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  5. I swabbed my vagina for a mail-order test that can help explain recurrent infections or even infertility. Here's how it worked.

I swabbed my vagina for a mail-order test that can help explain recurrent infections or even infertility. Here's how it worked.

I swabbed my vagina for a mail-order test that can help explain recurrent infections or even infertility. Here's how it worked.
Evvy's at-home vaginal microbiome test involves a swab that delivers results in two weeks.Courtesy of Evvy
  • Evvy launched in July to help get at the root of recurrent vaginal infections and other symptoms.
  • I didn't have complaints, but I tried the kit to see what it revealed about my habits or fertility.
  • I learned my microbiome is dominated by a certain (good, in my case) bacteria, but not much more.

If you have a vagina, chances are you've had a yeast infection or urinary tract infection.

If you have a vagina, chances are you
8% of people who get yeast infections will get more than four a year.      Crystal Cox/Business Insider

While the pesky conditions affect most women at some point in their lives, a significant portion experience them again and again. A quarter of women with UTIs will get another within six months.

I'm lucky not to be one of those with recurrent infections.

While I may have had a yeast infection as a kid, it was inconsequential enough to be forgotten. And I did have a UTI that became a scary kidney infection 10 years ago, but that's another story. As far as I know, I've been healthy since.

Still, when I covered Evvy, a new female-founded company that launched an at-home vaginal microbiome kit that aims to help people better understand the root of various symptoms and infections, I was curious what trying it myself would reveal.

What if I did in fact have bacterial vaginosis, the most common vaginal infection that doesn't cause symptoms in most people? Or maybe Evvy's kit could tell me something about my fertility, which, as a 34-year-old newlywed, I'm curious. Would it be able to detect that I rarely eat sweets but frequently chug beer?

I got a $129 kit, expensed by Insider, to find out.

First, some background on Evvy, which was founded by two Stanford graduates.

First, some background on Evvy, which was founded by two Stanford graduates.
Priyanka Jain (left) and Laine Bruzek met as undergrads at Stanford.      Courtesy of Evvy

Priyanka Jain and Laine Bruzek launched Evvy in July with a mission to help both people with vaginas and to fill in research gaps.

Currently, vaginal infections aren't well treated — hence their propensity for returning. People are given temporary fixes like pills and creams, or entirely brushed off, the founders told me.

Their company, which derives from "every vagina," aims to point women to more sustainable solutions, whether that's avoiding certain activities on certain days of the month or taking a probiotic.

Evvy also aims to help people with infertility, preterm birth, and cervical cancer, which can be influenced by a microbial imbalance in the vagina, though exactly how much is unknown. People going through menopause might find answers to some symptoms through the kit, too.

Jain and Bruzek are also interested in collecting data on female bodies, which weren't required to be in clinical research until 1993.

Jain and Bruzek are also interested in collecting data on female bodies, which weren
Evvy's founders see women's natural hormonal fluctuations as an asset, not something to avoid in research.      Crystal Cox/Business Insider

"Our whole premise is: What if we could take the things that are unique about the female body ... and actually harness those to detect how disease might be manifesting?" Jain said. "That's our highest-level mission."

While not the first at-home microbiome vaginal microbiome test, Evvy is the first such test to use metagenomic sequencing, meaning it looks at the whole picture, not just part of the genome or DNA or viruses or bacteria.

The product doesn't need FDA approval because it doesn't claim to diagnose conditions.

Its ongoing research is approved by an IRB (an independent committee that makes sure research is conducted ethically), and collected in a way that dissociates the data from the person to protect users' privacy.

The Evvy kit includes a thin plastic rod with a cotton swab, directions for use, and a container and packaging to send the sample back in.

The Evvy kit includes a thin plastic rod with a cotton swab, directions for use, and a container and packaging to send the sample back in.
Evvy's founders designed the packaging to look not overly feminine since they want to help anyone with a vagina.      Evvy

Evvy costs $129 for a single swab, and a "membership option" is available for people who want to track their microbiome four times over the course of a year for $100 per test.

That purchase can appeal to people who have ongoing issues but can't pinpoint when or why symptoms crop up, or those experimenting with different medications or even sleeping with new partners.

Before swabbing, Evvy asks you to create a profile and complete a health questionnaire online.

Before swabbing, Evvy asks you to create a profile and complete a health questionnaire online.
I was lucky not to complain of any symptoms, but did wonder if I'm as healthy as I assumed.      Anna Medaris Miller

The survey asks why you're using the kit and about your last period before getting into more intimate details, like what your discharge looks like and what your vagina smells like. "Yeasty, like beer or bread" and "sweet, like molasses" are options.

It also asks about a range of symptoms, like vaginal pain, itchiness, and dryness, as well as your history of various infections and diseases.

It (securely) gathers demographic info, like your height, weight, race, and gender assigned at birth, as well as habits, family history, and what kind of products you use.

The questionnaire asks all about your sex life, too. What gender(s) do you sleep with, for example, and what kinds of sex are you engaging in? What contraception do you use?

I appreciated the tone of the survey — that of a friend, not doctor. ("If you think the word 'moist' is cringe, wait until you hear the descriptions for vaginal smells/discharge," the survey says.)

Then, it was time to swab.

