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  5. I want to build muscle and lose fat. A nutritionist said to eat a range of protein sources and carbs at dinner.

I want to build muscle and lose fat. A nutritionist said to eat a range of protein sources and carbs at dinner.

Rachel Hosie   

I want to build muscle and lose fat. A nutritionist said to eat a range of protein sources and carbs at dinner.
  • A 23-year-old woman submitted an average day of eating to be reviewed for Insider's Nutrition Clinic.
  • A registered nutritionist advised her to eat more diverse protein sources and more balanced meals.

Dawn, 23, submitted her eating routine for Insider's Nutrition Clinic, where qualified dietitians and registered nutritionists offer advice on readers' eating habits.

She told Insider her goal is to lose fat and build muscle.

Dawn said her lifestyle has been extremely sedentary until recently but she's just started doing 30-minute home workouts in the evening six days a week.

"Other than the workout, I have little opportunity to go out for a walk as my job usually requires me to sit at my desk for most of the day," Dawn said.

"I eat pretty much the same thing every day because it's most convenient," she said. "It's too much of a hassle for me to change the menu daily while making sure I'm getting enough of each food group. I try to have some variety within the day itself (e.g. eating different fruit for breakfast and dinner)."

Registered nutritionist Sophie Bertrand told Insider that Dawn needs to ensure she's strength training, eating enough protein, and not over-exercising or over-restricting.

"Cardiovascular exercise is important for weight maintenance and overall health but strength training is necessary to alter body composition and obtain or build muscle mass," she said. "In addition to this, a well balanced diet that contains enough protein is essential for supporting muscle growth."

While a calorie deficit is required for fat loss, "extreme calorie restriction and over-exercising is a dangerous road and will not lead to desirable long-term results," Bertrand said.

Add Greek yogurt to overnight oats for breakfast

Dawn usually eats overnight oats for breakfast, made from rolled oats and low-sugar soy milk, and topped with defrosted frozen blueberries and fat-free vanilla yogurt.

"Dawn eats a nutritious breakfast but could switch her fat-free vanilla yogurt to Greek yogurt," Bertrand said.

This is because Greek yogurt is higher in protein and fat-free sweetened yogurts tend to contain artificial sweeteners and additives.

She also recommended limiting processed foods as they are generally easier to overeat.

Eat a diverse range of protein sources

At lunchtime Dawn eats a large multigrain tortilla wrap filled with a handful of reduced fat mozzarella, a spoonful of reduced fat dip (such as French onion, tzatziki, or hummus), pre-packaged turkey or chicken breast, and leaf salad, she said.

Bertrand said that a diet rich in quality protein like chicken and turkey but also fish, eggs, tofu, and legumes has been shown to help with fat loss and preserving muscle mass.

Including protein at every meal is great but Dawn could consider eating a wider variety of protein by having more plant-based sources like beans which also provide fiber.

"Making sure she has enough fiber in her diet is also key as this can support satiety and support digestive health," Bertrand said. "Eating a fiber-rich diet has also been suggested to help decrease overall body fat."

Freeze pre-chopped vegetables to make preparing dinner easier

For dinner, Dawn eats fruit (usually two kiwis and another piece, depending on what's in season) with a large dollop of unsalted natural peanut butter, sometimes with a cup of soy milk and 20 to 30 almonds.

Bertrand advised Dawn to eat a more nutritionally balanced dinner such as sweet potato or wholegrain pasta with fish or tofu and vegetables.

"Variety is extremely beneficial when it comes to diet as the greater the variety, the more diverse range of nutrients the body has to thrive," Bertrand said. "An easy tip is to freeze pre-chopped veg such as peppers and onions and bags of leafy greens. You can cook them in batches and easily add them to meals."

Bertrand also cautioned Dawn not to get hung up on her weight while trying to lose fat, as the number on the scale does not necessarily reflect her progress or health. This is because Dawn may be gaining muscle or experiencing water weight fluctuations.

"You may be all round happier ditching the scales regardless of your goals and focusing on the quality of your diet and how you feel," Bertrand said.

The advice in this article isn't a substitute for a professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

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