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  5. I was diagnosed with stiff person syndrome after my kids' dad died. I will survive this disease to be here for them.

I was diagnosed with stiff person syndrome after my kids' dad died. I will survive this disease to be here for them.

Kelly Burch   

I was diagnosed with stiff person syndrome after my kids' dad died. I will survive this disease to be here for them.
  • Tara Zier was diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome in 2017 after her ex died.
  • She had to hire someone to help look after her and her kids.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Tara Zier. It has been edited for length and clarity.

When my children were 11 and 13, their dad — my ex — died. It was tragic and sent me into a crisis. I had to manage his estate and the property we owned together, while grieving and worrying about my kids. I lived with an enormous amount of stress for years. Most of all, I felt an overwhelming pressure to stay alive for my children. I did not want them to become orphans.

Staying alive should have been easy. At that point, I was a dentist and had a third-degree karate black belt. I loved to travel, be active, and walk my dog.

But after the death, I stopped sleeping. I had nightmares and panic attacks. It was terrible but not unexpected given what I'd be through, I thought. Then, three months later, I got pneumonia.

After that, my health spiraled. I started having excruciating neck and back pain. I worried about my kids as they watched their active mother be reduced to laying on the couch with a heating pad. I visited the emergency room nine times, but the doctors brushed me off.

For three years, I was mismanaged, misdiagnosed, and mislabeled. Then, finally, a neurologist took me seriously and ordered a battery of tests for rare diseases. That's when I found out I had stiff-person syndrome, a disease that affects about one in 1 million people, and the main symptoms are stiff muscles and violent spasms, and can be triggered by stress.

Singer Celine Dion has the same rare disease

In December, the singer Celine Dion announced she had stiff-person syndrome, too. That raised awareness about the condition, but in 2017, when I was diagnosed, there wasn't a lot of information available. My doctor explained that there was no cure. Treatments would help me control my symptoms, but this would never go away. It's considered progressive — though I don't believe my symptoms are bound to get worse.

At the time, I was operating at about 5%. I had to renovate my house so I could live on only the first floor. I hired someone to move in and help care for my children and me. I couldn't drive, practice dentistry, or walk my dog.

Even so, the diagnosis was a relief. I at least knew what was happening. Stiff-person syndrome is a neurological condition with autoimmune features. With that in mind, I started the second phase of my journey: finding treatments that worked for me.

I took a holistic approach. I did therapy to help address the trauma of my ex's death and living with this pain. I changed my diet, practiced mindfulness, and did physical therapy when I was able to cope with the movements. That, along with medication and immunotherapy, have helped me heal.

Today I'm happier than ever

Today, I function at about 60% of my former level before getting sick. I can drive and walk my dog, but I'm no longer a practicing dentist. Even standing for a shower is painful.

But I want to give people hope. Not long ago, I couldn't do physical therapy because it triggered muscle spasms. Now I'm on an intense program. Just because you can't do something at one point doesn't mean that it's forever. Don't be afraid to take time off and come back again.

I'm a patient at Johns Hopkins University, which has one of the best treatment programs for stiff-person syndrome. One day, my doctor there told me he was rejected for a federal grant because there wasn't enough research on stiff-person syndrome to support his application. I knew that had to change. I started the Stiff Person Syndrome Research Foundation to bring patients together and fundraise for a cure.

After I had to stop practicing dentistry, I lost part of my identity. Running the foundation gave me a new purpose — a mission I could tackle from my couch. But my goal isn't to run a nonprofit: It's to find a cure. That's what gets me out of bed every day, even when it's difficult.

I'm happier than I've ever been. I've been lucky in treating my stiff-person syndrome. I have some medical background because of my dental training, many friends in medicine, and access to great doctors. Above all that, I have the unexplainable strength that comes from knowing I have to be here for my kids.

Some mothers are able to lift cars with that love; I've been able to survive this illness to be present for my children.

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