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A Times Square theater that's been abandoned for nearly 30 years is getting a $100 million makeover. Here's what it will look like.

Aria Bendix   

A Times Square theater that's been abandoned for nearly 30 years is getting a $100 million makeover. Here's what it will look like.
Science1 min read

Exterior TST sm

Stillman Development International

The Times Square theater will be renovated by 2020.

In the heart of Times Square, amid a barrage of tourists and billboards, taxi cabs and LED lights, stands an abandoned theater covered in scaffolding. Though it's located in one of the busiest entertainment districts in the world, the structure has stood empty for nearly three decades.

As the nation's retail industry began to decline, the theater struggled to find an owner that could afford its coveted location. Many have tried, and failed, to implement their grand visions for the site, which dates back to the early 20th century.

In the 1990s, a restoration group called The New 42nd Street undertook the mission of renovating seven neglected Times Square theaters. Of all their historical projects, the abandoned building at 215 West 42nd Street is the last to be refurbished.

After interviewing more than 100 applicants, The New 42nd Street finally landed on a developer to convert the old theater into a 52,000 square-foot retail center, featuring glass walls and a two-tiered outdoor terrace.

Take a look at the building's century-long transformation, which is set to be complete in two years' time.


