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I tried eating, sleeping, and exercising the way Michael Phelps does in retirement, and I found it surprisingly easy

I tried eating, sleeping, and exercising the way Michael Phelps does in retirement, and I found it surprisingly easy
I ate, slept, and exercised like Michael Phelps.Frank Olito/ Insider & Joe Scarnici/ Getty
  • Michael Phelps, who is now retired, shared his health regimen with GQ, and I decided to try it out.
  • It was difficult to eat a salad every day, but I loved getting more sleep and eating more veggies.
  • Overall, Phelps' routine helped me feel more energized and gave me a positive attitude.

When Michael Phelps was training for the Olympics, he famously ate up to 10,000 calories per day. Now, in retirement, his health regimen is more simplified.

When Michael Phelps was training for the Olympics, he famously ate up to 10,000 calories per day. Now, in retirement, his health regimen is more simplified.
Michael Phelps.      Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

In order to fuel his body for Olympic training, Phelps would consume 8,000 to 12,000 calories per day, which included three egg sandwiches, French toast, and pancakes — and that was only breakfast.

These days, the Olympian is a retired dad, so his eating habits and fitness routine has changed dramatically.

"Post-retirement it's challenging to eat sometimes," Phelps told GQ in March. "Think about this: For 25 years, eating was a part of my job, it was a part of my profession. Because of that, I have a deep understanding of what my body needs. I'm not trying to plow food into my system now. It's different. After I retired I put on 30 to 35 pounds to end up at just under 230. It was a significant body change for me, and I knew that I had to get back into some kind of routine."

Taking food and exercise tips from Phelps, I tried his retirement health routine for a week. Here's how it went.

I started every day with a smoothie or eggs, just like Phelps does.

I started every day with a smoothie or eggs, just like Phelps does.
The smoothie was delicious each morning.      Frank Olito/ Insider

"I make most breakfasts and every dinner, and I'm always trying to incorporate as many nutrients as possible because I've always treated my body like it's a high-performance race car," Phelps told GQ.

As for breakfast, he typically makes a smoothie, which contains spinach, almond milk, cacao, figs, and Silk Ultra, a plant-based protein drink. Following in the gold medalist's footsteps, I attempted to make this smoothie.

When shopping for the ingredients, it was difficult to find Silk Ultra at my local grocery store, so I decided to nix it. I was also nervous about adding figs and cacao to a smoothie, but it was delicious. The figs added a sweetness that most other smoothie recipes lack. I made it most mornings during the week.

Each morning, I also scrambled up two eggs and threw in some chopped-up spinach, which was a perfect complement to the smoothie.

Although I had to set aside a chunk of time each morning to make the smoothie and eggs, I realized I stayed fuller longer during the day thanks to the large, healthful breakfast.

During the week, the hardest part for me was eating a salad every day for lunch.

During the week, the hardest part for me was eating a salad every day for lunch.
The first salad I made.      Frank Olito/ Insider

Phelps said he and his family incorporates one salad into their diet every day. When I read that, I immediately got nervous because I've never been a fan of salads. Reluctantly, I bought arugula, cashews, apples, shredded chicken breast, and a balsamic vinaigrette for a salad. When I assembled everything for a lunch salad, I hated it and could barely eat it.

The following day, I tried again with a honey mustard-based dressing, and it was a bit better, but I still struggled to finish it. For the rest of the week, I decided to make a small salad on the side of a sandwich for lunch instead of having it be the main.

Reducing a large salad to a side salad definitely helped in maintaining that one-salad-per-day requirement, but at the end of the day, salads are just not my thing.

I attempted to add more vegetables to my diet, which turned out to be easier than I expected.

I attempted to add more vegetables to my diet, which turned out to be easier than I expected.
Some of the vegetables I used during the week.      Frank Olito/ Insider

"For both lunch and dinner, I really think a lot about vegetables," Phelps told GQ. "For whatever reason, I feel like I hear my mom's voice especially when I'm preparing food for my kids, asking me if I'm eating my veggies."

