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Dietitians share their most hated foods, from deli meat and energy drinks to red wine

Gabby Landsverk   

Dietitians share their most hated foods, from deli meat and energy drinks to red wine
  • Dietitians on Reddit recently rounded up their picks for the worst foods you can eat, including deli meat, hot dogs, and energy drinks.
  • Alcohol was the most-hated item — even red wine. Despite research suggesting it has health benefits, dietitians say that doesn't justify enjoying a whole bottle (or several) with dinner.
  • But no one food can totally transform your health, for better or worse. Experts recommend focusing on patterns of eating, with a variety of nutrient-dense whole foods.

Most of us realize by now that health experts will recommend we eat more kale than cupcakes in our typical daily diet.

But surprisingly, fast food and sweets aren't the most pressing issues for nutrition professionals. Many are more worried about that second bottle of wine with dinner, telling ourselves it's for the "Mediterranean diet."

That came to light in a recent, popular post on Reddit asking dietitians to give their expert opinion on which foods are overall worst for health.

Alcohol, preserved meats, processed snacks, and energy drinks were the four major culprits that dietitians said can derail healthy eating.

And while we all know it's not healthy to binge on beer and hot dogs, the experts said you'd be surprised how these things sneak onto plates, even of "healthy" people, from deli meats in your lunch sandwich to a packaged granola bar or a whisky or glasses of wine to wind down.

Most things, in moderation, aren't going to harm your health too much. But here's why the experts argue you may want to be wary of including too many of these in your regular eating routine.

Even red wine can be bad for you, despite some favorable research

By far the most common response from dietitians in the thread was alcohol.

Ethanol, or the active ingredient in beer, wine, and liquor that gives us a buzz, is a known carcinogen, and also increases the risk of cancer and stroke.

The more you drink, the more harmful alcohol is likely to be, irritating the tissues, causing inflammation, and releasing chemical by-products as your liver works to metabolize the ethanol.

Evidence is mixed on whether moderate drinking (no more than a glass or two a day) might be OK. Some studies find it can still be harmful, while other research suggests is there could be a small health benefits to an occasional tipple.

"The human body is such a complex machine, and there are so many factors," wrote one student dietitian. "The problem is that alcohol is also a carcinogen, so obviously you don't want to start drinking for the benefits [if you don't already.]"

However, experts were particularly frustrated by how the general population often seems unaware of alcohol's links to cancer and other illnesses.

"A lot of my patients perk up when I talk to them about the Mediterranean Diet largely for this reason. Their face falls quite quickly after I tell them that it doesn't give them license to binge drink beer and brandy, however," wrote one dietitian from Wisconsin, a state with high levels of binge-drinking.

While red wine does include some polyphenols with healthful properties, it's important to consume in moderation - or find those healthy polyphenols in foods like grapes, berries, apples, tea, coffee, and certain vegetables.

Processed meats, like deli slices, are consistently linked to health risks

Another popular dietary culprit for dietitians is processed meat. Anything that's cured, smoked, or salted falls into this category, from hot dogs, brats, and chorizo to ham, bacon, and deli meats.

Regularly consuming these foods is associated with risk of heart disease, as they tend to be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. They're also linked to a higher risk of several types of cancer. Nitrates, the chemical additives that give processed meat their appealing color and flavor, are the main cause of the health risks, according to research.

Even foods that are labeled "nitrate-free" may contain similar forms of these preservatives, so experts recommended limiting how much processed meat you consume in your everyday diet.

Trans fats are banned, but can still show up in old processed foods

Also on the list of dietitians' most-hated foods are products containing trans fats. Trans fatty acids, or trans fats for short, are found in manufactured processed foods such as pastries and snacks, to help improve flavor and texture and keep them shelf-stable.

But there's extensive research showing trans fats are bad for physical and cognitive health, linked to dementia, heart disease, and stroke.

The FDA banned trans fats in the United States in 2018, so companies are no longer allowed to make foods that contain them, however, they may still be present in the food supplies as products manufactured before that ban. To avoid them, be wary of foods containing hydrogenated vegetable oil, a common source of trans fats.

Energy drinks can contain unhealthy amounts of caffeine and sweeteners

One dietitian noted on Reddit took aim at energy drinks, which can cause health issues in children and teens.

Coffee and tea are considered safe and good for you in moderation, with a natural dose of healthy antioxidants. However, caffeine in other forms can pose health risks.

Energy drinks loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners, other additives, and excessive amounts of caffeine can worsen anxiety, lead to jitters or nausea, and cause a rapid heart rate and difficulty catching your breath. It may also disrupt your sleep.

For this reason, the Mayo Clinic recommends limiting caffeine intake to no more than 400 milligrams a day for adults (children and teens should avoid it).

No single food will make or break your health

Another common refrain from dietitians is that, while some foods are worse for your health than others, the most important factor in a healthy diet is balanced patterns of eating over time.

The foods you do include in your diet are just as important as the ones you limit.

Eating a lot of processed foods can mean you simply don't have enough space on your plate for nutrient-rich options such as fruits, veggies, and whole grains. If you prioritize vitamins and minerals in your diet, in the form of whole foods, you then don't have to completely eliminate some favorite "unhealthy" foods.

"Eating one salad or going on a juice cleanse for a weekend isn't gonna make you healthy, eating some crazy shit like deep fried butter once isn't gonna kill you. Keep healthy habits in the long run and you'll be fine," wrote one dietitian in training.

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