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  5. Halle Bailey's trainer shares a 7-day workout that got the actress a buff core and arms for 'The Little Mermaid'

Halle Bailey's trainer shares a 7-day workout that got the actress a buff core and arms for 'The Little Mermaid'

Rachel Hosie   

Halle Bailey's trainer shares a 7-day workout that got the actress a buff core and arms for 'The Little Mermaid'
  • Sana Shirvani trained the cast of the live-action remake of "The Little Mermaid."
  • She shared how she trained Ariel actress Halle Bailey for one week exclusively with Insider.

If you want to workout like a mermaid — or the cast of the live action movie of "The Little Mermaid," at least — prepare to strengthen your core.

Sana Shirvani, the personal trainer who worked with Prince Eric (Jonah-Hauer-King), Ariel (Halle Bailey), and the rest of the mermaids in the new film, shared a one-week snapshot of training that she used to get the cast ready for their demanding roles.

The vast majority of the mermaids' scenes were filmed against a blue screen in a studio where were suspended from a rig that held them round their hips. The actors then had to move their bodies at all angles as if they were mermaids gliding through the sea, so core and neck strength was crucial, but the movements also required strong legs and glutes.

The directors also asked Shirvani to help the mermaid define their shoulder muscles.

If you're keen to do the same, seek inspiration from this seven-day example workout plan that Shirvani shared exclusively with Insider.

How to train like a mermaid

Shirvani used what's known as a glute ham developer a lot during training as it mimics the rigs the mermaids filmed in, but all the exercises below can also be done on the floor, she said.

During filming, Bailey's days would vary — she might be doing rig work, stunts, swimming, or horse riding — and Shirvani would adapt her workout accordingly.

"It was really important for me not to overload Halle too much if she had a full day on the rigs/wires and in a harness as she would get a lot of work through being on the equipment naturally," Shirvani said.

Before every workout, Shirvani checked in with Bailey about her mood, energy, sleep, and stress levels, she said.

The below workouts are specific to the film, and Shirvani stresses that training for general fitness or longevity would look different.

The structure uses supersets, meaning you do two exercises immediately after the other, then rest before repeating them both. Shirvani also shared tips on how to perform some of the trickier movements in the program.

Day 1: Lower body with an emphasis on the core

A1: Back squats: 8 reps working at a weight where you have two to three reps left in the tank.

A2: GHD hollow hold: for as long as you can maintain proper form, such as 20 to 30 seconds.

How to do a hollow hold...

using a GHD machine: Sit on the hip pad with your back against the back-rest and your legs extended straight in front of you.

Before starting the hollow hold, engage your core muscles by drawing your navel toward your spine to stabilize your body.

Hold the position, focusing on keeping your lower back flat against the pad and your core engaged. Keep your legs and arms lifted off the pad throughout the hold.

or using the floor or the edge of a bench: Have someone hold your legs down as you perform the move.

Rest for 60 seconds then repeat both exercises twice more.

B1: Staggered "B-stance" Romanian deadlifts: 10 reps each side, holding a weight where you have two to three reps left in the tank.

B2: Bird dogs: 10 reps each side. Start with bodyweight and then add two kilogram (four pound) dumbbells in weeks two and three, then use a cable to progress the movement after that.

How to do a bird dog:

Begin on all fours with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your knees directly beneath your hips. Keep your spine neutral and your core engaged.

Extend your right arm straight out in front of you, parallel to the ground. Keep your shoulder blades down and avoid shrugging your shoulders. Simultaneously extend your left leg straight back behind you, parallel to the ground. Focus on reaching through your heel to engage the glutes.

Pause for a moment, ensuring your core and glutes are engaged and your hips and shoulders are level. Return to the start position.

Rest for 60 seconds then repeat both exercises twice more.

C1: Single leg elbow plank: 30 seconds each side.

C2: Weighted aleknas: 12 to 15 reps.

Rest for 60 seconds then repeat both exercises twice more.

Day 2: Full body with emphasis on back extensor (muscles attached to the back of the spine)

A1: Seated cable low row: eight to 10 reps, working at a resistance where you have two to three reps left in reserve.

A2: GHD prone hold

How to do a prone hold...

using a GHD: Face downwards on the GHD with a soft bend in your knees. Engage your core, pulling your navel up towards your spine whilst holding a posterior pelvic tilt (squeezing the glutes, tilting the pelvis forwards, and trying to remove any arch in the lower back).

on the edge of a bench: Have someone hold your feet while performing the move.

Focus on quality over quantity, Shirvani said. Perform the exercise with controlled and deliberate movements, maintaining proper form throughout. Hold the position for 30 to 90 seconds.

Rest for 60 seconds then repeat both exercises twice more.

B1: Hip thrusts: 12 reps at a weight where you have one to two reps left in the tank.

How to do a hip thrust:

Sit on the floor with a bench behind you, using the bench as a pivot point where your shoulder blades sit. Bend your legs so that you are at around 90 degrees when thrusting a weight on top of your hips up.

Ensure you have a posterior pelvic tilt at the top, with your shoulders, hips, and knees in a straight line. Squeeze your glutes before lowering back to start position.

B2: Side plank cable row: 20 to 30 reps.

How to do a side plank cable row:

Start in a side plank with your body perpendicular to a cable machine and your bottom forearm on the ground, perpendicular to your body. Keep your elbow directly beneath your shoulder and align your shoulder, hip, and ankle in a straight line. Extend your top arm straight up toward the cable machine to grab the handle or attachment.

Keeping your body in a stable side plank position, start the rowing motion by retracting your shoulder blade and pulling the cable handle or attachment toward your torso. Focus on using your back muscles to perform the movement rather than relying on your arm strength.

