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  5. As a cataract surgeon, I knew what was happening when I saw a smudge in my vision. Becoming a patient further inspired me to help end preventable blindness.

As a cataract surgeon, I knew what was happening when I saw a smudge in my vision. Becoming a patient further inspired me to help end preventable blindness.

Kelly Burch   

As a cataract surgeon, I knew what was happening when I saw a smudge in my vision. Becoming a patient further inspired me to help end preventable blindness.
  • Jeffrey Levenson is an ophthalmologist who's performed thousands of eye surgeries.
  • After getting his own cataract surgery, he started volunteering abroad.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Levenson. It has been edited for length and clarity.

About 15 years ago, I was driving home one night when I noticed how annoying the headlights of oncoming cars were. Anyone else might've thought this was minor, but I was immediately concerned. I've heard patients in my ophthalmology practice complain about exactly that.

A few days later, I was reading the newspaper and noticed a smudge in my vision. Later, my wife was standing in front of a bright window, and I couldn't see her face — only a silhouette. I knew it was time.

As an eye doctor, I've performed about 15,000 cataract surgeries. Cataracts are cloudy areas in the lens of the eye. I think about it this way: Most people are born with a clear lens, but each day that lens gets a little less clear — which is why cataracts are more common with age. I was only 51 at the time, but it seemed I was now in the same position as many of my patients.

That's how I found myself on the other end of an operating microscope — I was the patient rather than the doctor. The surgery was quick and easy, and afterward I experienced what many of my patients had reported: The world was so much brighter and clearer.

Cataracts are the leading cause of preventable blindness globally. The problem is much worse in developing nations, where many people don't have access to the simple surgery that had just restored my sight. I was cured, but I couldn't help but think about what would've happened if I'd been born in the mountains of Peru or the beaches of the Philippines.

I wanted to volunteer but realized surgery abroad was different

I was already committed to helping people access cataract surgeries in the US. Whenever I came across patients who couldn't afford surgery, I did it for free. Eventually I formalized that through a program called Gift of Sight. I was even able to partner with a YouTuber to help restore sight to more people.

There are definitely people in America, usually the most vulnerable, who can't access cataract surgery. But I knew there was a much greater need aboard. So I started calling organizations to volunteer my service.

That's where things got tricky. In the US, cataract surgery is done using an ultrasound device that costs about $60,000. It's well suited to the soft early-stage cataracts we usually treat here.

But that wasn't suitable for surgery in the poorest places on earth. Not only is the device unaffordable, but it also doesn't work well for hardened cataracts that many people in developing countries have. To solve that, doctors have invented a surgical method called manual small-incision cataract surgery. It's low cost and effective, but I was terrified to try it.

I realized my skills could help enable more surgeries

When I started volunteering with SEE International, where I'm now the medical director, I quickly realized there are doctors more talented than me at manual cataract surgery. I'm a Western doctor 48 weeks a year — I'll never master manual surgery the way that doctors who do it all the time will.

It became clear that my job wasn't to do many of these surgeries — it was to enable as many as possible to get done.

Now I spend about four weeks every year supporting these surgery clinics in developing nations. Initially I spent a lot of time in South America; more recently it's been the Philippines, where I have an upcoming trip.

When I travel, I bring over bags of medical supplies from corporate donors. Without these simple components we take for granted here in the US, the whole operation would fall apart.

Even before I started losing my vision, my life's goal was to restore sight to the blind. But undergoing cataract surgery reenergized me in a profound way. I understood how much that surgery improved my life and its life-changing potential for young children in Guatemala or parents in the Philippines. It's truly magic.

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