10 foods to avoid this monsoon to prevent illness

Jun 28, 2024

By: Ayush Mehrotra

Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables like spinach, lettuce, and cabbage tend to have more dirt and can be contaminated with germs and parasites due to stagnant water.

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Street Food

Items like pani puri, bhel puri, and other chaat should be avoided as the water used can be contaminated, increasing the risk of gastrointestinal infections.

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Raw Foods

Salads, uncooked sprouts, and sushi are better avoided as they may harbour bacteria and other pathogens.

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Fish and prawns are prone to spoilage quickly during monsoon, which increases the risk of food poisoning.

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Fried Foods

Although tempting, fried snacks can cause indigestion and acidity, especially when the oil used is not fresh.

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They can easily get contaminated with bacteria and fungi due to the damp weather conditions

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Cut Fruits

Fruits that are pre-cut and sold in the open can be contaminated with germs. Always opt for whole fruits and wash them thoroughly.

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Dairy Products

Milk and milk products can spoil quickly in humid weather, so ensure they are fresh and stored properly.

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Non-vegetarian items, especially chicken and mutton, can spoil faster. Ensure they are cooked thoroughly and consumed fresh.

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Juices from Stalls:

Fresh juices from roadside stalls can be made with contaminated water and unhygienic utensils.

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