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These 7 animals have made some of the greatest journeys on Earth

First up: The globeskimmer dragonfly. Although this insect is the size of your pinkie, it can stay airborne for more than 4,400 miles.

These 7 animals have made some of the greatest journeys on Earth

But the dragonflies occasionally stop on islands to reproduce. Their progeny then join vast, multigenerational, island-hopping swarms that cross the Pacific.

But the dragonflies occasionally stop on islands to reproduce. Their progeny then join vast, multigenerational, island-hopping swarms that cross the Pacific.

Source: Tech Insider

Then there's the blue whale. Other than the Arctic, these 200-ton mammals can swim nearly anywhere in world's oceans, which cover 71% of the planet's surface.

Then there

Blue whales raise their calves in warm tropical waters in winter, then head for krill-dense Arctic waters in the summer — easily covering thousands of miles a year.

Blue whales raise their calves in warm tropical waters in winter, then head for krill-dense Arctic waters in the summer — easily covering thousands of miles a year.

Source: Tech Insider

Unlike dragonflies or whales, however, some animals weren't designed for such incredible passages. But they made them anyway.

Unlike dragonflies or whales, however, some animals weren

Tortoises, for instance, started in Africa yet likely got to South America due to their uncanny hardiness — they can float with their heads above water and go without food or fresh water for six months.

Tortoises, for instance, started in Africa yet likely got to South America due to their uncanny hardiness — they can float with their heads above water and go without food or fresh water for six months.

What about animals that don't have that kind of grit? Most probably made their incredible transoceanic journeys aboard accidental rafts of vegetation.

What about animals that don

Rafts across the Atlantic Ocean explain how many animals, which are now native to South America, managed to populate the continent.

Rafts across the Atlantic Ocean explain how many animals, which are now native to South America, managed to populate the continent.

That's the current explanation for how these poorly flying hoatzins got to South America. Tens of millions of years ago, they probably floated from Africa to their current home in the Amazon rainforest.


Accidental rafts may also explain how primates, like the black tufted marmoset, also made their way to South America.

Accidental rafts may also explain how primates, like the black tufted marmoset, also made their way to South America.

Source: BBC

Most of these ocean crossings happened about 30 million years ago. South America had not yet drifted far from Africa — making the south Atlantic considerably narrower.

Most of these ocean crossings happened about 30 million years ago. South America had not yet drifted far from Africa — making the south Atlantic considerably narrower.

Source: BBC

And rafting is still going on today. Scientists recently observed one in action with a group of green iguanas in the Caribbean.

And rafting is still going on today. Scientists recently observed one in action with a group of green iguanas in the Caribbean.

Source: Nature

Following a 1995 hurricane, fisherman on the island of Antigua noticed that the non-native iguanas had washed ashore aboard a raft of uprooted trees and logs.

Following a 1995 hurricane, fisherman on the island of Antigua noticed that the non-native iguanas had washed ashore aboard a raft of uprooted trees and logs.

Of course, no list of animal journeys would be complete without our own species. We managed to walk all the way from East Africa through Asia, over a frozen Bering Strait into North America, and through South America.

Of course, no list of animal journeys would be complete without our own species. We managed to walk all the way from East Africa through Asia, over a frozen Bering Strait into North America, and through South America.

But the indigenous people of Tierra del Fuego are the champions: They made their way to the southernmost tip of South America and, like the Yaghan people below, who also have the distinction of being the most southerly human culture on the planet.

But the indigenous people of Tierra del Fuego are the champions: They made their way to the southernmost tip of South America and, like the Yaghan people below, who also have the distinction of being the most southerly human culture on the planet.

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