Then, it was time to swab.
An Evvy rep told me they most frequently have to send fresh swabs for consumers who use it during or around their periods, contaminating the sample with blood.      Anna Medaris Miller

The directions indicated to insert the swab 1 to 2 inches and swirl it around for 20 seconds along all sides of the vaginal canal.

The swab was so small I barely noticed it as I sang "Happy Birthday," which lasts 20 seconds — also the length of a proper handwashing.

An Evvy rep told me that it's rare for the sample to be contaminated with something in the environment that catches on to the swab before it's sealed in the tube. If that happens, however, it's detected in the lab and the Evvy user is notified and sent a new swab to try again.

Next, as directed, I snapped the lower half of the swabbing stick off and sealed the sample in its intended tube.

Next, as directed, I snapped the lower half of the swabbing stick off and sealed the sample in its intended tube.
The tube had a small bit of liquid in it to protect the bacteria.      Anna Medaris Miller

The tube then went in a biohazard bag and box, which was pre-addressed and stamped to the lab. I felt like I had a fun little secret when I dropped it off at the local USPS.

A few weeks later, I got my results, but it took some time and effort to understand what they meant.

A few weeks later, I got my results, but it took some time and effort to understand what they meant.
Given the conversational tone of the survey, I was a little surprised to see such scientific detail in the results.      Anna Medaris Miller

Based on the colorful blob depiction of my microbiome, it looked like things were in good shape — the majority of bacteria was labeled neutral, and I had more beneficial than disruptive microorganisms.

Still, I scheduled a call with Pita Navarro, Evvy's head of research, to help talk me through my results. Any Evvy user can schedule a call with a company expert to decipher their dashboard.

She told me that, unlike the gut microbiome in which lots of diversity is good, in the vagina, it's healthiest to be dominated by one bacteria — and especially one of the Lactobacillus species. That species produces lactic acid, keeping the vaginal PH low and disruptive bacteria at bay.

As someone dominated by Lactobacillus inners, then, I did have a healthy looking microbiome, Pita assured.

Interestingly, though, other people dominated by the same species might have issues since it's influenced by the bacteria around it.

"If you have inners and great bacteria like yours, you have a healthy result," Pita told me. "But for the small percentage of women that have lactobacillus inners and 10% to 20% other pathogens, they start experiencing symptoms."

"That why particularly for those women dominated by lactobacillus inners, it's extremely important to get comprehensive testing and look at what else is surrounding it."

Because I haven't tried to get pregnant, the Evvy test couldn't tell me much about my fertility.

Because I haven
Other factors affect fertility more than the vaginal microbiome.      Isabel Pavia/Getty Images

Fertility is complicated, influenced by age, genetics, anatomical differences, timing, environmental factors, and, many would say, luck.

How much the vaginal microbiome plays a role is unknown — after all, the largest study on it only included 400 women.

So the kit can't, and doesn't claim to, be able to tell you just how fertile you are. It may, however, be able to help someone who's been trying to conceive see more parts of the puzzle, Pita explained.

"If and when you think about getting pregnant, if you struggle and you can't point to anything else, then I would suggest you start looking into your vaginal microbiome," Pita said. "It's usually women who are experiencing unexplained infertility or unexplained failed embryo implantation that their doctor is like, 'OK, let's actually take a look at the vaginal microbiome.'"

My online dashboard also came with "next steps" that seemed generic.

My online dashboard also came with "next steps" that seemed generic.
I didn't see a compelling reason to track my microbiome over time, but I'm also not a health tech-y person.      Anna Medaris Miller

It seemed like Evvy just wanted to tell me to do something, even though I didn't have complaints and my test didn't turn up anything concerning.

My "plan" included using condoms more, which didn't take into account the fact that I've been with my husband for five years and am on birth control.

It also included tips to reduce infections, like peeing after sex. Good advice, but nothing new and not entirely pressing for someone who's been infection-free for 10 years.

For people who do have symptoms or recurrent infections, advice might be more specific — like to ask your doctor for a bacterial vaginosis test if you may have been misdiagnosed with yeast infections, or to get another swab at a different point in your cycle to see how your symptoms correlate. Perhaps a change of medication or contraceptive method could help in those cases too.

But getting diet and exercise advice is unlikely, Pita told me, since she said there's no research linking those factors to the vaginal microbiome. That doesn't mean a link doesn't exist for some people.

"I like to remind people that you are the expert in your own body," she said. "You know what aggravates your symptoms."

Most people who've used Evvy so far have symptoms they're trying to resolve, and some have found help, Pita said.

Most people who
Crystal Cox/Business Insider

I was an unusually healthy case, since, understandably most people who've sprung for the kit so far want answers to uncomfortable or painful symptoms.

Pita said some Evvy users have discovered that what they'd long thought was a recurrent yeast infection was in fact bacterial vaginosis. Others have realized that the occasional itchiness isn't an infection, but rather a normal shift in bacteria during certain times of their menstrual cycle. Some have told Pita they've taken their results to their doctors and finally received effective treatment.

Others like to use the kit to track their microbiomes over time, noticing shifts around their periods, with new partners, on different medications, and when going through menopause.

But for me, I'm happy to know that what feels right actually is. I'll be trusting my body sans-swab until something feels off, and following Pita's advice: "Be very grateful for the status of your vaginal microbiome."

