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  5. I went to Mexico for bariatric surgery and have zero regrets — it was a third of the cost and I never felt unsafe

I went to Mexico for bariatric surgery and have zero regrets it was a third of the cost and I never felt unsafe

Jenny Powers   

I went to Mexico for bariatric surgery and have zero regrets — it was a third of the cost and I never felt unsafe
  • Mexico's medical-tourism business brings more than 1 million Americans to the country each year.
  • Kasey Spicer traveled to Tijuana for bariatric surgery in 2021 and had a successful experience.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Kasey Spicer, a 44-year-old school teacher from Lexington, South Carolina, about traveling to Mexico for bariatric surgery. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

I've always struggled with weight issues, so after a lifetime of trying everything exercise- and diet-related, at the age of 42 and weighing 270 pounds, I decided it was time to finally take the plunge and look into bariatric surgery.

I'd already tried everything from counting points and going keto to taking doctor-prescribed medication, but I knew the bariatric procedure had the potential to be a life-changing experience, so I did my due diligence in terms of finding the right doctor.

All it took was a handful of phone calls to realize my salary as a public-school teacher, along with my state medical insurance, wasn't going to cover the $17,000 out-of-pocket costs that local doctors were quoting. Having known people who'd gone to Mexico to have the procedure done and unwilling to give up, I turned to the internet to find a safe, more cost-effective medical facility outside of the United States.

My husband said I could get mini gastric-bypass surgery anywhere but Tijuana

My husband, Rob, who was also overweight at the time, was initially apprehensive about me getting mini gastric-bypass surgery, but in the end he came around. His only caveat was I could go anywhere but Tijuana, which is considered one of the most violent cities in the world, and there are countless stories about unlicensed practitioners and clinics preying on medical tourists there.

After joining a private weight-loss-surgery support group of 22,000 members on Facebook called I left my stomach in Mexico, one particular doctor kept coming up with glowing patient reviews. Upon further investigation, I learned the practice where he worked, was located in the one place Rob forbade me to go: Tijuana.

I scheduled a call to discuss bariatric surgery with a coordinator in Mexico

If there's one thing my husband knows it's that I'm a strong-headed woman, so after doing comprehensive research on the level of quality and support provided by the facility, I scheduled a call with a coordinator. After learning the $5,400 fee for the procedure covered everything except airfare — including pre-and post-op tests and evaluations, blood work, anesthesia, pain medicine, accommodations at the local Marriott with an on-site English-speaking facilitator employed by the practice, and all ground transportation — I said to Rob: "We're going to Tijuana."

On September 1, 2021, we flew from Atlanta to San Diego, California. Within minutes of landing, a driver sent by the facility arranged to meet us and take us across the border into Mexico. It took us about 20 minutes to get from the airport to the hotel. He accompanied us while we checked into the hotel room they'd booked for us, before escorting us to the hospital for a series of pre-op tests, which included a CAT scan.

The tests went much quicker than back home

I feel like anytime I walk into a doctor's office in the US, it's a waiting game, but the CAT scan in Mexico wound up revealing a blockage in an artery near my heart, commonly referred to as the "widowmaker."

At the time, my artery was 50% to 70% blocked, and I had no clue about it until then — that was truly a silver lining. Luckily, the doctor said I could still go through with the procedure and gave me a disc of images to share with my doctor back home, so I could begin treating it upon my return.

Editor's note: Mayo Clinic research found that bariatric surgery can be a safe option for obese patients with coronary-artery disease.

The procedure was performed via laparoscopic surgery

The procedure involves the surgeon essentially dividing and stapling the stomach into a large and a small portion. The smaller one, which is like a pouch, holds approximately a cup of food and allows people to eat less and feel full faster.

My doctor used an advanced surgical stapler and staples. In the end, I was left with minimal marks from the entry points of the tools, and they've since disappeared.

There was no pain involved, but I realize everyone's experience varies

While I did suffer from mild discomfort in the form of a bit of achiness and stiffness, My doctor and his team were very good about preparing me for potential side effects, which could include nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

The hospital couldn't have been any cleaner, and the nurses went above and beyond to ensure I had everything I needed — from extra blankets to chicken broth, jello, coconut water, protein shakes, and other items in my prescribed liquid diet. The hospital even had amenities like WiFi and Netflix in English.

I learned through the Facebook group that while it's not required, people often tip their nurses, so I gave each of my nurses the equivalent of $10. They were so appreciative, you'd have thought I'd given them a million.

The surgery went off without a hitch, and the post-op support didn't disappoint, either

As recommended, I spent two nights in the hospital after the procedure. Upon my release, a driver brought me back to our hotel, where we stayed overnight. The following day, the driver brought us back to the airport to catch our flight home. The trip took four nights.

True to the patient reviews, once I was home, all I had to do was message a coordinator on WhatsApp if I needed anything, and within a few minutes, I'd get a response.

The personalized care and support I received was nothing short of amazing, and even Rob, who went kicking and screaming to Tijuana, was impressed with the experience and my overall results. We wound up returning in June so he could have the procedure done himself.

Since my visit, the hospital has added an elective endoscopy for $300 as part of the pre-op services. Doctors did an endoscopy on Rob and discovered he had a hiatal hernia and were able to repair it prior to his full bypass.

Between the two of us, we've lost close to 200 pounds and gained a new lease on life

Now we both have more energy than ever, which we need since we're raising two kids, ages 8 and 17, and taking care of my mother and serving as the guardian to my cousin with Down syndrome.

The best advice I can give to someone interested in having this procedure, or any procedure for that matter, is to do your homework. Thoroughly investigate every aspect of the experience, from the medical provider to the hospital to the neighborhood. Bad things can happen anywhere, so it's important to go through a legitimate provider and know your environment.

I was heartbroken after learning that four Americans were abducted and two were killed during their trip to Mexico for cosmetic surgery. Plenty of people who knew we'd gone there called and said, "Aren't you glad that wasn't you? I told you, you shouldn't have gone." I told them that my experience was completely different. I never felt unsafe and the entire experience was a real game changer for me.

I'd do it again in a heartbeat and wouldn't change a thing. At the end of the day, I have zero regrets.

If you traveled outside of the US for surgery and want to share your experience, please email

Correction: April 19, 2023 — An earlier version of this story misstated the state that Kasey and Rob Spicer flew to before driving into Mexico, and the city the four Americans were abducted in. The Spicers flew to San Diego, California, not San Diego, Texas. Also, the four Americans were abducted in Mexico, but not Tijuana.

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