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  5. I tried a 74-year-old fitness influencer's daily workout for a week and realized I'm not in as good shape as I thought I was

I tried a 74-year-old fitness influencer's daily workout for a week and realized I'm not in as good shape as I thought I was

Joan MacDonald became a fitness influencer after posting about her impressive weight-loss journey on Instagram.

I tried a 74-year-old fitness influencer's daily workout for a week and realized I'm not in as good shape as I thought I was
LifeScience1 min read
I tried Joan MacDonald's workout routine for a week.@trainwithjoan/Instagram/Zoe Ettinger
  • Joan MacDonald is a 74-year-old fitness influencer with over 772,000 Instagram followers.
  • Her daughter and coach, Michelle MacDonald, provided Insider with Joan's typical weekly workout.
  • Though I thought I was in pretty good shape before starting the week's workout, I realized there were muscles I hadn't been using in my own workouts before.
  • MacDonald's workout is more intense than I am used to, but I am going to incorporate elements of it into my own daily workout routine.

Joan MacDonald became a fitness influencer after she used workouts devised by her daughter and lost over 60 pounds. The 74-year-old started an Instagram account to track her progress and has gained hundreds of thousands of followers.

After seeing her incredible progress, I was interested in what type of workouts she did daily to maintain such an impressive physique. I wondered if I would be able to do the workouts, and how challenging they might be.

MacDonald's daughter has a fitness account of her own, @yourhealthyhedonista, which has over 127,000 followers. She provided Insider with a week's workout that would match her mother's normal routine.

The workout routine involved lower, upper, and total body workouts, and I could do almost all of the exercises with just a yoga mat and weights. It was entirely different from my normal workout routine, which involves walking or jogging 3 to 4 miles a day and doing crunches and squats.

Take a look at what it was like trying a 74-year-old fitness influencer's daily workout routine for a week.

Joan MacDonald became a fitness influencer after posting about her impressive weight-loss journey on Instagram.

Joan MacDonald became a fitness influencer after posting about her impressive weight-loss journey on Instagram.
Joan MacDonald's transformation.      Joan MacDonald

When MacDonald was 70, she weighed nearly 200 pounds and was on medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and acid reflux. She realized that she needed to make a change, so she reached out to her daughter, a personal trainer, who helped her with workout routines and healthy eating advice.

After just six months, MacDonald lost more than 45 pounds, and she has since lost more than 15 pounds on top of that. To show her impressive progress, and let others know that you can get in shape at any age, MacDonald posted her photos on Instagram and began amassing thousands of followers.

The first day of her routine involved a lower-body workout and moves I'd never tried before.

The first day of her routine involved a lower-body workout and moves I
Weighted frog pumps.      Zoe Ettinger

The first day consisted of three sets of 10 reps of banded squats (I did it without the bands), three sets of 12 reps of walking lunges, four sets of 10 reps of Romanian deadlifts, four sets of 10 reps of sumo squats, four sets of 10 step ups (per leg), two sets of 20 steps of marching glute bridges, and two sets of 20 reps of weighted frog pumps.

Frog pumps, pictured above, are when you place your feet together and knees wide apart, like frog legs, and then push your hips up and down. Instead of a weight I used a heavy book since it was less pressure on my hips.

The exercises burned in the moment, but I felt fine immediately after.

I woke up aching the next day, but there was no time to rest. The second workout day was a "total body circuit," so I had to do six rounds of full-body exercises.

I woke up aching the next day, but there was no time to rest. The second workout day was a "total body circuit," so I had to do six rounds of full-body exercises.
Push ups.      Zoe Ettinger

On the second day, I woke up and my whole lower body was sore. I felt it the moment I got out of bed and wasn't exactly looking forward to the day's workout. However, after some stretching and a hot shower, I got into the second workout.

This workout consisted of full-body moves, and each round had to be completed six times. Each round consisted of 10 jumping jacks, 10 push-ups, 20 bicycle crunches, 20 moving planks, 20 bent-over dumbbell lifts, 20 reverse lunges, and 10 plyo hops. Plyo hops are when you spring up from the ground on alternating feet.

The first three rounds of the circuit weren't bad, but the second three rounds were a challenge. I was sweating and breathing pretty heavily. I was able to complete the circuit, but I think someone with a lower level of fitness might have some trouble.

The third day was a workout for the upper body and consisted of push-ups, bench dips, and bicep curls. I was happy to give my lower body a break.

