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My husband and I split parenting duties equally. There's no other way to do it with twins.

Hannah Diaz   

My husband and I split parenting duties equally. There's no other way to do it with twins.
  • Having twins made my partner and I share the parenting load more equally.
  • I would pump so he could help me feed the babies and we each had a bassinet next to us.

As a mom of multiples, I've learned that juggling two babies at once has a major benefit that isn't often discussed. In order to keep two tiny humans alive while also maintaining some version of health and happiness in those relentless early years, I was forced to overcome the stereotypical "do it all" mom mentality and lean on my husband as a more equal parenting teammate.

It's no surprise that moms become the default parent, whether intentionally or not. Our identities as women become completely entangled with our identities as moms as soon as we become pregnant. According to a recent study conducted by Pew Research Center on parenting in America, while the vast majority of mothers and fathers say being a parent is the most or one of the most important aspects of who they are as a person, a larger share of moms say it is the most important aspect.

So anytime feelings of burnout, being touched out or the overwhelming brain fog of mental load creeps in, pose the question, "What would we do if there were two?" and start to delegate.

I Turned the 'mom' stuff into everyone's job

For months, babies are on a pretty solid rotation of eating, sleeping, and dirtying diapers. And those fundamental aspects of life quickly become all-consuming for new parents. There are dozens of ways that parents choose to approach the basics, especially feeding and sleeping. The bottom line is that it doesn't really matter "how," but more importantly, "how am I getting support?" Let's apply some "twin mom energy" here to show you what I mean.

Imagine two babies crying for milk at once. This often sent me into tears alongside them, but it also forced my husband into the situation with us. By nature, the breastfeeding parent will take on a greater workload. Believe me, the relentless pumping to feeding pipeline quite literally drained me in those early days. But pumping so that my husband could share the load of around-the-clock feedings and bottle cleanings was worth it to reduce my burnout.

Sleep questions, typically sprinkled with pity, were the most frequent in the first year. In our case, there was a bassinet on each side of the bed for the first six months of our boys' lives. Each of us had a baby at all times during the night, and we switched babies every night, just in case one of us lucked out with a better sleeper than the other. We also worked in shifts, and sometimes still do on tough weeks or during periods of sleep regressions.

I started talking to my partner more

Lugging around two infants to a mommy-and-me group wasn't appealing or even feasible in my brain as a new mom. I felt isolated and lacked community with other moms. But then I realized that my husband, sitting right across the room from me, was going through the same experience. This initial perceived isolation made me rely more on my partner to talk through concerns and decision-making about our children. In this same vein, it allowed me to save time for female friendships that weren't wrapped up in baby talk.

Having twins gave my husband and me the greatest gifts of our lives, our two sons. But it also gave us an unanticipated hidden gift. It forced equity in our parenting dynamic that is often imbalanced for so many, especially in the baby years. So try to let go. Is your partner going to pack the diaper bag as well as you do? Probably not. But in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. What matters is involving a partner in the process, not only to give mom a break, but to show trust in their capabilities to be an active parent from the beginning.

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