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I haven't spent Christmas with my sons since my divorce 14 years ago. I'm hoping next year I'll finally get to.

Ash Jurberg   

I haven't spent Christmas with my sons since my divorce 14 years ago. I'm hoping next year I'll finally get to.
  • I divorced when my twin sons were three years old.
  • I agreed to forgo access on Christmas Day as part of the custody arrangement.

When my twin sons were three years old 14 years ago, I divorced their mother.

With such young children, the divorce wasn't easy. The negotiations over a financial settlement and custody arrangements were long and draining. I'm Jewish and had never had much interest in Christmas, so in exchange for gaining access on other days, I agreed my sons could spend Christmas Day each year with their Christian mother. At the time, I thought it was a good deal for both of us.

My first Christmas without them felt like a normal day

The first Christmas I spent away from my children was in 2010, and it felt like any other day. One of my recently divorced friends was also Jewish, so we spent the day playing golf and drinking beer. It felt like a regular weekend day, and we agreed to do the same thing every year. However, by the next Christmas in 2011, he had found a new partner and spent the day with her family.

Despite being invited to spend time with friends, I declined. All my friends were spending time with their children on the day, and I was by myself at home. I felt jealous and angry that I couldn't see my children and didn't want to see anybody.

For the first time, I felt very alone on Christmas, and for the next couple of years, I worked on Christmas Day to keep myself busy. I distracted myself by undertaking mundane office tasks and drowned out the holiday that others were celebrating.

A few years later, I found a way to enjoy Christmas again

In 2014, on a business trip to the US, I met Cece. We dated long-distance for a while before she moved to Australia to be with me. Cece had grown up Catholic, and Christmas was her favorite time of the year. That year was the first time in a while I enjoyed Christmas.

Once again, I had a Christmas tree in my home, and the festive spirit made me much happier. We celebrated Christmas with my sons on December 22, and the time was special. The holiday season felt real to me once more.

Now that I had a new long-term partner, we started developing traditions to make the holiday special even though we didn't spend Christmas Day with our kids. We would decorate our Christmas tree early, prepare special meals throughout December, and create family games and activities. We effectively made the entire first two weeks of December feel like Christmas Day in our home. I think they enjoy celebrating such an extended Christmas.

A few days before Christmas, Cece and I fly to the United States to spend the holiday with her family. Every year, I have asked my ex-wife if the boys can come with us, but she has said no. I realize I agreed to let her have them for Christmas when we divorced, but I also wished she'd reconsider this part of our agreement for a few of their adolescent years; I feel like I've missed memories I can't get back.

I am hoping Christmas 2024 will be the best one yet for us

My sons turn 18 next year and officially become adults. This year, as always, I asked my ex-wife if I could spend Christmas with my children, but while she still declined, her response was slightly different. She reminded me that as they will be adults next year, my sons can decide for themselves what they want to do on Christmas Day.

Now, I know what my Christmas wish for this year will be. I'll be thinking of next year and hoping my boys will want to spend the day with me for the first time in 15 years.

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