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  5. I exercised before work every day for a week. It left me feeling both more exhausted and more productive.

I exercised before work every day for a week. It left me feeling both more exhausted and more productive.

I exercised before work every day for a week. It left me feeling both more exhausted and more productive.
LifeScience1 min read
A post-boxing selfie and the route I took on my run.Gabbi Shaw/Insider
  • Since my job became fully remote, I've become accustomed to getting out of bed at 8:55 a.m.
  • I used to exercise in the morning and was more productive, so I decided to try it again for a week.

As anyone who loves to sleep can tell you: It's hard work getting up early.

As a teenager, I was the kid who was woken up by their parents for school, before dragging my blanket into the bathroom, turning off the lights ... and napping a little more.

So when I challenged myself to exercise before work every day for a week, I was a little scared.

Instead, I found that, while yes, it was exhausting, it was also rewarding. I felt freer during the evenings, I wasn't sitting in bed until 2 a.m. scrolling through TikTok, and I was more productive in the morning.

Here's how I spent my week as an early riser and how it left me feeling.

Before I began working remotely, I tried to attend a 7 a.m. workout class at least once a week.

Before I began working remotely, I tried to attend a 7 a.m. workout class at least once a week.
Joggers and cyclists in Central Park in Manhattan.      Michael Kappeler/picture alliance/Getty Images

Before the pandemic shut down much of New York City in 2020, I was working in an office five days a week, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I lived around 30 minutes from the office, so if I exercised after work, there were some days when I wouldn't get home until 8 p.m. — and then I had to make dinner.

Instead, I found it much easier to wake up early, take a workout class at 7 a.m., shower at the gym, and then go to work.

I felt healthier and stronger when I was consistently working out. I was able to climb the stairs of my third-floor walk-up easily — a superpower I missed when I moved to a fifth-floor walk-up in 2022 — and it was easier to manage my chronic back pain, something I've been dealing with since I was a teenager.

In terms of working, I also felt much more productive. Plus, I had the rest of the day ahead of me, with more time to relax at night.

But the pandemic changed everything, including my gym habits.

But the pandemic changed everything, including my gym habits.
A woman wears a protective face mask while exercising in 2020.      Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Like many others, when the COVID-19 pandemic first shut everything down in New York City in March 2020, I committed to creative ways of working out at home: I invested in weights, a new yoga mat, and yoga blocks, and I started YouTube workouts.

That lasted for around a month.

My experience was typical among many of my peers. A 2021 UK study of exercise habits by age group that was published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found only people older than 65 had returned to their pre-pandemic fitness routines. The drop-off in exercise habits was the largest in people who had been the most active before COVID-19 and people under 40, according to the study.

I found it hard to motivate myself, I didn't want to expose myself or my loved ones to COVID-19 by going to a crowded gym, and, hardest of all, I started working from home.

That meant I could roll out of bed at 8:55 a.m. and sign on for 9 a.m. in my sweatpants. Even as I began working out again, I was still having a hard time motivating myself to wake up early, especially as my job continued to stay remote.

If I wanted to get in a workout before the workday, I would have to wake up by 7:55 a.m., and while the difference between waking up at 7:55 a.m. or 8:55 a.m. might not seem like a big deal, I found that extra hour is really hard to phase out once you've gotten used to it.

But I always missed how I felt after working out in the morning. Recently, I spoke to an expert about the benefits of exercising before work.

But I always missed how I felt after working out in the morning. Recently, I spoke to an expert about the benefits of exercising before work.
A yoga teacher.      Vivien Killilea/Getty Images for Tone It Up

Mary-Ellen Sabat, a personal trainer and licensed nutritionist, spoke with me about the benefits of starting off your day with a workout.

The main positive effects she highlighted were a boosted metabolism, increased energy levels, a more consistent schedule, stress reduction, and improved sleep.

According to Sabat, exercising in the morning "can help regulate your sleep patterns," which makes it easier to fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier too.

Additionally, a 2014 study published in Vascular Health Risk Management found that "early morning may be the most beneficial time" for exercise, if you want to "enhance" your quality of sleep and lower blood pressure while sleeping.

I was intrigued by this — I'm an insomniac by nature, so I was looking forward to seeing if working out early would help me get to bed earlier too.

Sabat also noted that willpower and self-discipline "tend to be highest in the morning," and that by doing my workout early, I'd be less likely to skip it.

Armed with this knowledge, I decided to exercise before 9 a.m. every day for an entire workweek.