Keep your elbow close to your side as you pull. Activate your core muscles and squeeze your glutes to maintain stability and alignment throughout the exercise. Gradually release the cable back to the starting position, maintaining control and stability.

Rest then repeat both exercises twice more.

C1: Renegade row: 20 to 30 reps.

How to do a renegade row:

Start in a high plank position with dumbbells in your hands. Keep a posterior pelvic tilt and engage your core.

Lift one arm off the ground, bending at the elbow in a row motion, aiming for the dumbbell to reach your hip before controlling it back down to the start position and alternating.

C2: Cable woodchoppers: 10 each side.

How to do cable woodchoppers:

Stand perpendicular to a cable machine with the handle attached at shoulder height. Hold the handle with both hands and rotate your torso away from the machine, pulling the handle diagonally across your body. Engage your core and focus on the twisting motion generated by your oblique muscles. Repeat on both sides.

Rest then repeat both exercises twice more.

Day 3: Active recovery

Go for a walk or do a mindful practice such as yoga.

Day 4: Full body with emphasis on the core

A1: Push-ups: eight to 10 reps. If you can't do push-ups on the ground, position your hands on a box or bench to make them easier.

A2: GHD side plank

How to do a side plank...

using the side of a bench: Have someone holding your feet down. To progress the movement, add in flexion and extension of the spine.

on a GHD: Lie on your side with your body perpendicular to the machine, facing outward. Position your bottom foot under the footpad and secure it in place. Stack your legs on top of each other, keeping them straight. Align your hips and shoulders in a straight line.

Engage your core and glutes as you lift your body off the machine, creating a straight line from your head to your feet. Balance on your forearm and the side of your bottom foot. Repeat on the other side.

Rest then repeat both exercises twice more.

B1: Romanian deadlifts: eight to 10 reps where you have two to three reps left in reserve for the first three sets, then a fourth set of 15 reps with 15% less weight.

How to do a Romanian deadlift:

Hold a barbell or dumbbells in front of your thighs with an overhand grip. Hinge at your hips, keeping your back straight, and lower the weight along your legs. Push your hips forward and squeeze your glutes to return to the starting position.

B2: Eccentric leg lowers, off an incline bench: 10 reps.

Rest then repeat both exercises three times more.

C1: Goblet reverse lunge: 20 reps.

How to do goblet reverse lunges:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and the weight in front of your chest in a goblet position. Take a step backward with one leg and lower your body until both knees are at 90-degree angles. Push through your front heel to return to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.

C2: Palloff press: 20 reps (10 each side).

How to do a palloff press:

Attach a D-handle or a resistance band to a cable machine at chest height. Stand sideways to the machine, with your feet shoulder-width apart and perpendicular to the cable. Grab the handle or band with both hands and step away from the machine to create tension.

Stand with your side facing the machine and extend your arms straight out in front of you. Your hands should be in line with your chest. Engage your core to help stabilize your torso throughout the exercise.

Keeping your arms extended and maintaining tension in the cable, push it away from your chest, straightening your arms fully. Your hands should move directly in front of your chest. As you extend your arms, your body will naturally want to rotate or twist toward the machine. Your goal is to resist this rotational force by engaging your core and maintaining a stable, square position.

Rest then repeat both exercises twice more.

Day 5 : Full Body with emphasis on back extensors

A1: Lat pull-downs: eight to 10 reps, at a weight where you have two to three reps left in the tank.

How to do a lat pull-down:

Sit at a lat pulldown machine and grasp the bar with a wide overhand grip. Pull the bar down towards your chest, engaging your back muscles. Slowly release the bar back up and repeat.

A2: Superman exercise: 10-12 reps

How to do a superman:

Lie face down on a mat with your arms extended overhead and legs straight. Simultaneously lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground, engaging your back extensors. Hold the position briefly, then lower back down and repeat.

Rest then repeat both exercises twice more.

B1: Leg press: eight to 10 reps.

B2: Plate sit-ups: 12 to 15 reps.

How to do a plate sit-up:

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Keep your feet hip-width apart and place the weight plate against your chest, holding it securely with both hands.

Slowly lift your upper body off the ground, curling your spine and bringing your chest toward your thighs. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Exhale as you come up.

Continue the movement until your torso is in an upright position, or until you feel a good contraction in your abdominal muscles. Your shoulder blades should come off the ground, and your lower back should maintain contact with the floor.

Rest then repeat both exercises twice more.

C1: Reverse flys: 12 to 15 reps.

How to do a reverse fly:

Keeping your back straight and your gaze forward, hinge forward at the hips. Your torso should be at a slight angle, roughly parallel to the floor. Your arms should hang straight down in front of you, with a slight bend in your elbows.

With control, lift your arms out to the sides, away from your body, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Imagine trying to hug a big tree from behind. Keep your elbows slightly bent and focus on engaging your upper back muscles. Exhale as you perform the movement.

C2: GHD prone back extension: 10 reps.

How to do GHD prone back extension:

Face downwards on the GHD with a soft bend in your knees. Engage your core, pulling your navel up towards your spine while holding a posterior pelvic tilt.

Reach down towards the ground with the weight in your hand, pulling back to the start position using your glutes and hamstrings.

Perform the exercise with controlled and deliberate movements, maintaining proper form throughout.

Rest then repeat both exercises twice more.

Day 6: Cardio Day

"I would either take Halle for a boxing session or we would do circuits at her place in London," Shirvani said. They focused on metabolic conditioning so used lighter weights (kettlebells and dumbbells) for full-body workouts, also incorporating equipment such as battle ropes and doing explosive plyometric movements.

Day 7: Rest and Recovery

Shirvani encouraged Bailey to boost her recovery with treatments like massages, cryotherapy, and saunas, she said.

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