Saffron to Caviar: 9 of the world's most expensive food items

Sep 25, 2024

By: Prerna Tyagi

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Saffron is labour-intensive to produce as it is hand-harvested from delicate crocus flowers. It takes around 75,000 flowers to yield just a pound of saffron, driving prices up to ₹4 lakh per kilogram.

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Iberico Ham​

This luxurious ham is made from free-range, acorn-fed Iberian pigs in Spain and Portugal. Aged for years, the price of this delicacy can reach ₹75000 to ₹1 lakh per leg, making it a true symbol of indulgence.

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Beluga Caviar​

Considered the pinnacle of luxury in the culinary world, Beluga caviar comes from the rare Beluga sturgeon in the Caspian Sea. It’s a favourite among elite diners and can cost up to ₹8 lakh per kilogram.

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​Wagyu Beef​

Wagyu (cow) is raised with meticulous care, and this Japanese beef can command prices of ₹40000 per kilogram.

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​White Truffles​

Hunted in the forests of Italy and France, white truffles are prized for their intense aroma and flavour. So rare that they can’t be cultivated, these truffles can fetch about ₹3 lakh per kilogram and are often used to elevate fine dining dishes.

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Kopi Luwak ​

Collected from the droppings of civet cats after they eat and digest coffee cherries, Kopi Luwak is one of the most exotic and costly coffees in the world. Its prices reach up to ₹2 lakh per kilogram.

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​Bluefin Tuna​

A symbol of luxury in the sushi world, Bluefin tuna is prized for its tender, fatty meat. In 2019, a single Bluefin sold for a staggering $3.1 million at auction!

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​Ruby Roman Grapes​

These ultra-rare grapes are renowned for their perfect sweetness, size, and deep red colour. Cultivated in Japan, a single bunch once sold for ₹10 lakh, making them no less than actual jewels!

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Matsutake Mushrooms​

With their unique aroma and delicate flavour, Matsutake mushrooms are highly sought after in Japanese cuisine. Due to deforestation and their difficult growing conditions, these mushrooms can sell for up to ₹1.5 lakh per kilogram, making them a rare culinary gem.

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