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  5. A matchmaker reviewed a 39-year-old's Hinge profile and said to remove photos of his tattoo and 'Star Wars' costume

A matchmaker reviewed a 39-year-old's Hinge profile and said to remove photos of his tattoo and 'Star Wars' costume

Julia Naftulin   

A matchmaker reviewed a 39-year-old's Hinge profile and said to remove photos of his tattoo and 'Star Wars' costume
Tom submitted his Hinge profile to Insider's Dating App Clinic.Insider
  • Tom submitted his Hinge profile for review by an expert as part of Insider's Dating App Clinic. If you'd like to have your profile reviewed by experts, submit here.
  • Matchmaker Courtney Quinlan suggested 39-year-old Tom replace photos and talk about himself more.

Tom, a 39-year-old using Hinge to date, submitted his profile for Insider's Dating App Clinic, a series where we ask experts how to revamp dating profiles to increase your chances of finding a match.

Tom said he's looking to date women. He's seeking someone who is emotionally intelligent, supportive, and creative. He said his deal breakers are women with children and women over 40. (Our expert cautioned against this, but more on that later.)

"I'm mostly a homebody, but I like to travel and go out occasionally," Tom told Insider. He said he's seeking a long-term relationship and ultimately would like to get married.

Tom told Insider that he thinks he did a good job conveying his personality, but could use help figuring out how to get more matches.

Courtney Quinlan, a dating expert and the founder of Midwest Matchmaking, told Insider how Tom could update his dating profile to increase his chances of finding a match.

Quinlan said she loved Tom's photo choice here, and that he should keep it as his lead image.

Quinlan said she loved Tom
Tom submitted his Hinge profile to Insider's Dating App Clinic.      Insider

"The lighting is clear. He's dressed nicely and looks well-groomed," Quinlan told Insider.

She also enjoyed Tom's "informative yet humorous" writing in his profile — and wants more of it.

She also enjoyed Tom
It's important to be both humorous and sincere in your dating profile, experts say.      Insider

"You can tell that Tom is a smart guy with a lot going for himself," Quinlan said, adding that she'd like to read more about his personality in his profile.

She said that Tom also gives off the impression that he doesn't take himself too seriously and is light-hearted and easy to talk to.

If any of those descriptions resonate with him, Tom should include them in his profile, Quinlan said. And if not, he should consider how a close friend would describe him and use that as inspiration for his written prompts, according to Sara Tick, a therapist and men's dating coach.

Quinlan said 'Star Wars' fandom is a 'turn-off' for women, and suggested Tom should swap out this photo.

Quinlan said
Experts say including one photo with your pet is a useful way to give potential matches an idea of who you are.      Insider

Quinlan said she often hears her women clients say that they find it "unattractive when a man is really into 'Star Wars.'"

"I don't think Tom should hide the fact he likes 'Star Wars' from people, but wearing a costume in his online dating photo could come across as too much," Quinlan said.

Instead, he can briefly mention "Star Wars" in the written part of his profile. It's also fine to save the topic for a first-date conversation, Quinlan said.

Tom could replace this photo with a different one of himself cuddling and playing with his cat, since experts say it can be beneficial to show your pet in your dating profile.

Similarly, Quinlan said Tom should replace his tattoo photo and focus on his personality in his profile.

Similarly, Quinlan said Tom should replace his tattoo photo and focus on his personality in his profile.
Wait until you meet in-person to show off tattoos, according to Quinlan.      Insider

Tattoos are best saved for first dates, since a potential match could get the wrong impression if you show them off on your profile, said Quinlan.

"Tom may be a really good match for a woman who isn't super fond of tattoos. Right now, she may swipe 'no' on him when she sees this picture," Quinlan told Insider.

She suggested he remove the picture and let women get to know him first.

"They'll get over the tattoo if they grow to like him," Quinlan said.

Tom was specific about the types of matches he wants, but should share more about himself, Quinlan said.

Tom was specific about the types of matches he wants, but should share more about himself, Quinlan said.
Don't forget to write about your personality and interests, Quinlan said.      Insider

She suggested he list at least three of his favorite traits about himself so a potential match can have a better idea of what he's like.

"Based on what I can tell, Tom has a good sense of humor, is outgoing, and is well-rounded," Quinlan said.

Quinlan said Tom should keep this photo as part of his Hinge profile.

Quinlan said Tom should keep this photo as part of his Hinge profile.
Tom did a good job of showing off his interests here, Quinlan said.      Insider

"The fact that he can speak in front of a crowd says a lot about him and may lead women to think he is charming and well-articulated," Quinlan told Insider.

Finally, Quinlan suggested Tom reconsider some of his deal breakers, like the age of his matches.

Finally, Quinlan suggested Tom reconsider some of his deal breakers, like the age of his matches.
Quinlan said Tom should keep this fun photo in his profile.      Insider

Quinland said Tom shouldn't discount potential matches who are just one year older than he is.

She said he should consider dating women who are a few years older than him, and judging them on a case-by-case basis instead of by their ages.

"Right now, he's potentially missing out on some women who may be really great matches for him," Quinlan said.

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