For me, vegetables weren't a big part of my diet growing up, so I've always struggled to incorporate more of them into my diet. But I decided to really focus on supplementing my meals — especially dinner — with vegetable sides. I bought Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, carrots, sweet potato, and spinach.

All week long, I found recipes that turned these vegetables into delicious sides. I especially loved the garlic Parmesan roasted broccoli that I cooked in my air fryer and a New York Times recipe for roasted garlic Brussels sprouts. (The secret to making anything taste good is adding lots of garlic.)

Since Phelps didn't go into great detail about the rest of his dinners, I kept it simple. I cooked grilled chicken, salmon, and coconut shrimp during the week to make sure the vegetables were the star of the dish.

With a well-balanced plate, I found myself eating less and feeling more full after dinner.

Phelps also recommends getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep. I tried to do the same.

Phelps also recommends getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep. I tried to do the same.
I started waking up earlier.      Frank Olito/ Insider

In his interview with GQ, Phelps said he usually goes to sleep shortly after his children go to bed at 7:30 p.m.

"I know how important sleep is," he said. "I wanna be the best every day, and my best is getting 7 to 9 hours."

I'm usually a night owl and don't go to sleep until midnight — at the earliest. This means I'm usually not getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep and typically wake up still tired.

Out of all the small changes I made during this experimental week, I was most excited to adjust my sleeping schedule and get more rest. At the start of the week, I tried to go to sleep around 11 p.m., but I mainly stayed awake in bed, struggling to fall asleep. As the week progressed, going to bed earlier became easier as I developed a better nightly routine.

By the end of the week, I was setting an earlier alarm than usual and still getting a little over 7 hours of sleep. I started noticing a positive change in my mood every morning when my alarm woke me up.

I tried to match Phelps' fitness routine, which involves HIIT training and cardio.

I tried to match Phelps
Exhausted after a HIIT workout.      Frank Olito/ Insider

Phelps said he is "big on HIIT training," which is exercising in short, intense segments with short breaks. He also loves doing cardio, using the elliptical, and, most obviously, swimming.

Since I have neither an elliptical machine nor a pool, I set a goal of doing a HIIT workout each evening after work — and it wasn't easy. As someone who rarely works out, HIIT training took a lot out of me. After the first two days of HIIT exercises, every muscle in my body was sore, and I needed to take a rest day.

The second half of the week I decided to leave Phelps' fitness routine behind and instead do more low-impact exercises. I was still exercising but at a pace I was more comfortable with, and I felt proud of myself for sticking with it.

While I usually dread working out, this week I was actually looking forward to the energy bump after work.

Over the week, two things about Phelps' health routine surprised me.

Over the week, two things about Phelps
The small changes helped a lot.      Frank Olito/ Insider

For Phelps, this routine helps him stay fit and active even though he is retired. When I dabbled in his regimen for a week, I noticed a physical change in my mood and body.

Firstly, I felt more energized all week long. Not only was I getting more sleep than usual, but I was also eating more healthy foods that gave me fuel to exercise almost every day. Second, I felt a shift in my mood during the week. Whereas I'm typically grumpy and tired during the workweek, the routine helped me feel more positive, alert, and awake.

I don't know if that's because I was just getting more rest or because I was just prioritizing my health more, but either way, I felt a positive change in my overall well-being at the end of the week.

Phelps' routine is simple, and its effects completely changed my outlook on diet culture.

Michael Phelps.      Martin Bureau/AFP/Getty Images

My social-media feed is often filled with people trying the Keto diet or counting their macros in an effort to lose weight and get healthy. I've even found myself trying out these strict, regimented diet trends, but I'm always left feeling defeated.

Phelps' health regimen — which isn't just focused on food but on his entire lifestyle — proved to me that dieting doesn't have to be dramatic. By simply adding more vegetables to my diet, exercising regularly, getting more sleep, and waking up to make breakfast, I was able to see changes quickly.

In other words, you just have to make small, healthy changes to your daily routine, and you might see dramatic changes in your overall health. You might even feel like an Olympian — I know I did.

