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How long is mono contagious? You can spread it for several weeks before and after symptoms

Honah Liles   

How long is mono contagious? You can spread it for several weeks before and after symptoms
  • Mono is a highly contagious illness, which means you can spread it easily to others.
  • Mono can be contagious for 4 to 6 weeks before symptoms appear — this is the incubation period of the virus, or how long it takes between infection and symptoms.
  • Mono may also be contagious long after symptoms resolve, and some research has found that people can still spread it at infectious levels several weeks or even months later.
  • This article was medically reviewed by Kristine Arthur, MD, an internist at MemorialCare Medical Group in Laguna Woods, CA.

Infectious mononucleosis, or mono, is a common contagious illness. But the virus that causes it — Epstein Barr virus (EBV) — is even more prevalent than you might think.

Even if you've never had symptoms of mono, there's a good chance you've had EBV. For example, a survey conducted from 2003 to 2010 found that more than 80% of people ages 18 to 19 had antibodies to the virus in their blood, meaning they'd been exposed to it.

Most people contract EBV as kids, and never show serious symptoms of mono. That same survey found that by ages six to eight, 55% of children already have the antibodies. The virus actually stays in your body forever, but becomes inactive or latent, meaning it is present but not causing symptoms.

However, in some cases, research has found that people can still spread EBV long after the symptoms of mono have resided, or even when the symptoms haven't appeared at all. Here's what you need to know about when mono is considered contagious and how it spreads.

How long is mono contagious?

Mono is characterized by a fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and extreme fatigue that can last several weeks or even months. However, it's contagious long before and after symptoms appear.

The incubation period of the virus, or the time between when you're infected with EBV and when the symptoms of mono begin to appear, is about four to six weeks. You are typically contagious during the incubation period, so you could be walking around spreading the virus for a long time without even realizing it.

EBV takes hold in the immune cells in the oropharynx, or the mouth, so it is commonly spread through saliva. This process is called oral shedding, and there has to be a high enough level of the virus in saliva to pass it to another human.

That means you won't get it just from being in the same room as someone with it, unless perhaps they sneeze directly on you. Most commonly, EBV spreads through kissing, sharing food or drinks, or for young kids, sharing toys that have been drooled on.

Symptoms of mono generally last for a few weeks, and this is when you are the most contagious because you have higher levels of EBV in your saliva. However, you can transmit EBV through oral shedding for much longer, even after your symptoms have left.

For example, a 2005 study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases looked at 20 university students recently infected with EBV for the first time. In 14 of the participants, EBV was detected in saliva even 32 weeks after infection, meaning they could still be spreading EBV despite no longer showing symptoms of mono.

You may also be able to spread EBV without ever showing symptoms of mono. A 2016 study published in the journal Clinical & Translational Immunology followed 11 asymptomatic adults with EBV antibodies for six months, collecting 9 blood and oral cell samples. They found 24% of the oral cell samples had EBV DNA, meaning they had infectious levels in their saliva.

Mia Mattioli, MD, an internal medicine physician at Huntington Hospital in California, says it is suspected that this type of shedding is part of a cycle responsible for the high exposure rate. Adults with EBV antibodies asymptomatically shed, exposing their children, who then grow up, asymptomatically shed, and spread it to their young children.

How to reduce the risk of spreading mono

Because EBV is so widespread, and can be spread even by asymptomatic carriers, it's impractical to try to prevent it altogether, Mattioli says.

However, if you haven't had symptoms of mono and don't know if you have the EBV antibodies, there are ways to lower your risk of catching it from someone with symptoms of mono, such as:

  • Avoid sharing food or drinks
  • Practice good hand washing hygiene
  • No kissing or sexual activity

As for when these activities are safe to do again after someone has had the symptoms of mono, there is no clear cut answer.

"We typically say wait until the patient is asymptomatic, because we think that this correlates with the largest amount of viral shedding," Mattioli says. But, of course, "There is still risk."

The bottom line

Mono is most contagious when someone is displaying symptoms. But it can also be contagious before symptoms appear, in the first four to six weeks when someone is infected with EBV. And it may also be contagious for several months after symptoms of mono reside — or even if they never show up.

Overall, if you know someone who has or recently had symptoms of mono, you should make sure you take precautions for several months to prevent any possible contagious spread through saliva.

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