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  5. A toddler with hair that stands straight up is one of 100 known cases of people with uncombable hair syndrome

A toddler with hair that stands straight up is one of 100 known cases of people with uncombable hair syndrome

Kelly Burch   

A toddler with hair that stands straight up is one of 100 known cases of people with uncombable hair syndrome
  • Lochlan Samples has frizzy, blond hair that stands straight up.
  • He's one of about 100 known cases of uncombable hair syndrome.

When Katelyn Samples' second son, Lochlan, was born, he had jet-black hair. But before long, it started to fall out. Samples wasn't concerned because her oldest had also lost his baby hair, trading black locks for blond ones. But she soon realized that something else entirely was happening with Lochlan.

"It kept coming in crazier, in all directions. That's when we really started getting comments," Samples said.

She said that wherever they went, people would point or mention Lochlan's hair, which made him look a bit like a baby Einstein, but with even more oomph. As Lochlan's hair continued to grow straight out, Samples was surprised to learn that Lochlan's unique look was a rare medical condition.

Uncombable hair syndrome

One day, Samples got an Instagram message from a stranger who asked, "Has your son been diagnosed with uncombable hair syndrome?" Samples had been looking for answers, but the question made her concerned.

"You see 'syndrome' and you're like, 'Oh my God.' I was afraid he might be in pain," Samples said.

Lochlan's pediatrician didn't know much about uncombable hair syndrome, but Samples soon connected with a dermatologist who confirmed the diagnosis. Samples learned that Lochlan's hair shafts had a unique triangle shape, which gave them the signature look.

"The hair is dry, frizzy, and unruly," Tanya Nino, a dermatologist with Providence St. Joseph Hospital, said of uncombable hair syndrome.

The condition is rare, with about 100 cases described in medical literature. Although it can sometimes affect the nails as well, there are no long-term health concerns, and Lochlan is perfectly healthy — wild hair and all.

Uncombable hair syndrome only affects people with blond and light-colored hair

People have compared Lochlan's hair to an Afro, but that's not quite accurate. Uncombable hair syndrome most often occurs in Caucasians and only affects people with blond or light-colored hair, Nino said.

Many people with uncombable hair syndrome see a change in their hair texture around puberty, according to Nino.

Still, Samples said people from the Black community had reached out to offer her tips on caring for dry hair and to share their recommendations on barbershops.

"That's been helpful for me," Samples said.

Making people smile

Samples started sharing photos of Lochlan on Instagram around his first birthday. The account, @uncombable_locks, quickly took off, and it had almost 50,000 followers at the time of writing.

"He's like a mini-celebrity," Samples said.

Through the page, Samples has been able to connect with other people with uncombable hair syndrome, and parents of kids with the syndrome. That's been helpful, she said, as she learned what to expect for her son's looks. While some people's hair changed to a more typical texture at puberty, others had uncombable locks for life.

Whatever the future holds, Samples wants Lochlan to be confident even if he faces the bullying or laughter that comes with looking different.

"I want him to be proud," she said.

For now, she's happy to see that her baby is putting a smile on people's faces.

"It's such a dark world right now. If we can make somebody's day, that would be great," Samples said. "I think he's making people happy."


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