Armed with this knowledge, I decided to exercise before 9 a.m. every day for an entire workweek.
Me gearing up for my run.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

As Insider's Stacy Lu reported, exercise helps burn off adrenaline, which causes stress. Less adrenaline makes you feel calmer, and also makes it easier for your body to produce endorphins, which "ease pain and produce a sense of well-being," she wrote.

When I set off for my first workout of the week on Monday, I was already dealing with the after-effects of "Sunday scaries," a feeling of anxiety associated with starting a new week.

I needed the calming effects this workout was supposed to give me.

On Monday, I decided to start simple: I went for a run. It was definitely difficult waking up earlier than usual.

On Monday, I decided to start simple: I went for a run. It was definitely difficult waking up earlier than usual.
The ramp leading up to the park.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

Sabat recommended cardiovascular activity as something to start off my day with, because it can "increase your heart rate, improve cardiovascular health, and boost energy levels," she said.

I left my apartment at 8 a.m., giving myself an hour before I had to sign on for work.

But the location couldn't have been nicer. I ran 3.5 miles total, up and down Manhattan's East River Esplanade.

But the location couldn
The East River Esplanade.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I was rewarded with a beautiful view of the East River, Roosevelt Island, Queens, and Randall's Island. I also got to ogle the myriad of cute dogs who were on their morning pre-work walks.

Spoiler: This was my favorite workout of the week.

Spoiler: This was my favorite workout of the week.
Sunflowers on my path.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I loved spending time outside, since I usually sit in my apartment all day while I work. Breathing in the fresh air while moving my body and tracking my progress using the city blocks was much more pleasant than I was expecting.

I also appreciated that I could decide my own workout. As you might have guessed, I'm not the most consistent exerciser, and sometimes I needed a quick break to walk and catch my breath.

Being around other people was also fun. I liked seeing how busy the park was — as a suburb native, I like being part of a community. This reminded me that I still have one, even if I don't always know it.

Taking this run also effectively banished my Sunday scaries. I felt relaxed when I got back home and ready to sign on.

The next day, I was sore and it was even more difficult to wake up early. So, I did a YouTube workout in my living room.

The next day, I was sore and it was even more difficult to wake up early. So, I did a YouTube workout in my living room.
My exercise-from-home setup.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

After my run, I ended up sleeping like a baby that night. I also noticed that I was more productive earlier in the day. Sometimes it seems like it takes me a full hour to get going in the morning, but that wasn't the case when I'd been up for almost two hours already.

The next day, it was hard to wake up, plus it was raining and my legs were killing me.

So, I decided to move my coffee table and do a workout in the living room. Thankfully, my roommate works from the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I wouldn't be bothering her.

This brought me back to 2020 in a very unpleasant way. I think I'll be staying away from YouTube workouts, unless I'm feeling really unmotivated.

This brought me back to 2020 in a very unpleasant way. I think I
The set-up.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I chose to do a MadFit workout — that's a YouTube channel run by Canadian fitness blogger Maddie Lymburner. During the pandemic, her subscriber count skyrocketed, and now she has 8.29 million subscribers.

She has videos for people of all fitness levels, so I did a beginner fat-burning video that was only 20 minutes.

I didn't expect to have such a strong reaction to doing this, but it really felt like going back in time to when I couldn't leave the apartment without feeling like it was a ghost town.

While the workout was good, and it was nice to even just get 20 minutes of exercise while my body was still recovering, I think I've learned that I need to get out of the house for exercise to feel all the positive effects of getting my heart-rate up.

The next day, I did an 8 a.m. Rumble Boxing workout class, which combines boxing with circuit training.

The next day, I did an 8 a.m. Rumble Boxing workout class, which combines boxing with circuit training.
My Rumble gloves.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I'm a ClassPass member, which is a workout subscription that lets you buy a certain number of credits and then use them to try different types of classes in your city — I can get bored, so having the variety is key.

Rumble Boxing, which Insider has reviewed in the past, is a workout that combines boxing with HIIT (high-intensity interval training). You spend half the time with a punching bag, learning boxing basics, and the other half working with weights and doing other cardio activities.

As personal trainers told Insider in 2022, boxing is a great way to burn a lot of calories, build muscles, and boost mental health.

It also "teaches you how to understand your own body mechanics and your body within a space," Angelica Segura, a personal trainer, boxer, and co-founder of the boxing studio MELTprjct, told Insider's Mattie Schuler and Tonya Russell.

I spent 45 minutes punching, ducking, lifting weights, squatting, and doing jumping jacks and push-ups in a dark room with loud music blasting. It was a lot, but I was definitely hyped up afterwards.

This was the most intense workout of the week — it definitely woke me up the most.

