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20 stunning photos of unreal landscapes, incredible animals, and mesmerizing underwater scenes

Aerials, third place winner.

20 stunning photos of unreal landscapes, incredible animals, and mesmerizing underwater scenes

Aerials, second place winner.

Aerials, second place winner.

Snow-covered metasequoia trees, also called dawn redwoods, interlace over a road in Takashima, Japan.

Aerials, first place winner.

Aerials, first place winner.

In Sydney, Australia, the Pacific Ocean at high tide breaks over a natural rock pool enlarged in the 1930s. Avoiding the crowds at the city’s many beaches, a local swims laps.

Aerials, honorable mention.

Aerials, honorable mention.

Migratory gulls take flight from a cedar tree being washed downstream by a glacial river in British Columbia, Canada.

Aerials, people's choice award.

Aerials, people

Green vegetation blooms at the river's edge, or riparian, zone of a meandering canyon in Utah.

Wildlife, third place winner.

Wildlife, third place winner.

Two grey herons spar as a white-tailed eagle looks on in Hungary.

Wildlife, second place winner.

Wildlife, second place winner.

An adult Caribbean pink flamingo feeds a chick in Yucatán, Mexico. Both parents alternate feeding chicks, at first with a liquid baby food called crop milk, and then with regurgitated food.

Wildlife, first place winner and grand-prize winner.

Wildlife, first place winner and grand-prize winner.

A male orangutan peers from behind a tree while crossing a river in Borneo, Indonesia.

Wildlife, honorable mention.

Wildlife, honorable mention.

A Japanese macaque indulges in some grooming time on the shores of the famous hot springs.

Wildelife, people's choice award.

Wildelife, people

A great gray owl swoops to kill in a New Hampshire field.

Landscapes, third place winner.

Landscapes, third place winner.

A summer thunderstorm unleashes lightning on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Landscapes, second place winner.

Landscapes, second place winner.

Sunlight glances off mineral strata of different colors in Dushanzi Grand Canyon, China.

Landscapes, first place winner.

Landscapes, first place winner.

Shortly before twilight in Kalapana, Hawaii, a fragment of the cooled lava tube broke away, leaving the molten rock to fan in a fiery spray for less than half an hour before returning to a steady flow.

Landscapes, honorable mention.

Landscapes, honorable mention.

Morning fog blurs the dead trees of Romania's Lake Cuejdel, a natural reservoir created by landslides.

Landscapes, people's choice award.

Landscapes, people

Sunset illuminates a lighthouse and rainbow in the Faroe Islands.

Underwater, third place winner.

Underwater, third place winner.

Buoyed by the Gulf Stream, a flying fish arcs through the night-dark water five miles off Palm Beach, Florida.

Underwater, second place winner.

Underwater, second place winner.

Typically a shy species, a Caribbean reef shark investigates a remote-triggered camera in Cuba’s Gardens of the Queen marine protected area.

Underwater, first place winner.

Underwater, first place winner.

Blue-filtered strobe lights stimulate fluorescent pigments in the clear tentacles of a tube-dwelling anemone in Hood Canal, Washington.

Underwater, honorable mention.

Underwater, honorable mention.

Preparing to strike, tarpon cut through a ribbon-like school of scad off the coast of Bonaire in the Caribbean Sea.

Underwater, people's choice award.

Underwater, people

A Portuguese man-of-war nears the beach on a summer morning; thousands of these jellyfish wash up on Australia's eastern coast every year.

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