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George Santos is not a pathological liar, according to the psychologist who wrote the book on pathological lying

Mia de Graaf   

George Santos is not a pathological liar, according to the psychologist who wrote the book on pathological lying
  • Christian L. Hart co-wrote the definition on pathological lying in 2022.
  • Hart said pathological liars feel bad about their lies, and it creates anxiety.

George Santos lies so much, it's hard to keep up.

The New York Congressman said his grandmother was a Holocaust victim (she wasn't); he said his mom, who died in 2016, was in the Twin Towers on 9/11 (unlikely); he said he had an economic and finance degree from Baruch College (he doesn't) and that he was a star volleyball player there (George, please); he claimed he was "a proud American Jew" (he is not Jewish, and now says that was a joke). It's unclear if he was a drag queen in Brazil, or if he was the victim of an assassination attempt, and it seems he wasn't actually a Broadway producer.

In May, he was indicted on 13 federal charges, including fraud and lying to Congress. Prosecutors allege that he lied to collect unemployment benefits, that he lied to donors, and that he lied to Congress.

But, shockingly, that doesn't mean you can call him a "pathological liar."

"He doesn't really seem to meet our clinical criteria of pathological lying," Dr. Christian L. Hart, the psychologist who co-wrote the book on pathological lying, told Insider. "There's a difference between pathological lying and bullshitting," Hart added.

Pathological liars feel bad about lying

The term "pathological liar" has existed for over 100 years, but there was no consensus on what that meant, beyond "these people lie a lot." "It's a term that gets thrown around in just kind of popular vernacular all the time," Hart, a professor of psychology at Texas Woman's University, said.

Hart and his co-author, psychologist Drew A. Curtis, PhD, decided to take on the task of defining it in their 2022 book, "Pathological Lying: Theory, Research, and Practice," drawing from scientific literature and clinical experience.

The goal of psychopathology — the study of mental illnesses — is to provide a framework for identifying and diagnosing mood disorders. That way you can distinguish between depression and feeling low, or schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Here's how pathological lying is defined in the book:

  1. Anomalous behavior. That means far more — or far less — frequent than is usual in the general population. (E.g.: it's natural to wash your hands, but washing them 500 times per day may be a sign of obsessive compulsive disorder.)
  2. The lies cause the individual distress. Hart said someone exhibiting pathological behavior typically wishes they could stop, but can't. "They're having negative thoughts and they don't want to feel that way."
  3. The lies cause dysfunction in their lives, disrupting their social life, work life, and so forth.
  4. "Lastly, it puts them at some sort of risk, whether it's risk of losing opportunities, risk of harm, or death in some cases," Hart said.

George Santos doubled down on his lies

Hart, like any psychologist, reserves his clinical diagnoses for people he examines in person. But, he said, Santos "has put enough out there in the public space where I think people can draw some general conclusions."

"Part of being a pathological liar is that the person has distress, and dysfunction, and wants to stop," Hart said. With George Santos, "there's just no evidence of that."

In fact, Santos actually addressed "being a terrible liar" in a February interview with Piers Morgan, who went through some of his most high-profile lies one by one.

Santos said his lie about being Jewish was "a joke" and doubled down on his claim that his mother was in the World Trade Center on 9/11. While he said that he "regrets" one of his lies (that he had a college education), he justified his actions by saying: "This wasn't about tricking people. This was about getting accepted by the party here locally."

Why does George Santos lie?

There are many reasons for lying compulsively.

Low self-esteem is a common one. "If someone is lying pervasively, the core of it may be that they're trying to conceal their true self because they see themselves as being not very valuable or desirable," Hart said.

Lying is also common in people who display what are referred to as dark triad personality traits: narcissism (an inflated and entitled sense of self), Machiavellianism (seeing other people as tools to get what you want to get out of life), and psychopathy (a callous disregard for others).

According to Hart, Santos displays "something like antisocial personality disorder" (ASPD) — being "bold" and "fearless," "with a kind of irresponsible lack of impulse control." People with ASPD "tend to not have remorse or guilt," about lying, Hart added.

Politics is a profession that fosters bold, fearless, impulsive action, and demands a thick skin. But apparently you can still boldly, fearlessly, and impulsively go too far — like when you start lying about literally anything that pops into your head. It seems Santos has crossed that line: On June 30, he appears in court, facing loss of his job and up to 20 years in prison.

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