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I've heard it's important to eat protein right after a workout — even if I'm not lifting weights. Is that true?

Rachel Hosie   

I've heard it's important to eat protein right after a workout — even if I'm not lifting weights. Is that true?
  • Protein is important to help your muscles repair after exercise, whether you're lifting weights or not.
  • You don't necessarily need to have a shake right after training though, dietitian Alix Turoff said.
  • Consuming enough protein over the course of the day is most important, she said.

Dear Rachel,

I recently spoke to a friend who told me her nutritionist said we should all eat (even a small amount) of protein after exercise. My exercise routine mainly consists of low impact barre and spin. Should I buy a protein powder to take after my morning class? (I always thought protein powder was for weights). I currently eat nothing after class and just eat lunch (I am not a breakfast person).

— Protein Puzzled

Dear Puzzled,

I used to think protein powders were reserved for "gym bros" who wanted to bulk up, but I've since learned that isn't true — lots of people can benefit from boosting their protein intake (ideally from whole foods rather than powders, as many nutrition experts recommend).

Eating a high protein diet helped me lose fat while holding on to muscle, and it still helps me progress on my fitness journey, but I don't often have a protein shake after working out.

I usually time my training so my next meal or snack falls shortly after my workout. And as for protein powder, I mainly use it to give me a boost at breakfast, whether in baked oats, a smoothie, or pancakes.

Registered dietitian and personal trainer Alix Turoff told me when you consume protein doesn't matter, as long as you're getting enough of it in your diet throughout the day.

Eating more protein helps with muscle building and fat loss

You're right that upping your protein intake can have benefits — protein helps your muscle tears repair after working out, helping you build muscle.

But it's also an important nutrient if you want to lose fat (rather than just overall weight) and create a "toned" look with lean muscle. Along with strength training, eating a high protein diet helps you hold on to muscle while losing fat through eating in a calorie deficit.

Turoff said she recommends people eat 0.7-1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight, and to aim for the upper end of that range if you're looking to build muscle.

That would mean someone who weighs 150 lbs would be looking at 105-180 grams of protein per day.

Protein is essential regardless of your workout style.

"Even for people who aren't strength training or someone doing strictly endurance exercise, getting adequate protein is still important," Turoff said.

Protein intake over the day matters more than post workout

Previously, studies suggested that consuming protein in the so-called "anabolic window" immediately after working out was essential for muscle repair and growth, but new research has debunked those claims.

"Based on the newer research we have on protein specifically, it seems like the actual timing of your protein intake after your workout is less important," Turoff said.

She recommends distributing your protein intake evenly over the course of the day.

"For someone eating three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and an afternoon snack, that might look like 20-40 grams of protein per meal and 10-20 grams of protein at snack," she said. "It's likely that one of these meals or snacks will fall somewhere within a few hours of your workout."

This tends to be the case for me because I never go too long without eating.

"For example, if you workout in the early evening, you might have dinner 1-3 hours after and that would suffice as your post-workout meal," Turoff said.

If you're getting enough protein at lunch there's no reason you have to have a protein shake after your workout, she added, but it can be convenient (and delicious).

If you eat a protein-rich meal before training, research, such as this small study by the City University of New York, suggests your muscles can still use that afterwards too. Since you don't eat anything before your workouts, your body might appreciate some extra fuel afterwards.

"Ultimately, I'd still recommend trying to get 20-40 grams of protein in (depending on your size and activity level) within a reasonable amount of time after a workout, but I would be less concerned with rushing to get a protein shake in within a certain window," Turoff said.

Overall calories matter most for changing your body composition

While drinking a protein shake after training could help you make fitness progress, if fat loss is a goal, you need to factor it into your overall calorie intake.

A calorie deficit is required for weight loss — and eating a high protein diet can in fact help you stick to it, as it did for me previously — so if you do have post-workout shakes, be mindful of the extra calories.

A basic protein shake made with just powder and water might only clock in at around 100 calories, but if you're struggling to lose weight, this could make a difference.

However, eating more protein also helps keep you full, so a shake may stop you from snacking later on.

There's nothing magic about protein shakes, but if you think you might not be eating enough protein overall, adding the occasional one into your diet — at any time of day — could help.

Wishing you well,


As a senior health reporter at Insider and a self-described fitness fanatic with an Association for Nutrition-certified nutrition course under her belt, Rachel Hosie is immersed in the wellness scene and here to answer all your burning questions. Whether you're struggling to find the motivation to go for a run, confused about light versus heavy weights, or unsure whether you should be worried about how much sugar is in a mango, Rachel is here to give you the no-nonsense answers and advice you need, with strictly no fad diets in sight.

Rachel has a wealth of experience covering fitness, nutrition, and wellness, and she has the hottest experts at her fingertips. She regularly speaks to some of the world's most knowledgeable and renowned personal trainers, dietitians, and coaches, ensuring she's always up to date with the latest science-backed facts you need to know to live your happiest and healthiest life.

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