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  5. I was told I was 'selfish' for being single at 38. But I needed those years of independence.

I was told I was 'selfish' for being single at 38. But I needed those years of independence.

Melissa Persling   

I was told I was 'selfish' for being single at 38. But I needed those years of independence.
  • After reading comments on a recent essay I wrote, I spent some time reflecting.
  • At 38, I've realized I'm now ready to find a partner and have a child, and people called me selfish.

Earlier this year I wrote an essay about a recent realization. After my eight-year marriage in my 20s (when I was career-focused and uninterested in motherhood) and divorce, then another wonderful but aimless seven-year relationship in my 30s, I'm now 38 and ready for a husband and child.

Hours after my article was published on Business Insider, it began trending on Yahoo and MSN. My story had tons of comments, and I received numerous notifications, messages, and connection requests on every platform.

"I've made it!" I thought. "I'll be hocking a lip kit in no time!"

In all seriousness, I was shocked by the attention my writing was getting. I felt like just another woman sharing a story about approaching 40 without a husband and children — I didn't think my story was terribly original.

I was shocked by some of the comments and messages I got

But as I sifted through over 1.5k comments on the websites — as well as numerous emails and direct messages, sent straight to me — I realized men, particularly, were infuriated by what I had written. They said I had "hit the wall" and that I'd gotten what I deserved for being selfish, career-obsessed, and not wanting children during my marriage. There were also suggestions that I seek a therapist. I have one, thank you very much.

Given the incredible vitriol leveled at me through comments on my essay, I was feeling pretty defensive in the first draft of this writing. Remarks like "Too selfish to be a mother" and "do somebody a favor and stay single" (and those are the nicer ones!) felt like personal attacks on my character. I wanted to justify and defend myself. However, I decided to take a different, more progressive approach to my critics. Rather than searching for all the things these commenters were saying that weren't true, I asked myself what, if anything, was true.

There was one word I read over and over and over again that I felt forced to confront — selfish. I've never viewed myself as a particularly selfish person, but as I continued to think about what that word actually means — which is "to be chiefly concerned with oneself" — it began to resonate with me and how I've lived my life.

Being selfish isn't always a bad thing

I'm the type of person who would rather go out alone than go to the bars and restaurants my friends like. I hate carpooling because I don't want to listen to other people's music and want to come and go as I please. I won't sacrifice my time or money doing things I don't like or being around people I don't care for, even when it's the right thing to do. I don't even travel with other people unless they are willing to do what I want.

You're right, guys. While I don't think it's always wrong, I am selfish.

(But I don't think I look 50! That one was a low blow from a commenter who shall not be named.)

The truth is, I was unwilling to live for more than myself until this point in my life. I did not want to put my husband's or potential children's needs above my own when I was married in my 20s, and I chose a relationship in my 30s that would allow me to continue to pursue the things I wanted. Quite frankly, though it has become much more appealing to me, the thought of giving up everything I do for myself to care for others is still scary. Marriage and children are about sacrifice. I was not prepared for, nor did I trust myself to be that person until recently.

While a tremendous amount of judgment has been directed at my "me"-focused life, had I not indulged in those self-centered years, I'm not sure I would be confident about the idea of devoting my future to a hypothetical husband and children, should I meet the right person to start a family with. Though I've enjoyed being selfish up until this point, I've started to feel that kind of life lacks meaning and purpose for me, and it's that feeling that's given me incredible clarity about my future.

It has taken me 38 years to get to this place, and perhaps some people think it was wrong of me to let my selfish desires keep me from having the family I could have had earlier in life, but I wouldn't — and can't — go back and do things differently. I was not the person I've grown into, and I don't think I was ready for the commitment and responsibility of a family until now. All I can do moving forward is set aside my own wants and prepare myself for a husband (who "would have to be crazy" to be with me, according to commenters) and children.

And while I told myself I'd refrain from being defensive, I would like to address one particularly hurtful and untrue comment. "Plucking the eyebrows & drawing them on the forehead doesn't help her situation," it read. I'll have you know those are my natural eyebrows, sir!

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