​Creatine 101: Everything you need to know about creatine the power supplement

Sep 28, 2024

By: Kapil Yadav

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​What is creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring non-protein nitrogen compound that provides the human body with energy for muscles, helping in their contraction. It ensures a consistent energy supply, allowing your muscles to perform effectively, particularly during exercise.

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Some of the most common forms of creatine supplements are creatine monohydrate, creatine hydrochloride, creatine nitrate and creatine ethyl ester. Even from these ones, creatine monohydrate is the most widely used one.

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​Natural sources of creatine

Although the human body produces its own in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas, the quantity is very small. You can also get it in small amounts from your diet by eating things like steak, ground beef, chicken and red meat etc.

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How creatine works?

Creatine boosts energy production in muscles by replenishing adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This enhances performance during high-intensity activities and promotes quicker recovery by reducing fatigue and improving muscle recovery.

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​Benefits of creatine

Creatine enhances strength, muscle mass and recovery. It also boosts endurance, supports cognitive function, aids older adults in preserving muscle and promotes hydration by increasing water retention in muscles.

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​Recommended dosage

According to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, creatine can be supplemented in a daily dosage of 3-5 grams or higher for several weeks. It will increase the creatinine levels in your body, but the body excretes it out in urine.

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​Myths and misconceptions

The most common myth is that creatine is an anabolic steroid which is not true. The second most common myth says that when you stop consuming creatine, your body will lose muscles.

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​Potential side effects

According to www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, taking 3-5 grams daily doesn’t have any side effects apart from mass gain due to water retention. However, to avoid any abnormal reactions, regular monitoring of your health markers is important.

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​Who should consider supplementing creatine?

Athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts seeking improved performance, strength and recovery may benefit from creatine supplementation, as well as older adults wanting to maintain muscle mass and function. It is also recommended to patients with neuromuscular diseases by medical professionals.

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