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  5. A 25-year-old claims to be romantic, but a dating coach says his Hinge profile doesn't reflect that. Here's what he should change.

A 25-year-old claims to be romantic, but a dating coach says his Hinge profile doesn't reflect that. Here's what he should change.

A 25-year-old claims to be romantic, but a dating coach says his Hinge profile doesn't reflect that. Here's what he should change.
James submitted his profile for review as part of Insider's Dating App Clinic.Insider
  • Men's dating coach Sara Tick reviewed James' Hinge profile, saying he needs more clear photos.
  • James should also write more about his ideal match, since it's not clear in his current profile.

James, a 25-year-old using Hinge to date, submitted his profile for Insider's Dating App Clinic, a series where we ask experts how to revamp your dating profiles to increase your chances of finding a match.

James said he's looking to date women and is seeking someone who is "fun, respectful, and submissive." He said his deal breakers are someone with "no personality" and someone who is inconsistent or disrespectful.

Ultimately, James is looking for a serious girlfriend whose company he enjoys and who he can grow with.

"I want to convey that I'm a romantic individual who's goofy, chill, and fun to be around. I don't want come off as a nice guy, but I'm a gentleman and respectful," James told Insider.

James said he thinks he shows his adventurous side well in his profile, but he'd love more help with photo options.

Sara Tick, a therapist and founder of men's date-coaching service Modern Meet, told Insider how James could spruce up his dating profile to increase his chances of finding a match.

Tick said James has a great sense of style.

Tick said James has a great sense of style.
Tick would love to see a headshot and a full-body picture of James in a suit, she told Insider.      Insider

According to Tick, it's clear that James has a great sense of style, and suggested he showcase it through clearer photos.

She said that his opening photo should be a chest-up headshot, which can give potential matches a better view of what he looks like.

"Women want to see your face clearly and a great smile will stop her from swiping past you," Tick said.

She said that James should include another suit photo, one that shows his full body, further down in his profile. This will allow him to show off his sense of style and versatility more, according to Tick.

"Plus, who doesn't look good in a suit?" she said.

James should also show off his romantic side more, said Tick.

James should also show off his romantic side more, said Tick.
James said he can be a romantic, but an expert says his profile doesn't make it seem that way.      Insider

Currently, James fills in most of his Hinge profile prompts with photos and videos rather than words. Tick suggested he write more, especially to show his desire to wine and dine a potential match.

Tick suggested James describe what he finds romantic, like, "I'm great at planning picnics," or "I think receiving flowers should be a regular occurrence, not just on special occasions."

He can also write about the behaviors a potential match can expect from him, according to Tick.

She suggested putting something like, "I always open doors and pull out chairs."

Here, Tick appreciated James' sense of humor, especially in the written portion.

Here, Tick appreciated James
James should write more conversation-starting answers, like he did here, said Tick.      Insider

In addition to showing his playful side, James' response here acts as a great conversation-starter, according to Tick.

"It's a great way for women to connect with him and ask him questions about his cooking skills," she said.

Tick said that written responses should entice other singles to ask a question or comment, and James does that successfully here.

Here, James can use a written prompt to highlight his goofy side even more.

Here, James can use a written prompt to highlight his goofy side even more.
Tick enjoyed James' humorous photo choice of another couple.      Insider

James showed off his playful side by including a screenshot of a couple he found online, to illustrate what a date with him could be like.

According to Tick, there's nothing wrong with including a silly photo in your profile. But you should write about your sense of humor too, since it can make your message more clear for those swiping.

"It's important to write your profile from the point of view of your dream match, so think about what she might like to learn about you and be sure to include it," Tick said.

Tick recommended James share more about his beliefs on his profile.

Tick recommended James share more about his beliefs on his profile.
Tick said James should write about himself more.      Insider

Though James is casually dating and looking for fun, he's more likely to find that if he's clear about his values and dating goals, according to Tick.

"James wants a serious girlfriend, but there isn't much in his profile that indicates that desire," Tick said.

She suggested he write more about the type of woman he's looking to date.

Something like, "I'm looking for a woman who shares my values and has been here long enough that she's ready to retire," could strike a balance between explicit and humorous, Tick said.

James may want to invest in a tripod for more intentional photos, Tick said.

James may want to invest in a tripod for more intentional photos, Tick said.
James said he doesn't have many high-quality photos of himself to share.      Insider

"Sadly, I don't have many pictures of me doing fun activities because I didn't have someone to take a picture or video at the time," James told Insider.

To solve for this, Tick suggested James taking some self-timer photos using his phone and a tripod.

To get even more fun and useful photos, dating app photographer German Marin suggested planning a photoshoot with a friend. Singles can go to their favorite neighborhood spots or partake in their favorite hobbies while a friend snaps some candids, Marin told Insider.

Finally, James may want to try other apps too, like Christian Mingle, Tick said.

Finally, James may want to try other apps too, like Christian Mingle, Tick said.
Using more than one dating app can increase your chances of finding a match.      Insider

James mentioned he was Christian at the top of his Hinge profile and brings up religion again with this prompt.

That's why Tick suggested he venture beyond Hinge with a platform like Christian Mingle, where members are more likely to share James' values.

Lastly, Tick said James should take a flexible and open-minded approach to dating, something she tells all of her clients.

"Most people end up with partners who are not what they had originally imagined," Tick said.

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