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  5. My daughter uses a wheelchair and is often left out of Halloween. Here are 7 ways to make the day more accessible for kids like mine.

My daughter uses a wheelchair and is often left out of Halloween. Here are 7 ways to make the day more accessible for kids like mine.

Jamie Davis Smith   

My daughter uses a wheelchair and is often left out of Halloween. Here are 7 ways to make the day more accessible for kids like mine.
  • My daughter Claire uses a wheelchair.
  • She's often left behind in Halloween when kids are running door to door for candy.

I'm used to my daughter Claire being left out of Halloween fun. She uses a wheelchair and can't follow the other kids dashing up front steps for candy. Even if she could, she can't say magic words of "trick-or-treat" that normally trigger candy being dropped into a waiting pumpkin-shaped bucket because she is non-verbal. Even if Claire overcomes these barriers, she still might not be able to eat the candy she is given if it is too hard or sticky because she might choke.

Halloween can be heartbreaking for families like mine. But it doesn't have to be.

Some companies are making an effort

This year, more companies are making an effort to ensure that children with complex medical can enjoy the simple childhood pleasures of Halloween.

Brach's Candy Corn has a picture of a child in a wheelchair on bags of autumn mix. Target is selling a line of costumes made for children who use wheelchairs. An inflatable mummy in a wheelchair popped up on my Amazon feed.

If Candy Corn understood the assignment, I thought, maybe more neighbors will step up to make Halloween more inclusive too. It's not hard. Some very small steps go a long way.

"More than anything else, being kind and accepting is the best way to make Halloween accessible. On Halloween, anyone can be anything they imagine, so imagine being part of a community that welcomes all our families," our friend Laura Hatcher from Little Lobbyists told Insider.

7 things everyone should consider during Halloween

  1. Make sure that there are no barriers to accessing candy. Steps and curbs are the biggest issues. Some set up tables on their lawn or place a bowl of candy on the bottom step. During the pandemic, some placed candy chutes and sent candy down. This is a particularly fun and accessible way to distribute candy.

  2. Don't make kids jump through hoops. While many gladly hand candy over to any child who crosses their path on Halloween, a surprising number won't. Some kids, like Claire, can't speak. That doesn't mean she can't communicate. If she is pointing at candy or her pumpkin bucket, it doesn't take a lot of insight to realize that she wants candy. Other kids may be verbal but don't feel comfortable talking to strangers or making eye contact. If they are showing up at your door on Halloween night, they, too would like some candy. Please be compassionate and do not insist on a "trick-or-treat" before dispensing a $0.20 mini chocolate bar.

  3. It's important to have a small variety of treats. I am very appreciative of neighbors who have a variety of things for kids to choose from, including some that aren't candy. Many of Claire's medically complex friends have allergies, and some don't eat by mouth. Having alternatives goes a long way toward being inclusive.

  4. Give candy even if kids aren't wearing costumes. Some years, Claire doesn't want to wear a costume. She has sensory issues that make many dress-up clothes uncomfortable. Other kids don't want to deviate from wearing their favorite clothing. Neighbors who give candy to kids, whether or not they are dressed up, are the best.

  5. Be aware of how others are reacting to your costume. Because Claire is autistic, she may become distressed if she perceives something is out of place. Claire makes up her own rules, and it's impossible to know why some costumes are fine and others aren't. When Claire is upset, those who are willing to remove their mask or quickly run to the next house where Claire can't see them are appreciated.

  6. Giving candy to older kids is a kindness. Claire is high-school-aged but still loves Halloween. While I believe that we should allow all kids to hold onto childhood for as long as they still want to be kids, this is especially true for children with intellectual disabilities like Claire.

  7. When it comes to Halloween events, sensory-friendly hours go a long way. I love that we live in a community where Halloween is a monthlong event. Events that open a bit early with fewer crowds help Claire have a great time without becoming overwhelmed.

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