husband, who exercises every day and follows a pescetarian diet, has the health of a much younger person. If we continue to invest, he might be able to retire sooner and enjoy more flexibility around the time that our kids are touring colleges and looking for apartments.

Aside from the pain of losing family members earlier than most, there are some challenges to being an older dad. We've had to be more self-sufficient with one less set of grandparents as a safety net, in terms of both finances and childcare. Some of our friends who had kids earlier in life are now empty nesters, once again enjoying rock shows and late nights.

That said, our kids are keeping us more active than we would have been without them.

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