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I'm determined to be a sex-positive parent, but some of the conversations I'm having with my teens make me uncomfortable

Angie Ebba   

I'm determined to be a sex-positive parent, but some of the conversations I'm having with my teens make me uncomfortable
  • I grew up in a religious household where I didn't know anything about sex or my body.
  • When my two kids were toddlers, I taught them about their body parts and consent.

Sex was not talked about in my deeply religious childhood home. It was a subject shrouded in both mystery and shame. My sex education consisted of my mom shoving a religious book into my hands and telling me to read it in my room.

As I reached puberty, I knew only what I could glean from my friends giggling at sleepovers or what I could find in the pages of Cosmo magazines. When it came time for me to have sex for the first time, I was clueless. I didn't know anything about my own anatomy, what was going on, or how to practice safe sex — much less how to engage in pleasurable sex.

When I had two children of my own, I was determined to do things differently and be a sex-positive parent. It was mostly easy when they were younger, but as they got older, I found myself in some uncomfortable conversations.

When my children were young, it was easy to teach them about their bodies

My children's father was a law-enforcement officer who had seen too many young victims of crimes not be able to name their own body parts. Because of this, he wanted to make sure our children knew about their bodies. For me, I wanted to be sure that they didn't feel shame about their bodies or their sexuality.

That's why I used the actual names for genitals with them as opposed to words like "privates" or "down there." If one of my toddlers was exploring their body, I'd explain without judgment that needed to be done in the privacy of their own room and not in public spaces.

Conversations went beyond just body parts. We also talked about different sexual and gender identities, body image, consent, and boundaries. We practiced asking for hugs instead of just taking them and how we could be in charge of ourselves.

There was one hiccup: when their preschool called to tell me my youngest had informed the entire class that babies don't come out of the tummy but out of the vagina. But that incident was easily laughed off with a bit of pride that my children knew the facts about their bodies.

But as my toddlers became teenagers, being open about sex became a bit awkward

It was one thing to teach my toddlers about the names of their body parts and what consent meant. It was another thing when they started getting older and began talking about sex. As it turns out, if you foster an environment with your children that allows them space to ask questions without fear of judgment, they will ask questions — a lot of them.

As the children got older, "What's this body part?" or, "Where do babies come from?" turned into questions like, "What's porn?" and, "Why do you need lube?"

Suddenly, sex-positive parenting became harder for me, especially given that I grew up in a household and church where sexuality and the body were things of embarrassment. I had no example of how to talk to my kids about these topics.

I tried to remind myself of all the reasons to engage in sex-positive parenting: Research indicates that children whose parents talk to them openly and nonjudgmentally about sex are better at setting boundaries, feel prepared for their bodily changes, are more likely to use protection when engaging in sex, and generally wait longer to have sex than their peers.

That knowledge didn't make it any less uncomfortable when my middle schooler asked me at a Pride parade about the people in leather puppy masks. But that led to a valuable conversation about consent and power dynamics. That knowledge didn't make it less awkward for me when the topic of porn came up with my high schooler, but we were able to talk about body image, performance versus reality, and misogyny.

In the end, I've realized that my discomfort is a small price to pay

While there's still a level of embarrassment present for all of us, my kids know they can come to me and I'll be there to answer any questions. They know what is happening to their bodies as they mature, how to set boundaries with others, and how to keep themselves safe during sex — of any kind.

Like all the things I try to do as a parent, sex-positive parenting is one more way to better set my children up for success, and that is worth any discomfort I may face.

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