10 nutrient-packed drinks for optimal hair growth

Oct 18, 2023

By: Ayush Mehrotra & Shagun Chaudhary

Beetroot Juice

Packed with essential nutrients like iron, beetroot juice improves blood circulation to the scalp, providing nourishment to hair follicles and encouraging growth.

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Cucumber-infused water

Cucumber-infused water is not only refreshing but also rich in silica, a compound that contributes to hair strength and growth.

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Carrot Juice

Rich in vitamin A, carrot juice aids in the production of sebum, a natural conditioner for the scalp. It also helps with hair elasticity and strength.

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Green Tea

Rich in antioxidants, green tea can help promote hair growth by reducing hair fall and strengthening the roots. It also contains polyphenols that stimulate hair follicles.

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Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is renowned for its soothing properties and is believed to improve hair health. It can reduce dandruff, add shine, and promote hair growth.

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Spinach Smoothies

Spinach is a great source of iron, vitamins, and minerals. A spinach smoothie can help maintain a healthy scalp and promote hair growth.

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Coconut Water

Hydration is key to healthy hair, and coconut water is a natural source of hydration and essential nutrients like potassium, which promotes hair health

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Herbal Teas (e.g., Peppermint and Nettle)

Herbal teas like peppermint and nettle can stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation in the scalp and providing essential nutrients.

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Protein Shakes

Hair is primarily made up of a protein called keratin. Including protein shakes in your diet can supply your body with the building blocks it needs for hair growth.

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Staying well-hydrated is crucial for overall health, including hair growth. Dehydration can lead to brittle hair, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

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