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  5. Choosing to live 5 miles from my parents after we had kids was a smart decision. But we've had to work through some big trade-offs.

Choosing to live 5 miles from my parents after we had kids was a smart decision. But we've had to work through some big trade-offs.

Amber Adrian   

Choosing to live 5 miles from my parents after we had kids was a smart decision. But we've had to work through some big trade-offs.
  • About six years ago, I became pregnant with my second child.
  • My husband and I decided to move to the small town where I grew up, 5 miles from my parents' house.

When I was in the thick of brand-new motherhood, I stumbled across a blog post from a writer named Beth Berry that changed my life. It resonated deeply with what I'd felt thus far as a mother — a shocking sense of isolation.

The post nailed what I was feeling, which was that the whole "taking a village" thing was a cliché for a reason: Parenting is exponentially more difficult in the loneliness of modern life.

Two years later, my husband and I learned I was unexpectedly pregnant with our second child. We decided to do something we'd previously discussed only casually: moving from the city where we lived to the small-town area where I grew up.

Though we enjoyed our life very much, we lived at least 30 minutes from any friends or family, and getting together with anyone (or having anyone come to visit or babysit) suddenly felt more out of reach. We were also both drawn to a slower, simpler lifestyle. But the big plus was that my parents lived there and would be thrilled to have us back in the area.

We're now in our sixth year of living in a town just shy of 20,000, 5 miles from my mom and dad. It's been great in so many ways. It's also been really, really hard.

Being close to family means we have built-in support

The biggest benefit to our lives has been the practical support we've gotten from my parents. Being able to ask them, "Can you grab the kids from school today?" or, "Could you come over and do bedtime tonight while we sneak out for dinner alone?" is a game changer. This "village life" way of raising children feels so much more sustainable and healthier.

It's good for both my kids and their grandparents to live close to each other

It isn't just the fact that it's better for us: It's also great for our kids and my parents, too. Having more caring adults in their lives exposes our kids to different ways of thinking and doing things. Research has found that when grandparents live around their grandchildren, it benefits the grandparents' health and overall well-being.

Living close to them means I'll be able to take care of them as they get older

I did a college semester in Spain, and I'll never forget the night a Spanish guy asked me, "Why are Americans so obsessed with moving away from their parents?"

In many parts of the world, it's common for adult children to live with or near their parents. I want to be able to care for my parents as they get older, to be there for them like they were there for me. It just feels right.

However, some aspects of living close to them have been difficult

Despite all the good things about living near my parents as an adult and a parent myself, there's one aspect that's been challenging.

Many a millennial mom is familiar with the phrase "generational trauma." For many, our deepest wounds and struggles have their origins in our childhood experiences with our primary caregivers. And unless we approach parenting with a conscious evaluation of our own experiences as children, we're likely to pass along the same wounds and patterns our parents (unknowingly) passed on to us. Though I don't feel totally comfortable with labeling my childhood experiences as "trauma," therapy and self-reflection have helped me acknowledge there are things from my childhood I don't wish to repeat with my kids.

As anyone who has attempted to do this knows, changing family patterns takes a lot of mental and emotional bandwidth. When you live — therefore parent — around your own parents, the difficulty of this work is taken to another level. In the first few years of living here, I was regularly triggered as I interacted with my parents or watched them interact with my kids.

For example, growing up, I wasn't allowed to freely express my feelings. I absorbed the message that performance and responsibility should be my top priorities and that emotions were to be stifled or controlled. I want my kids to feel comfortable sitting with and processing their emotions, but it's been difficult to teach them this when my parents encourage them to "get over" things quickly or think I'm "spoiling" them by holding space for their thoughts and feelings.

On top of it hindering my parenting, their behavior around this topic reminded me of what I needed as a child and didn't get. It's very difficult to try to pass on to your kids what you didn't receive yourself, while processing what that lack meant to you.

I've learned that hard doesn't mean bad

At this point, my mom and dad know that some dynamics in my childhood didn't serve me, and though it's taken some uncomfortable conversations, they've been able to apologize without defensiveness. As a parent myself, I have empathy for how very hard the work of parenting is. In the end, despite the discomfort, this makes things better for all of us.

There's a phrase I've read that comes to mind when I think about our choice to live here: Hard doesn't mean bad. Hard things can be opportunities. We miss the city, but living with less hustle and bustle has given us the opportunity to focus more on what matters. Living near my parents has let me heal deeply and create even more authentic relationships with them.

My husband and I now have three children, and we don't regret the choice to live near my mom and dad as we raise our own family. It has been worth it.

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