Health benefits of eating dry fruits daily

Aug 4, 2024

By: BI India Bureau

Cholesterol control

Almonds, cashews and many other dry fruits are rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and good fats making them a superfood for someone who wants to get their cholesterol under control.

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Heart health

Consumption of dry fruits, due to the presence of good fats, has been proven to have a positive impact on heart health. Dry fruits like Almonds, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts.

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Bone Health

Dry fruits are good for bone health due to their high content of magnesium, and vitamin K, which support bone strength and overall skeletal health.

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Blood pressure management

Potassium found in dry fruits helps balance sodium levels and ultimately relax the blood vessels. Also, fibre and good fats help improve cardiovascular functioning.

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Weight loss

Dry fruits are loaded with fibre, nutrients and good fats which makes them satiating. This high satiety often stops people from overeating by making them feel full.

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Blood sugar control

The glycemic index of dry fruits is usually low which when combined with high fibre prevents rapid glucose spikes.

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Helps in constipation

Dry fruits such as figs, prunes and dates are rich in dietary fibre. Consuming these has a direct impact on your gut health and helps you deal with constipation.

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Immunity boost

Some dry fruits have a high concentration of B-6, magnesium, phosphorus or selenium. Consuming these minerals regularly is known to improve the immune system.

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