The third day was a workout for the upper body and consisted of push-ups, bench dips, and bicep curls. I was happy to give my lower body a break.
Bench dips.      Zoe Ettinger

By the third day, I was glad to rest my lower body, which was still a bit sore. Soreness is actually a good thing and "is a by-product of healing," sports medicine physician Dr. Michael Jonesco told Live Science.

I had never spent a full workout just on my upper body, so day three was a new challenge for me.

The exercises were four sets of 10 reps of kneeling tricep medicine ball push-ups (I did it without the medicine ball), four sets of 10 reps of bench dips, four sets of 10 reps of bicep curls, four sets of 10 reps of spider curls, four sets of 10 reps of alternating shoulder presses, three sets of 10 reps of lateral raises with an isometric hold, and three sets of 10 reps of external rotations.

This workout was more difficult than the other days for me, since I hadn't done so many upper body exercises at once. After, my arms felt sore, and moving them up and down was slightly painful for the rest of the day.

The fourth workout was a lower-body circuit. It had three rounds of squats, push ups, lunges, and hip extensions — moves I was familiar with.

The fourth workout was a lower-body circuit. It had three rounds of squats, push ups, lunges, and hip extensions — moves I was familiar with.
Prisoner squats.      Zoe Ettinger

By day four my soreness was starting to subside and I was happy to do a workout with moves I had done in the past.

The exercises were prisoner squats (pictured above), kneeling push-ups, running in place, backward lunges on each leg, and hip extensions on each leg.

I did three rounds total and did each exercise for 40 seconds, with a 60-second break in between. I used my phone timer to make sure that I was right on track.

Day four was less difficult than the first three days, and although I still felt some muscle soreness, it had mostly subsided.

By day five, I was feeling energized. This day involved another total body workout, which I preferred.

By day five, I was feeling energized. This day involved another total body workout, which I preferred.
Sit ups.      Zoe Ettinger

I was a fan of the total body workout days because they left me feeling less sore overall.

The exercises were: Squat to ball toss (I didn't have a ball so I skipped this one), partner incline push-ups, partner sit-ups, partner bicycles, partner tricep dips on squat legs, squat jumps, and partner glute bridges on a plank. Though some of MacDonald's exercises call for a partner, I didn't have anyone available, so I did these on my own.

Each exercise consisted of 10 reps, except bicycles, which was 20 reps. I used the timer on my phone to set 60-second rest periods between each circuit, but MacDonald said resting up to 90 seconds is fine.

Day five left me feeling pretty exhilarated, my heart was pumping fast and I was sweaty, but I felt energized after I finished.

The sixth day was back to the workout from the first day, but by now I was much more confident in my ability to complete it.

The sixth day was back to the workout from the first day, but by now I was much more confident in my ability to complete it.
Walking lunges.      Zoe Ettinger

Day one was a lower body workout where I did four sets of sumo squats, Romanian deadlifts, and step ups; three sets of squats and walking lunges; and two sets of glute bridge marching and weighted frog pumps.

Trying the day one workout for the second time, I definitely felt more confident, and afterwards, I noticed that I felt hardly any soreness.

The last workout day was back to the second day, which was a total body circuit of moves like push-ups, jumping jacks, and moving planks.

The last workout day was back to the second day, which was a total body circuit of moves like push-ups, jumping jacks, and moving planks.
Bicycle crunches.      Zoe Ettinger

By the last day, I was ready to get the workout done and felt more energized than I had at the start of the week. This day was a circuit, so I had to do six rounds of each exercise. I did 10 plyo hops, 10 push-ups, 20 bicycle crunches, 20 reverse lunges, 20 jumping jacks, 20 bent-over dumbbell lifts, and 20 moving planks.

By day six, I was actually enjoying the workout and not thinking about how sore I might be afterwards, which was a nice change from the start of the week.

Overall, the workout was difficult, yet rewarding. The best part was that it can all be done at home with minimal equipment.

Overall, the workout was difficult, yet rewarding. The best part was that it can all be done at home with minimal equipment.
Final result.      Zoe Ettinger

I was able to follow MacDonald's workout very closely with just a yoga mat and weights, though anyone looking to follow it exactly will need a medicine ball and resistance bands.

Trying MacDonald's routine made me realize that I'm not in as good shape as I thought I was. I initially thought the workout wouldn't leave me feeling sore since I run or jog about three to four miles and do squats and crunches each day. However, the soreness I experienced on the second day showed me that there are muscles I haven't been working.

I don't know if I'll continue the full workout each day, since it is more intense than I am used to, but I will definitely incorporate elements of it into my own daily workout routine.


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