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Scary Video Shows American Fans Getting Pelted With Projectiles At The USA-Mexico Soccer Game

Mar 27, 2013, 21:18 IST

The US tied Mexico 0-0 at the Azteca Stadium in Mexico City last night. It was only the second time the US team won a point in the notoriously hostile Azteca, and Mexico was rightfully upset about it.


Some brave (crazy?) American fans trekked to Mexico City to watch the game. They sat in a section guarded by riot police, but that didn't stop Mexican fans from lobbing beer bottles, coins, and other debris into the section.

This video (via Big Lead) shows what it was like in the section right after the final whistle blew.

An American at the game also posted this photo on Instagram, which he says is a US fan after he got hit in the forehead with a bottle:


Aaron Gordon of The Classical was in the crowd, and he reported on Twitter that Americans were getting hit with all sorts of things:

He also got a better shot of that guy who get bloodied.

The lesson here is never go to a USA-Mexico game in the Azteca.

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