This was the most intense workout of the week — it definitely woke me up the most.
The Rumble bathroom.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

I was totally drenched in sweat after this class, and my heart was pounding. I felt ready to take on the day.

However, by mid-afternoon, I was crashing. I was able to make it through the day, and I passed out relatively early, but Rumble totally kicked my butt.

But I enjoyed it, and I'll be heading back, especially after I checked out the locker-room facilities and was pleased with their quality. They were clean and had high-end products. I just need to remember to bring a change of clothes.

On Thursday morning, I actually woke up before my alarm. I decided to take a rental bike to my 8:15 a.m. spin class.

On Thursday morning, I actually woke up before my alarm. I decided to take a rental bike to my 8:15 a.m. spin class.
A selfie at CycleBar.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

Since I had fallen asleep so early the night before, I beat my 7:15 a.m. alarm on Thursday. I actually had so much energy that I decided to hop on a Citi Bike and bike to my spin class at CycleBar.

Spinning, or indoor cycling, has been proven to have positive effects on cardiovascular health.

"Cycling is a great low-impact way to get an aerobic workout," Alexis Colvin, MD, an Orthopedic Sports Medicine Surgeon at Mount Sinai, told Insider in 2021 — and the American Heart Association recommends getting 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week.

Spin is something that I personally have a love/hate relationship with. Sometimes, if you don't have a good instructor, you can feel like you're lost and totally off-beat with the music, or there can be too much choreography and you lose track of your pedaling speed.

I was lucky that morning — I liked my instructor — but it wasn't my favorite workout of the week.

This was the hardest. Since the class ended at 9 a.m., it was pretty empty, which left me less motivated.

This was the hardest. Since the class ended at 9 a.m., it was pretty empty, which left me less motivated.
A selfie after spinning.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

Since the class started at 8:15 a.m., and it was 45 minutes, it ended at 9 a.m., when most people have to be at the office or signing on. There were, at most, 10 other people in class with me. I'm lucky that I was able to sign on for work a little later, so I didn't have to take an earlier class.

But I realized I don't like starting my day off with spin — I actually prefer doing it in the evening. It doesn't get me as hyped as my other workouts did earlier in the week.

When Friday rolled around, I had every intention of getting up and out for another run. But my week of early rising had tired me out. I had to drag myself out of bed, and instead I walked.

When Friday rolled around, I had every intention of getting up and out for another run. But my week of early rising had tired me out. I had to drag myself out of bed, and instead I walked.
A view from my bed.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

By Friday morning, my legs and arms were aching. I was awake again before my alarm, but I found it hard to get myself out of bed — Thursday was the first night that week that plans had kept me out past 10 p.m., and I found myself feeling the lack of sleep.

I had also forgotten to lay out my workout clothes the night before. Even though that doesn't seem like a big deal, I've found that already knowing what you're going to wear in the morning is a mental weight off your shoulders. It's a tip I highly recommend.

Instead of running, I chose to walk briskly for 45 minutes. Even though I wasn't running, I still got my steps in, and I breathed some fresh air.

For someone who doesn't feel like spending hundreds, or thousands, of dollars a year on a gym membership or a class subscription, running or walking is a great option. All you need is a pair of sneakers and you're able to break a real sweat.

I like to set my own pace, which is why I prefer running solo. But sometimes, like I discovered on Friday, you need an instructor to really make you push your limit. If I had booked a class that morning, perhaps I would've gotten a more strenuous workout.

Now the week of workouts is over, I'm going to try working out in the morning at least twice a week — five days was a little too much for me, but this experiment did leave me feeling motivated to restart my fitness journey.

Now the week of workouts is over, I
My view on Friday.      Gabbi Shaw/Insider

To live a balanced life, sometimes you're going to have plans at night. I found it nearly impossible to wake up on Friday morning after staying out late on Thursday.

So, in the future, I'll cut myself some slack: If I know I have plans, I won't schedule an early morning run for myself the next day.

But throughout the week, I also experienced enough of the benefits of morning workouts to feel motivated enough to continue.

I felt like I was more productive and didn't need two cups of coffee to really wake me up. It also made me better about eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner — sometimes the day gets away from me and I end up not eating until 2 p.m. That's simply not possible when you're starving after a workout.

I also slept better this week than I have in months. I woke up feeling well-rested and ready to start my day, even if it was initially a struggle to get up. I also started off the day feeling less frantic — perhaps an effect of less adrenaline and more endorphins.

This week of early morning workouts has made me recommit to exercising more regularly. I think I could finally see the return of those healthier habits that I lost during the pandemic.

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