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I visited Japan and the highlight of my trip was the toilets. Here's why I'm still thinking about them.

India Kushner   

I visited Japan and the highlight of my trip was the toilets. Here's why I'm still thinking about them.
  • While on my honeymoon in Japan, the thing I was most looking forward to was trying the toilets.
  • Many had a privacy sound, lights, heated seats, and bidet —plus they were all incredibly clean.

I hate using public restrooms. I dislike the sounds, the smells, and the sensations. When I'm exiting the bathroom stall, I hate the awkward shuffle I have to do when I'm pulling the door towards me, while at the same time, trying to avoid touching the rim of the toilet with the back of my legs. But the worst part for me about using a public restroom is people overhearing me.

I'm what you might call a nervous pee-er. I cringe when facing that moment of going to the bathroom and hearing dead silence. There's a little voice inside my head whispering to me that everyone knows exactly what I'm doing and judging me for how loud I'm being. I get so self-conscious about this that sometimes I try to pee as quietly as I can or I'll just wait until other people have left the bathroom so I can use the toilet in peace.

This is why, as I was planning my honeymoon to Japan, one of the things I was most looking forward to was the chance to experience the technologically advanced toilets. I learned that some were automated and would raise the lid as soon as you stepped in front of it. Others included bidets and even had privacy sounds when you sat down. I was absurdly excited.

The privacy sound made my experience pristine and relaxing

Luckily, I wasn't disappointed. As soon as we landed in Tokyo, I noticed the airport toilets featured a row of buttons on the wall. Although they were in Japanese, there were loosely translated English words below. In my jet-lagged state, I didn't feel up to trying the complicated bidet yet, but I did try the privacy sound.

It was motion-activated so as soon as I sat down, it made a noise almost like running water. Through my research, I discovered that the sound is actually trying to emulate the noise of a toilet flushing. It was the most serene bathroom experience I had ever encountered, and we hadn't even left the airport yet. Not only could I pee in peace, but the entire bathroom was very clean.

Cleanliness appeared to be a trend across the board in Tokyo. There was no trash to be seen on the streets even though there were no public trash cans. I wondered if not having trash cans was a psychological method to encourage people to take their trash with them. I even saw a woman walking her dog and, after picking up its poop, put it in her fanny pack to take with her.

I'm still thinking about the toilets months later

For the rest of our trip, every bathroom I encountered continued to be a joy to use. Some included lights that turned on when you opened the lid. Another included a heated seat, which was something I had never thought of before; however, now that it's gotten colder, I wish my toilet at home had one.

One of the best parts continued to be the privacy button. Many of the hotel rooms or houses we stayed in were very small, which is common in Japan. But luckily, we didn't have to worry about our bathroom use putting a damper on the romance of our honeymoon, because the privacy noise completely masked any unpleasant sounds.

The bidet tried some getting used to, but I loved it

When it came to using the bidet, this took some trial and error. The nozzle featured a few different pressure and position options, so finding the right one is key. The best part was the fact that the water was warm, which made it very pleasant.

Now that I'm back in the United States, I find myself dreaming of having a Japanese toilet at home and have started searching for one. Although I haven't found exactly the right one yet, I have found several that featured heated seats with a bidet. You can also buy buttons online to install next to your toilet that make privacy sounds. When I began my search, I discovered that I'm not the only one who is seeking a fancier toilet.

While I may not be able to completely recreate the zen aesthetic of Japanese toilets, I'm glad I could experience Japanese toilets for myself. It will always be one of my favorite parts of the trip.

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