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13 tips to get better sleep with a stuffy nose at night

Kelly Burch,Jason R. McKnight   

13 tips to get better sleep with a stuffy nose at night
  • A stuffy nose at night may be due to allergies, a cold, and even acid reflux.
  • To sleep better with a stuffy nose, prop your head on pillows, try a nasal strip, and drink water.
  • Other tips to get rid of a stuffy nose include using a saline spray or taking medication.

A stuffy nose can make it downright difficult to sleep. Allergies, a respiratory infection like a cold, or even acid reflux can all be to blame. The condition can also pop up without any clear culprit.

Having a stuffy nose is especially common at night. "When a person lies down at night, there is more blood flowing to the head, leading to an increased congestion of the nasal lining," says David Kim, MD, an otolaryngologist with Torrance Memorial Medical Center in Torrance, California.

Here's what you need to know about the causes of a stuffy nose and tips to get better sleep if you're feeling stuffy at night.

What causes a stuffy nose?

Generally speaking, a stuffy nose is caused by rhinitis, or inflammation of the mucus membranes that line the nose. Rhinitis can be caused by allergic or non-allergic triggers.

Some common causes of rhinitis, and therefore a stuffy nose, are:

  • Allergies: Seasonal allergies or environmental triggers like smoke, perfume, or dust mites can cause an allergic response. "If a person has a dust mite allergy, close contact with bedding materials, where dust mites often reside, during sleep can lead to allergic nasal congestion," Kim says.
  • Upper respiratory infection: A respiratory infection, like a common cold, can cause congestion. This can worsen at night since nasal passages don't drain as effectively when lying down, Kim says.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): If you have acid reflux, lying flat can allow more stomach acid to reach your nasal passages, irritating them and causing a stuffy nose, Kim says.

Note: Structural issues in the nose, like a deviated septum or nasal polyps, can also contribute to a stuffy nose. So can lifestyle and environmental factors, like eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol, or being exposed to smoke, says Kim.

How to sleep with a stuffy nose

Although having a stuffy nose at night is common, there are simple steps that you can take to alleviate your stuffy nose and sleep better.

To get better sleep with a stuffy nose:

  1. Prop your head up with extra pillows. The best sleeping position when you have a stuffy nose is on your back with your head propped up on pillows. "This will reduce blood flow to the head and improve gravity-dependent sinus drainage," Kim says.
  2. Try bedding covers. If you suspect that you might have a dust mite allergy - say, if you only begin experiencing a stuffy nose once you're in bed - using pillow and mattress covers can reduce your exposure to dust mites, Kim says. While you're at it, be sure to change your sheets at least once a week.
  3. Place a humidifier in your room. A cool-mist humidifier moistens the nasal lining and keeps mucus loose, allowing it to drain more easily and reducing stuffiness.
  4. Use nasal saline rinse or spray. If you're feeling stuffy before bed, use a saline rinse or nasal spray as part of your nighttime routine. This can loosen mucus and provide much-needed moisture to reduce irritation in your nasal passages.
  5. Run an air filter. Environmental allergens from perfume to dust can contribute to stuffiness, and reducing allergens can keep it at bay. "Use an air purifier with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter," Kim says.
  6. Wear a nasal strip during sleep. Nasal strips will open the nasal passage and improve congested feeling, Kim says. As an added benefit, they can also reduce snoring.
  7. Drink plenty of water, but avoid alcohol. Staying hydrated helps keep the nasal passages moist, reducing irritation. On the other hand, drinking alcohol dilates the blood vessels in the nose, which can lead to more stuffiness, Kim says. Instead of a pre-bed glass of wine or liquor, opt for a soothing drink like chamomile tea.
  8. Take your allergy medicine at night. If you take allergy medicine like an antihistamine, decongestant or nasal spray, try switching your daily dose to bedtime, Kim suggests. This can reduce inflammation while you sleep.

More tips to get rid of a stuffy nose

Avoiding a stuffy nose at night can begin with prevention during the day. In general, to clear a stuffy nose, the overall best daily practices include:

  1. Use medications. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, talk to your doctor about using a nasal spray or oral allergy medication. While oral medications can be used daily, you shouldn't use a spray decongestant more than three days in a row, Kim warns. "This may cause rebound congestion."
  2. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will reduce irritation in your nose, and keep your mucus runny, which makes it easier to clear by blowing your nose. Wondering how much water you should drink each day? Men should aim for 125 ounces, while women should aim for 91.
  3. Use saline spray. When you are feeling congested, use a saline spray to keep the nose moist. You can also use a neti pot once or twice a day, including before bed, to clear congestion.
  4. Pay attention to humidity. Keep the humidity in your house between 40% to 50%, Kim recommends. A small digital hygrometer is cheap to purchase and can measure humidity in your home. If you need to increase humidity, run a cool-mist humidifier.
  5. Track your triggers. If you frequently experience stuffiness, begin tracking your triggers. "It's common for people to experience a stuffy nose from a variety of environmental and dietary triggers," Kim says. Anything from scent to spice can cause stuffiness, and identifying what causes it for you can help you avoid it in the future.

When to see a doctor

A passing stuffy nose is no cause for concern, especially if you can link it to a cause like a cold or allergies.

However, there are some circumstances that require medical attention. If your stuffy nose lasts longer than two weeks, it's time to see a doctor, Kim says.

You should also make an appointment if you experience any of the following:

  • Green, foul-smelling discharge or facial pain. This can indicate a sinus infection. Sinus infections can occur when cold or allergies cause fluid buildup that causes infection. They may need to be treated with antibiotics.
  • Fever. This can point to a sinus infection or another underlying condition like flu that might require medical attention.
  • Bleeding. This can be a sign of nasal polyps or other structural issues that your doctor might want to have a look at.

In addition, if your stuffy nose is really interrupting your sleep, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor. A stuffy nose can make conditions like sleep apnea worse, so it's important to get treatment.

A doctor can give your prescription-strength allergy medications, including nasal sprays and oral medication. In some cases they might also prescribe steroids to reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, Kim says, or a decongestant like pseudoephedrine to help manage symptoms. If you've developed a sinus infection you may need an antibiotic to help clear it.

Insider's takeaway

The best thing that you can do to reduce irritation in your nasal passages and stuffiness is to keep your nose moist. Maintaining humidity between 40% to 50%, especially where you sleep, can help with that, as can nasal saline spray.

In addition, you should take steps throughout the day to prevent and treat stuffiness. Consider lifestyle changes like avoiding alcohol, and talk to your doctor about managing seasonal allergies, Kim says.

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