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  5. I tried cryotherapy, a celeb-loved treatment that involves standing in a -166°F chamber for 90 seconds. It was the best energy boost I've had in ages.

I tried cryotherapy, a celeb-loved treatment that involves standing in a -166°F chamber for 90 seconds. It was the best energy boost I've had in ages.

I tried cryotherapy, a celeb-loved treatment that involves standing in a -166°F chamber for 90 seconds. It was the best energy boost I've had in ages.
I tried cryotherapy at The Body Lab.Rachel Hosie/Insider
  • Cryotherapy, often used by athletes, involves spending two-to-four minutes in a very cold chamber.
  • People who swear by it say it aids recovery, decreases inflammation, and boosts the immune system.

Whole-body cryotherapy is a treatment that involves spending a short amount of time in a very cold chamber, often around minus-200-degrees Fahrenheit.

Whole-body cryotherapy is a treatment that involves spending a short amount of time in a very cold chamber, often around minus-200-degrees Fahrenheit.
The Body Lab's cryotherapy dual chamber.      Rachel Hosie/Insider

Cryotherapy, which is a treatment that exposes the body to extremely cold temperatures for two-to-four minutes, is popular among athletes for its supposed recovery-boosting benefits, and celebrities like Daniel Craig, Mandy Moore, and Cristiano Ronaldo are all reportedly fans.

To start the treatment, clients stand in a chamber filled with cold air, which causes the blood vessels closest to your skin to constrict, limiting the flow of blood, Insider's Madeline Kennedy reported.

Proponents of cryotherapy claim that treatments decrease inflammation, aid recovery, and boost the immune system, blood circulation, and metabolism.

In Nordic countries and Scandinavia, the extreme cold has long been considered a way to promote good health.

"Cold exposure can slow nerve signals from the area to the brain, which reduces sensation, causing numbness or reduction in pain," Catriona Rose, a public-health researcher at the University of Sydney, told Kennedy.

Slowing your blood flow limits the number of immune cells that can reach your muscles, which can help prevent pain and speed up the repair process, Rose said.

Emerging research supports that cryotherapy can reduce pain and encourage healing, but a small 2016 study found people did not experience body composition changes after 10 sessions.

I tried it out and was pleasantly surprised by how manageable it was and how good I felt afterward.

I tried cryotherapy at the Body Lab, a new luxury wellness center in London's affluent Kensington.

I tried cryotherapy at the Body Lab, a new luxury wellness center in London
The Body Lab in Kensington, West London.      Rachel Hosie/Insider

I was invited to visit the Body Lab in a journalist capacity to try some of the treatments.

The newly opened fitness and recovery center offers hyperbaric oxygen therapy, infrared saunas, and a float tank, as well as cryotherapy.

Memberships cost $6,800 (£4,950) to $21,800 (£16,000) a year, and the top-tier memberships include unlimited use of the facilities — cryotherapy can cost around $100 per treatment elsewhere.

The Body Lab has a dual cryotherapy chamber.

The Body Lab has a dual cryotherapy chamber.
A Body Lab cryotherapy chamber.      Rachel Hosie/Insider

The main chamber is set at minus-166-degrees Fahrenheit (minus-110-degrees Celsius), which you enter after 30 seconds in an initial minus-76-degrees F (minus-60-degrees C) chamber, to help the body transition to the extreme cold.

Sometimes cryotherapy is done in a metal chamber with the head exposed, which Business Insider's Irene Jiang wrote about, but The Body Lab's chambers are totally enclosed, allowing for a full-body experience.

The aim is to drop body temperature by 50-degrees Fahrenheit (10-degrees Celsius) The Body Lab's Nick Jacobs told me.

The aim is to drop body temperature by 50-degrees Fahrenheit (10-degrees Celsius) The Body Lab
The panel to control the temperature.      Rachel Hosie/Insider

Before going into the chamber, my body temperature was 93-degrees Fahrenheit (33.9-degrees Celsius).

The leaner you are, the quicker your temperature will drop, Jacobs said, because fat acts as insulation. So people with more body fat need to stay in the chamber longer to get the same results.

Most people aim for three minutes in the coldest chamber, but The Body Lab encourages people to build up to that, starting with shorter sessions. He suggested I do 30 seconds in the first chamber and try for 90 seconds in the next chamber.

Before my treatment, I was given a change of clothing.

Before my treatment, I was given a change of clothing.
Clothes for cryotherapy.      Rachel Hosie/Insider

I was given a vest top, shorts, ear-warmers, gloves, socks, and slippers to put on to prevent my extremities from getting too cold.

As someone who detests being cold, I was quite nervous before going in.

As someone who detests being cold, I was quite nervous before going in.
Rachel ready for cryotherapy.      Rachel Hosie/Insider

Jacobs explained to me that I could let myself out at any point if I wanted to, and I'd be able to see him and the countdown clock through the glass, which was comforting.

I surprised myself by managing the full two minutes, but it was a whole new level of cold.

I surprised myself by managing the full two minutes, but it was a whole new level of cold.
Rachel in the coldest cryotherapy chamber.      Rachel Hosie/Insider

Stepping into the first chamber, the crisp air felt sharp and was a shock to my body. The 30 seconds went by quickly, though, and I was still nervous about the main chamber.

But in I went.

It was, unsurprisingly, unpleasantly cold. I felt the urge to tense up my body, but remembered Jacobs telling me it's better not to, so I tried to relax my muscles and kept breathing slowly.

Once I settled down, I found the main challenge of staying in the chamber was mental — I wanted to complete my 90 seconds, so I did.

After stepping out, my temperature had dropped by 60.8-degrees Fahrenheit (16-degrees Celsius) which, Jacobs told me, was a lot.

After stepping out, my temperature had dropped by 60.8-degrees Fahrenheit (16-degrees Celsius) which, Jacobs told me, was a lot.
Rachel after cryotherapy.      Rachel Hosie/Insider

The aim is to drop body temperature by 50-degrees Fahrenheit (10-degrees Celsius), which requires staying in the chamber longer for most people, Jacobs said.

As I stepped on to the underfloor heating, I felt fantastic. The cryotherapy had given me rush of endorphins, and I felt really energized.

I slept brilliantly that night, too, and thought perhaps one of the ways cryotherapy can boost people's recovery is by helping them sleep better.

I did wonder if part of how I was feeling was due to the sense of achievement at having done something uncomfortable and hard as much as the effect it had on my body.

But either way, it certainly made me feel great.


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