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  5. Doctors dismissed a 28-year-old's chest pain as a pulled muscle. She had a rare terminal cancer growing in her heart.

Doctors dismissed a 28-year-old's chest pain as a pulled muscle. She had a rare terminal cancer growing in her heart.

Anna Medaris   

Doctors dismissed a 28-year-old's chest pain as a pulled muscle. She had a rare terminal cancer growing in her heart.
  • Doctors told Kirsty Smitten, 28, that her chest pain was a pulled muscle.
  • The UK-based scientist was later diagnosed with a rare and terminal form of heart cancer.

Kirsty Smitten had enjoyed a normal workday and a few pints with a friend at a local pub before going to sleep one Friday in November 2023. At the time, she wrote on her blog, "I felt the fittest I had in years."

But at 3am, the 28-year-old UK-based microbiologist awoke with "a sharp burning deep within my heart penetrating my back," she wrote.

Smitten pushed through a sports game and work event the following week before going to the emergency room, where a nurse practitioner suspected a blood clot in her lung. Smitten had been traveling internationally for work, and long-distance air travel can raise the risk of clots, so the hunch made sense.

But eight hours after being admitted, a doctor told Smitten the pain was likely a pulled a muscle from a workout, and recommended codeine, according to the New York Post and South West News Service (SWNS). After all, she didn't have any other symptoms.

"You're too young and fit for it to be anything sinister," Smitten recalls the doctor saying, per her blog.

Still, Smitten wasn't satisfied with the diagnosis, so she pushed for a chest x-ray and blood tests, and returned the next day for a CT scan. That's when clinicians found a 6-centimeter tumor in her heart, "which, obviously, was a bit of a shock," Smitten told SWNS.

While at first doctors didn't think the tumor was cancerous, three months later they discovered it was a rare heart cancer called cardiac angiosarcoma.

According to Cedars Sinai, cardiac angiosarcomas are an aggressive cancer that often occur in the right upper chamber in the heart. They can be difficult to diagnose because they are extremely rare, and the symptoms — chest pain and swelling of the feet, ankles, and stomach — are often attributed to other, more common conditions.

While surgery, including a heart transplant, and chemotherapy can help treat the cancer in some cases, there's no standard treatment approach for the cancer.

When Smitten — a Forbes-30-Under-30 honoree who is studying ways to develop new antibiotics — was diagnosed, doctors told her she had a 68% chance of death within the year, SWNS reported.

She got a second opinion from a cancer care center in London, where she was offered a surgery that would give her a 10% chance of living five more years.

According to Smitten's blog and Instagram account, she's undergone seven rounds of chemo and is booked for heart surgery on April 21.

"This is a constant mental battle of wanting to give up and just feel normal for what time I have left or to keep fighting," she wrote on Instagram. "I have to keep fighting for my friends, family and future but it's difficult."

Women are more likely to be dismissed by doctors than men

Research has shown that, in general, doctors think women experience less pain than men. That can mean serious conditions like cancer can be missed or dismissed, Insider has previously reported.

Doctors recommend advocating for yourself by describing how the symptoms are affecting you ("the pain is interrupting my work and sleep"), setting expectations before the appointment if possible, and getting second and third opinions if you don't feel heard.

As Dr. Christina Johnson, a family medicine physician in New Jersey, previously told Insider, "there are thousands and thousands of clinicians out there who love what they do, who love helping patients, who love answering their questions and getting those diagnoses."

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